Design and implement a REST API using Hibernate/Spring/SpringMVC (or Spring-Boot) without frontend. See more in expression of requirements: spring-rest-service_en or spring-rest-service_ru
- See Requirements
- Clone this repository from git and go to app dir:
git clone lunch-vm
cd lunch-vm
- For quick test: deploy it with maven (DB is stored in RAM)
mvn clean package -P test cargo:run
all data will be destroyed after app is stopping - For usage permanently (DB is stored in project dir):
- install and first run with next command:
mvn clean package -P install cargo:run
- resuming app usage after stopping available with this command:
mvn package cargo:run
- install and first run with next command:
Project will be deployed at lunch_vm application context
Base path for this project (deployed into application context lunch_vm): localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/
Authority: all authorized users (/register
endpoint is available to unregistered users)
Base URL: localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Functionality | Example (curl command) | Success Response Code |
/profile/register | POST | Register a new user | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/profile/register -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' -d '{"name":"newName", "email":"[email protected]", "password":"newPassword"}' | 201 |
/profile | GET | Get user profile | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/profile/ --user [email protected]:newPassword | 200 |
/profile | PUT | Update user profile | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/profile -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:newPassword -d '{"name":"New userName", "email":"[email protected]", "password":"otherPassword"}' | 204 |
/profile | DELETE | Delete user profile | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/profile -X DELETE --user [email protected]:otherPassword | 204 |
Base URL: localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest
NOTE: by default decision time is 11:00 AM
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Functionality | Example (curl command) | Success Response Code |
/votes | GET | Get all own votes | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/votes?date={date} | GET | Get own vote for specified date | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes?date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/votes/restaurant/{restaurantId} | GET | Get votes for restaurant today | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes/restaurant/100002 --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/votes/restaurant/{restaurantId}?dateFrom={date}&dateTo={date} | GET | Get votes for restaurant with dates between (blank date is equal today) | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s "http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes/restaurant/100002?dateFrom=2019-06-27&dateTo=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)" --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/votes/restaurant/{restaurantId} | POST, PUT | To vote (only new votes of today accepted) for restaurant with restaurantId | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes/restaurant/100003 -X POST --user [email protected]:admin | 201 |
/votes/restaurant/{restaurantId} | PUT, POST | Change the vote today for another restaurant (before decision time is end) | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes/restaurant/100003 -X PUT --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/votes/restaurant/{restaurantId} | PUT, POST | Change the vote today for another restaurant (after decision time is end) | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes/restaurant/100003 -X PUT --user [email protected]:password | 422 |
/votes | DELETE | Delete a today vote (before decision time is end) | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes -X DELETE --user [email protected]:password | 204 |
/votes | DELETE | Delete a today vote (after decision time is end) | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/votes -X DELETE --user [email protected]:password | 422 |
Base URL: localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Functionality | Example (curl command) | Success Response Code |
/restaurants | GET | Get all restaurants with their menu (with menu items), which have a lunch menu for today | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId} | GET | Get restaurant with specified ID | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants/100002 --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/restaurants/byName?name={restaurantName} | GET | Get restaurant with specified name | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s "http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants/byName?name=Mc'Downalds" --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus | GET | Get all menus for restaurant | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants/100002/menus --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId} | GET | Get menu (without menu items) for restaurant | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants/100002/menus/100005 --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId}/meals | GET | Get all menu items only (i.e. meals) for menu | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants/100002/menus/100005/meals --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId}/meals/{mealId} | GET | Get menu item (meal) for menu | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/restaurants/100002/menus/100005/meals/100018 --user [email protected]:password | 200 |
Authority: admins only (who has role ROLE_ADMIN
Base URL: localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Functionality | Example (curl command) | Success Response Code |
/users | POST | Create new user | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/users -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"name":"newName", "email":"[email protected]", "password":"newPassword"}' | 201 |
/users | GET | Get all users | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/users --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/users/{id} | GET | Get user profile with specified ID | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/users/100000 --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/users/by?email={email} | GET | Get user with specified email | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/users/[email protected] --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/users/{id} | PUT | Change user profile | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/users/100000 -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"name":"Updated User name", "email":"[email protected]", "password":"password"}' | 204 |
/users/{id} | DELETE | Delete user profile | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/users/100000 -X DELETE --user [email protected]:admin | 204 |
Base URL: localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Functionality | Example (curl command) | Success Response Code |
/votes/user/{userId} | GET | Get all user votes | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/votes/user/100001 --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/votes/user/{userId}?date={date} | GET | Get user vote for specified date | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/votes/user/100001?date=2019-06-27 --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/votes/restaurant/{restaurantId} | GET | Get all votes for restaurant | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/votes/restaurant/100002 --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
Base URL: localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Functionality | Example (curl command) | Success Response Code |
/restaurants | GET | Get all restaurants | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/restaurants?sort={sort}&direction={direction} | GET | Get all restaurants sorted by "sort" and "direction" ASC or DESC (default is ASC) | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s "http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants?sort=name&direction=desc" --user [email protected]:admin | 200 |
/restaurants | POST | Add new restaurant | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"name":"newRestaurant"}' | 201 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId} | PUT | Update restaurant with specified ID | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100002 -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"name":"New restaurant name"}' | 204 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId} | DELETE | Delete restaurant with specified ID | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100002 -X DELETE --user [email protected]:admin | 204 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus | POST | Add new menu to restaurant | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100003/menus -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"actual": "'$(date +%Y-%m-%d)'"}' | 201 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId} | PUT | Update menu for restaurant | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100003/menus/100008 -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"actual": "2020-03-03"}' | 204 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId} | DELETE | Delete restaurant menu | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100003/menus/100008 -X DELETE --user [email protected]:admin | 204 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId}/meals | POST | Add new menu item (meal) to menu | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s 'http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100004/menus/100011/meals' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"name":"Coffee Latte", "price":355}' | 201 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId}/meals/{mealId} | PUT | Update menu item | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100004/menus/100011/meals/100029 -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8' --user [email protected]:admin -d '{"name":"Coffee", "price":533}' | 204 |
/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menus/{menuId}/meals/{mealId} | DELETE | Delete menu item | curl -w "\t%{http_code}\n" -s http://localhost:8080/lunch_vm/rest/admin/restaurants/100004/menus/100011/meals/100029 -X DELETE --user [email protected]:admin | 204 |
- JDK 11 or later (you can use a free Oracle OpenJDK or another)
- Apache Maven for build and run the project