DIME frontend is - as it's name suggests - a frontend for a DIME timetracking server.
This is under heavy development, but should be ready for production until Summer 2016.
Clone repository, run npm install
Copy src/parameters.js.template
to src/parameters.js
and edit server URL
in there.
Build everything by running npm run build
and open your browser to start using Dime.
To build everything on file change, just run npm run watch
, which packs your
js via browserify and converts your stylus files to css.
We are using the power of Mithril, which is a great framework to write frontend Javascript using functional programming.
To find the origin of a specific element in your DOM, you may add ?mdebug
a URL parameter and you will see it as a title on hover after reload.
Our design is based on Daemonite, that we converted to Stylus and all our styles are written in Stylus, too.
Btw. you may convert existing CSS to Stylus by calling
node_modules/.bin/stylus -C <path/to/your/css> <path/to/your/styl>
(and that's what we did with Daemonite), but you should not need that.
To run tests before commit, we recommend to run
ln -s ../../.pre-commit.sh .git/hooks/pre-commit
to add the pre-commit hook to your local Git configuration.