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Redmine Hours is a plugin to fill out your weekly timelog / timesheet easier.
Similar to WorkTime plugin, but it's more comfortable...
With the plugin you can:
- see an "Hours" main menu item in the header (it's easy to access anytime)
- see your current week entries (activities) in one page
- edit your weekly time entries in one page, with one single "save"
- see your current day entries in one page
- edit your daily time entries in one page with comments
- change between daily/weekly view
- change previous/next days or weeks easily
- add more time entries easily to your current week
- get a pre-filled weekly view depending on your previous week
Get the latest source from GitHub.
This version of the plugin is compatible with Redmine 1.4 and 2.x.
Follow the Redmine plugin installation steps.
- Make sure the plugin was copied to vendor/plugins/redmine_hours (git clone
- Restart your Redmine web servers (e.g. mongrel, thin, mod_rails)
- Click the "Hours" link in the top (main) menu
The plugin was written by developers of Digital Natives team (primary Zsófia Balogh).
This plugin is released under the MIT license.