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1083 lines (1015 loc) · 66.8 KB

Change Log

Framework7 v1.4.2 - Updated on February 27, 2016

  • Material Theme
    • Added colors support for speed dial buttons
  • Push State
    • New pushStateOnLoad app parameter (by default is true) allows to disable first push state navigation on app load
    • preventPushStateOnLoad app parameter that is used to block initial and falsy popstate event in Safari, has been removed now in favor of another fix
  • Autocomplete
    • Fixed issue with dropdown autocomplete not being opened on Androids
    • Fixed issue with standalone autocomplete searchbar overlay on iOS
    • More standalone autocomplete exposed properties: page, pageData, searchbar with search bar instance
  • Router
    • Now it will save URL query for inline page which was ignored before, for URLs like #about?foo=bar
    • A bit more imporved positioning for Dynamic navbar elements animation
  • Dom7
    • New .closest(selector) method to find elements matching specified selector starting from the element itself
    • .text() method is now "chainable"
  • Grid
    • More sizes added. Now all available sizes for columns are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 33, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 66, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
  • Modals
    • Now it is supported to pass HTMLElement into .popup, .popover and .pickerModal methods
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.3.1 version:
    • New 3D Flip effect. Can be enabled with `effect: 'flip' parameter
    • New types of pagination with new parameters:
      • paginationType - type of pagination. Can be 'bullets' (default) or 'fraction' or 'progress' or 'custom'
      • paginationFractionRender(swiper, currentClass, totalClass) - custom function to render "fraction" type pagination
      • paginationProgressRender(swiper, progressbarClass) - custom function to render "progress" type pagination
      • paginationCustomRender(swiper, current, total) - custom function to render "custom" type pagination
    • New lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount parameter allows to lazy load images in specified amount of next/prev slides
    • New autoplayStopOnLast parameter (true by default) tells to autoplay should it stop on last slide or start from first slide
    • New onAutoplay(swiper) callback
    • New uniqueNavElements parameter. If enabled (by default) and navigation elements' parameters passed as the string (like .pagination) then Swiper will look for such elements through child elements first. Applies for pagination, prev/next buttons and scrollbar
    • New onPaginationRendered callback. Will be fired after pagination elements generated and added to DOM
    • New .reLoop() method, which combines .destroyLoop() + .createLoop() methods with additional positioning fixes. Useful to call after you have changed slidesPerView parameter, it will dynamically recreate duplicated slides required for loop
    • New .nextButton and .prevButton properties with Dom7 element with next/prev button HTML element
  • Forms
    • New app.destroyResizableTextarea() method to destroy resizable textarea
  • Numerous minor fixes and improvements

Framework7 v1.4.0 - Updated on December 7, 2015

  • New mobile-friendly "Autocomplete" component. Comes with 2 modifications as Dropdown or Standalone autocomplete
  • New "Progress Bar" component. Includes 3 different types of progress bar for each theme: "Determinate", "Indeterminate" and "Indeterminate Multi-color"
  • New "Swipeable Tabs" component which allows you to change Tabs by swiping left/right
  • Material Theme
    • Fixed issue with Notifications closing without animation in webkit browsers
    • New "Scrollable Tabbar" Tabbar modification. Allows to swipe/scroll through tab links if they all don't fit into view
    • New "Bottom Toolbar" Toolbar modification. It allows to use Toolbar on the bottom of screen instead of only on the top
    • New "Speed dial" Floating Action Button transition when it shows additional action buttons by tapping on it
    • New "Popover Morph" Floating Action Button transition when it morphs to Popover by tapping on it
    • Reworked "Preloader" in favor of plain HTML elements animation instead of SVG which has visual issues on "slow" devices.
      • materialPreloaderSvg parameter is deprectated and replaced with the new one materialPreloaderHtml
  • Dom7
    • Added option to trigger multiple events using space separated syntax .trigger('event1 event2 event3')
  • Calendar
    • Fixed Calendar dates ordering on iOS in Date Range Picker mode
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.2.7 version:
    • New "Auto Height" mode when container/wrapper adopts to the height of currently active slide. Can be enabled with autoHeight: true parameter
    • Numerous minor improvements
  • Custom Build
    • Added "progressbar" and "autcomplete" modules
  • Numerous minor fixes and improvements

Framework7 v1.3.5 - Updated on November 8, 2015

  • Material Theme:
    • Fixed issue with not disappearing "ripples" in hidden elements
    • Fixed Searchbar color when using color themes
    • New "Chips" component
  • Calendar
    • New Date Range Picker mode, can be simple enabled by passing rangePicker: true parameter
    • "Date range"-type parameter now accepts mixed types (single date + date range)
  • Push State
    • Fixed issue for dynamic pages loaded with passing DOM directly
    • Fixed issue with Push State on start from inline-pages
    • Imporved behavior with empty pushStateSeparator and pushStateRoot
  • Virtual List
    • New showFilteredItemsOnly parameter to show filtered items only when using filter
  • Modals
    • Reworked overlay's z-indexes
  • Router
    • Added support for passing DOM content in preprocess callback
    • Fixed issue with page.query getting lost for deep Inline pages navigation
  • Dom7
    • Added support for XHR DELETE, OPTIONS and PATCH methods
    • $.serializeObject now serialize deep objects and arrays
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.2.0 version:
    • Added responsive breakpoints support using new breakpoints parameter. Now you can specify different slidesPerView and other similar parameters for different sizes
    • New callbacks: onSlideNextStart, onSlideNextEnd, onSlidePrevStart, onSlidePrevEnd
    • Minor fixes
  • Numerous minor fixes and improvements

Framework7 v1.3.1 - Updated on October 12, 2015

  • Fixed issue with not showing "Cancel" button in Searchbar
  • Fixed issue with Modal without buttons (liek Preloader modal)

Framework7 v1.3.0 - Updated on October 10, 2015

  • iOS Theme
    • New appearence to match new iOS 9 design, mostly for Overlays: Modal, Popover and Action Sheet
    • Support for new San Francisco font:
    • Fixed issue with switch toggle in RTL layout
  • Material Theme
    • dynamicNavbar will be disabled automatically for this theme
    • Added no-ripple class to disable ripple effect on specific elements
    • Fixed issue with floating labels with predefined values
    • Fixed behavior of hidden toolbars/tabbars
    • Fixed issue in RTL layout for tab bar
  • Smart Select
    • App's smartSelectInPopup parameter is removed
    • Added new app's smartSelectOpenIn parameter. Can be page, popup or picker. By default is page
    • Added option to open it in picker:
      • Using data-open-in="picker" attribute or smartSelectOpenIn app's parameter
      • Picker close button text can be specified:
        • Using data-picker-close-text attribute
        • New app's smartSelectPickerCloseText parameter. By default is Done
      • Smart Select picker height can be controlled using data-picker-height attribute
    • Added support for none-standard maxlength attribute on <select> element to limit amount of selected items for "multiple" select
  • Dom7
    • New prependTo(parent) method to prepend element to parent
    • New appendTo(parent) method to append element to parent
    • Ajax: added support for data types different from "text", like "arraybuffer" and others
    • $.serializeObject method now supports deep objects with objects and arrays
  • Swipeout
    • Now overswipe-button will have additonal "swipeout-overswipe-active" class during overswipe
    • New data-close-on-cancel="true" attribute for "swipeout-delete" buttons with data-confirm to close swipeout element in case of user canceled confirm dialog
  • Photo Browser
    • Double tap to zoom now zooms to the tapped position, not only to the center of picture
  • Messagebar
    • Now when you type new message it will scroll messages pages to bottom only in case if you are in the bottom of this page
  • Picker
    • Added closeByOutsideClick parameter to close picker automatically when you click outside of related input or picker. By default is true
    • Now it will set related input's value on initialization with specified value
  • Calendar
    • Added closeByOutsideClick parameter to close picker automatically when you click outside of related input or picker. By default is true
    • Now it will set related input's value on initialization with specified value
    • New disabled parameter to specify additional "disabled" days
    • New events parameter to specify dates with "events" (will be marked with additional dots)
    • New rangesClasses parameter to easily add custom classes to specified dates
  • Pull To Refresh
    • New events pullstart, pullmove, pullend and refreshdone
  • Forms
    • Better cross-browser support for input[type="range"] element
  • Virtual List
    • Fixed issue with size and scroll calculating when initialized in hidden tab
    • Fixed issue with size and scroll calculating when used not in page
  • Searchbar
    • Fixed issue with close button when initialized in hidden tab
  • Lazy Loading
    • Fixed issue with lazy loading in hidden tab
  • Template7 update to latest 1.1.0 version:
    • Fixed access to data (@index, @key) and root context (@root) in partials
    • Fixed null variables not to be outputed
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.1.7 version:
    • Fixed issue with wrong slides fill when number of slides less than slidesPerView * slidesPerColumn with slidesPerColumnFill: 'row'
    • Added support for images srcset with lazy loading using data-srcset attribute
    • Fixed new Chrome errors with WebkitCSSMatrix
    • Fixed issue with slideToClickedSlide with loop and centeredSlides
    • New freeModeMinimumVelocity parameter to set minimum required touch velocity to trigger free mode momentum
    • Ability to make the Scrollbar draggable using new paramaters:
      • scrollbarDraggable - (boolean) by default is false. Allows to enable draggable scrollbar
      • scrollbarSnapOnRelease - (boolean) by default is false. Control slider snap on scrollbar release
  • Router
    • Now precompiled/cached tamplates will be ignored in case of ignoreCache: true parameter
    • Fixed issue with domCache when going back with force:true to home page
  • Lot of minor fixes and improvements

Framework7 v1.2.0 - Updated on July 18, 2015

  • New full featured Material theme designed according to Google guidelines
  • New Material-specific App' parameters:
    • material - should be set to true to enable Material-specific JS logic
    • materialPageLoadDelay - option to add page loading delay (in ms)
    • materialPreloaderSvg - HTML code for Material preloader
    • materialRipple - option to enable Material-specific touch ripple effect (enabled by default)
    • materialRippleElements - list of elements to apply touch ripple effect
  • New CSS files structure
    • All color-specific styles (color themes) are moved to separate *.colors.css file
    • *.themes.css file has beend removed and its content merged into *.colors.css file
    • Each theme has its own CSS files:
      • framework7.ios.css - main styles for iOS theme
      • framework7.ios.colors.css - color-specific styles for iOS theme
      • framework7.ios.rtl.css - RTL layout styles for iOS theme
      • framework7.material.css - main styles for Material theme
      • framework7.material.colors.css - color-specific styles for Material theme
      • framework7.material.rtl.css - RTL layout styles for Material theme
  • Kitchen Sink has been splitted into two platform specific Kitchen Sinks
  • Material theme breaking changes:
    • Material theme doesn't support Dynamic Navbar
    • Material theme doesn't support Through-type layout for Navbars/Toolbars
    • A bit different layout for Checkboxes/Radios (check Kitchen Sink examples)
    • Notifications are now displayed as so called Snackbars & Toasts
    • Toolbar/Tabbar is now on the top of the page, under the Navbar
  • Photo Browser
    • Photo Browser main template changed to Template7 template
  • Smart Select
    • Fixed issue with using of optgroup with only one option with Virtual List enabled
  • Calendar
    • Fixed issue with wrong date formatting
  • Notifications
    • New global notificationCloseButtonText and local closeButtonText parameters for button on notifcation (toast) (Used in material theme only)
  • Swipeout
    • Fixed issue with none closing swipeout using a fast swipe
  • Forms
    • New Resizable textareas
    • All form icons are converted to SVG
  • Pull To Refresh
    • Fixed "jumping" effect during multi-touch pull on iOS
  • RTL
    • Fixed issue with back pages navigation
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.1.0 version:
    • Accessibility (a11y)
      • Fixed issue with wrong buttons labels
      • Added support for pagination bullets
      • New accessibility parameter for pagination label paginationBulletMessage: 'Go to slide {{index}}'
    • Controler
      • New parameter controlBy which can be 'slide' (by default) or 'container'. Defines a way how to control another slider: slide by slide or depending on all slides/container (like before)
      • Now controllers in controlBy: 'slide' (default) mode will respect grid of each other
    • Pagination
      • New paginationElement parameter defines which HTML tag will be use to represent single pagination bullet. By default it is span
    • New roundLengths parameter (by default is false) to round values of slides width and height to prevent blurry texts on usual resolution screens
    • New slidesOffsetBefore: 0 and slidesOffsetAfter: 0 (in px) parameters to add additional slide offset within a container
    • Correct calculation for slides size when use CSS padding on .swiper-container
    • Fixed issue with not working onResize handler when swipes are locked
    • Fixed issue with "jumping" effect when you disable onlyExternal during touchmove
    • Fixed issue when slider goes to previos slide from last slide after window resize
  • Custom builder will build both iOS and Android specific CSS files
  • Lot of minor fixes and improvements

Framework7 v1.0.7 - Updated on June 20, 2015

  • Dom7
    • New .removeData(key) method to remove element data
    • New .filter(func) method to filter elements collections
    • Now initial XHR request parameters are available in xhr.requestParameters property
  • Push State
    • Fixed issues in FireFox/IE when going back produces infinite transition to first page in history
  • Searchbar
    • Fixed issue with not fully active Search Bar when using customSearch:true
    • searchbarHideDividers and searchbarHideGroups parameters are moved from global app parameters to Searchbar instance parameters
    • Now support callback parameters on initialization: onSearch, onEnable, onDisable, onClear
    • Searchbar instance has new .query property with current seaarch query
  • Accordion
    • Fixed issue when using Accordion with media lists
  • Messages
    • Improved "auto-scroll" behavior when adding new message
  • Photo Browser
    • Fixed issues with onSlideChangeStart, onSlideChangeEnd callbacks which actually were onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd
    • Added support for Swiper's onTransitionStart, onTransitionEnd callbacks
  • Color Themes
    • Now border-@color class will set correct border color on elements that use pseudo-elements (:after, :before) as a borders
  • Overlays
    • Now pages and navbars in modals/popups should be initialized as normal pages on overlay open/creation
  • Template7 updated to latest 1.0.6 version:
    • Partials support:
      • registerPartial(name, template) method to register partial
      • unregisterPartial(name, template) method to unregister partial
      • > helper to include partials like {{> list}}
    • New escape helper for escaping strings
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.0.8 version:
    • Fixed issue with wrong active index and callbacks in Fade effect
    • New mousewheel parameters:
      • mousewheelReleaseOnEdges - will release mousewheel event and allow page scrolling when swiper is on edge positions (in the beginning or in the end)
      • mousewheelInvert - option to invert mousewheel slides
    • Fixed issue with lazy loading in next slides when slidesPerView > 1
    • Fixed issue with resistance bounds when swiping is locked
    • Fixed issue with wrong slides order in multi-row mode (when slidesPerColumn > 1)
    • Fixed issue with not working keyboard control in RTL mode
    • Fixed issue with nested fade-effect swipers
  • Lot of minor fixes

Framework7 v1.0.6 - Updated on May 1, 2015

  • Dom7
    • Improved performance for outerWidth and outerHeight methods
    • .serializeObject method will apply encode uri to serialized string
  • Searchbar
    • Fixed search when using groups
    • New option removeDiacritics to remove/replace diacritics characters (á, í, ó, etc.) during search
  • Push State
    • New pushStatePreventOnLoad option to prevent pop state on app load
  • Navbars / Toolbars
    • New option showBarsOnPageScrollTop to show bars when scoll page to top
  • View
    • More swipe back callbacks/events on View: swipebackmove -> swipeBackMove, swipeBackBeforeChange, swipeBackBeforeReset, swipeBackAfterChange, swipeBackAfterReset
  • Calendar, Picker
    • Fixed issues when input is not specified
  • Grid
    • New auto layout columns (equal width) with col-auto class
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.0.7 version:
    • New width and height parameters to force Swiper size, useful when it is hidden on intialization
    • Better support for "Scroll Container". So now Swiper can be used as a scroll container with one single "scrollable"/"swipeable" slide
    • Added lazy loading for background images with data-background attribute on required elements
    • New "Sticky Free Mode" (with freeModeSticky parameter) which will snap to slides positions in free mode
    • Fixed issues with lazy loading
    • Fixed slide removing when loop mode is enabled
    • Fixed issues with Autoplay and Fade effect
  • Custom Build
    • Fixed issues with not working custom build
  • Lot of minor fixes

Framework7 v1.0.5 - Updated on March 28, 2015

  • Dom7
    • $.camelCase utilite renamed to $.toCamelCase
    • .removeAttr() method now returns current Dom7 collection
    • All response statuses that are between 200 and 300 will fire "success" callback/event
  • Fast Clicks
    • Fixed issue whith removing "Active state" when using fastClicksDistanceThreshold
    • Fixed issues with multiple clicks on Android < 4.4
    • New Tap Hold Event
      • It is can be used (if enabled) as usual event on any element like $('.something').on('taphold', handler)
      • It is controled by new App parameters
        • tapHold: false - set to true to enable tap hold events
        • tapHoldDelay: 750 - how long (in ms) the user must hold their tap before the taphold event is fired on the target element
        • tapHoldPreventClicks: true - if enabled (by default), then click event will not be fired after tap hold
  • Navbar
    • Dynamic Navbar now has some events similar to page events: navbarReinit, navbarBeforeInit, navbarInit, navbarBeforeRemove. Each event detail contains:
      • navbar - object with related navbar elements navbarContainer and navbarInnerContainer
      • page - object with related page data
  • Action Sheet
    • Each button support new additional disabled parameter to make button disabled
    • Added "Action Sheet To Popover" template that can be changed using App's modalActionsToPopoverTemplate parameter
  • Messages
    • New methods to handle messages:
      • messages.removeMessage(message) - remove message
      • messages.removeMessages(messages) - remove multiple messages per once
      • messages.addMessages(newMessages, method, animate) - add multiple messages per once
    • The following methods have new additional animate argument that allows to add new messages immediately without any transition and page scrolling
      • messages.addMessage(message, method, animate)
      • messages.appendMessage(message, animate)
      • messages.prependMessage(message, animate)
    • New messages initialization parameter that allows to pass initial messages using JS on initialization
  • Template7 update to latest 1.0.5 version:
    • Support for root context that may be used in templates as {{@root.someVar}}
    • Improved support for paths:
      • Support to access arrays directly by index {{someArray.2}}
      • Better support for context "level up" {{../../../someVar}}
    • New JS helpers with direct JS execution:
      • `{{js "this.price * 2"}} - inline helper to modify/check context on the fly or do some JS calculations
      • `{{#js_compare "this.price > 1000"}}Too expensive{{/js_compare}} - block helper for easier compares of variables
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.0.6 version:
    • Fixed sometimes wrong slides position when using "Fade" effect
    • .destroy(deleteInstance, cleanupStyles) method now has second cleanupStyles argument, when passed - all custom styles will be removed from slides, wrapper and container. Useful if you need to destroy Swiper and to init again with new options or in different direction

Framework7 v1.0.4 - Updated on March 21, 2015

  • Router
    • preprocess callback parameter now also supported by View on its initialisation which could overwrite preprocess app' parameter (if specified)
    • New preroute(view, options) callback parameter which is supported by App and View on their initialisation. This callback allows to prevent default router load/back action and to load another page or do another required actions
  • Swipeout
    • Fixed issue with not opening swipeout after incomplete transition
    • Fixed issue with triggering overswipe action on mobiles
  • Messages
    • New method messages.clean() - to clean/remove all the messages
  • Calendar
    • Fixed issues with years switch when using min/maxDate which didn't allow to return to the current year
    • New parameter onlyInPopover (disabled by default). Enable it and Calendar will be always opened in Popover
  • Picker
    • New parameter onlyInPopover (disabled by default). Enable it and Picker will be always opened in Popover
    • Fixed issues with not-clickable "items" after using col.replaceValues method
  • Fast Clicks
    • Fixed issue that didn't allow to call click programmatically (using after first synthetic click
  • Dom7
    • Added jQuery-like $.each(object, callback) method to iterate through Objects and Arrays
    • Added optional callback argument for $.scrollTo/Top/Left methods to be executed after scrolling completed. With the following arguments options:
      • $.scrollTo(left, top, duration, easing, callback)
      • $.scrollTo(left, top, duration, callback)
      • $.scrollTop(top, duration, easing, callback)
      • $.scrollTop(top, duration, callback)
      • $.scrollLeft(top, duration, easing, callback)
      • $.scrollLeft(top, duration, callback)
  • Swipe Back
    • Will automatically close any active Picker Modals
  • Searchbar
    • New customSearch parameter. When enabled searchbar will not search through any of list blocks specified by searchList and you will be able to use custom search functionality, for example, for calling external APIs with search results and for displaying them manually
    • Added ability to search in different places by passing a list of elements in searchIn parameters, for example: searchIn: '.item-title, .item-text'
  • View
    • New App method to get current (currently visible and active) View instance:
      • myApp.getCurrentView(index) - return currently active View. If there are few currently active views (as in split view layout), then you need to specify index number of View, otherwise this method will return an array with current Views
  • Push State
    • More strictly locked to main view only to prevent states from other views
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.0.5 version
    • New Keyboard accessibility module to provide focusable navigation buttons and basic ARIA for screen readers with new parameters:
    • a11y: false - enable accessibility
    • prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide' - message for screen readers for previous button
    • nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide' - message for screen readers for next button
    • firstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide' - message for screen readers for previous button when swiper is on first slide
    • lastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide' - message for screen readers for next button when swiper is on last slide
    • New Emitter module. It allows to work with callbacks like with events, even adding them after initialization with new methods:
      • .on(event, handler) - add event/callback
      • .off(event, handler) - remove this event/callback
      • .once(event, handler) - add event/callback that will be executed only once
    • Plugins API is back. It allows to write custom Swiper plugins
    • New parameter setWrapperSize (be default it is false) to provide better compatibility with browser without flexbox support. Enabled this option and plugin will set width/height on swiper wrapper equal to total size of all slides
    • New virtualTranslate parameter. When it is enabled swiper will be operated as usual except it will not move. Useful when you may need to create custom slide transition
    • Added support for multiple Pagination containers
    • Fixed onLazyImage... callbacks
    • Fixed issue with not accessible links inside of Slides on Android < 4.4
    • Fixed pagination bullets behavior in loop mode with specified slidesPerGroup

Framework7 v1.0.3 - Updated on March 7, 2015

  • Dataset
    • This could be a breaking change but all data- attributes, where used, now must be in hyphens-case instead of camelCase like in many places before. For example:
      • data-animatePages on links now should be data-animate-pages
      • data-slidesPerView on swiper now should be data-slides-per-view
      • etc.
  • Cards
    • Fixed margins when page contains cards only
  • Fast Clicks/Clicks
    • Fixed scroll prevention on overlays when fastClicks:false
  • SmartSelect
    • data-back-onselect renamed to data-back-on-select
    • Ability to add option color and additional class name using data-option-color and data-option-class attributes on <option>
    • New app method to add options dynamically using app.smartSelectAddOption(selectElement, optionHTML, atIndex)
    • Lower case search when using Smart Select with Virtual List and Searchbar
  • Virutal List
    • Fixed issues with Virtual List re initialization when using inline pages
  • Form elements
    • Reset styles for input[type="search"]
  • Searchbar
    • Searchbar reworked to standalone component/Class, that can be initialized with new app.searchbar(searchbarElement, params) method. Such method returns instances with useful methods and properties to get more control over Searchbar:
      • searchbar.enable() - to enable/activate searchbar
      • searchbar.disable() - to disable/deactivate searchbar
      • searchbar.clear() - to clear search query and update results
      • - to search query
      • searchbar.destroy() - to destroy searchbar instance
      • searchbar.input - access to search text field HTML element
      • - property to know is it active or not
      • searchbar.input - access to search text field HTML element
      • searchbar.searchList - access to search list HTML element
      • searchbar.container - access to searchbar self HTML element
    • Also supports auto-initiliazation with additional "searchbar-init" class and passing parameters as data- attributes
    • Removed app.destroySearchbar method
  • Messagebar
    • Messagebar reworked to standalone component/Class, that can be initialized with new app.messagebar(messagebarElement, params) method. Such method returns instances with useful methods and properties to get more control over Messagebar:
      • messagebar.textarea - access to messagebar textarea HTML element
      • messagebar.value(newValue) - method to get/set messagebar value/text
      • messagebar.clear() - to clear messagebar textarea and update/reset its size
      • messagebar.container - access to messagebar self HTML element
      • messagebar.destroy() - to destroy messagebar instance
    • Also supports auto-initiliazation with additional "messagebar-init" class and passing parameters as data- attributes
    • Removed app.destroyMessagebar method
  • Messages
    • Messages reworked to standalone component/Class, that can be initialized with new app.messages(messagesElement, params) method. Such method returns instances with useful methods and properties to get more control over Messages:
      • messages.container - access to messages self HTML element
      • messages.appendMessage(messageProps) - add new message to the end
      • messages.prependMessage(messageProps) - add new message to the beginnging
      • messages.addMessage(messageProps, method) - add new message to the end or beginning depending on newMessagesFirst parameter
      • messages.scrollMessages() - scroll messages to top/bottom depending on newMessagesFirst parameter
      • messages.layout() - apply messages auto layout
      • messages.destroy() - to destroy messages instance
    • Also supports auto-initiliazation with additional "messages-init" class and passing parameters as data- attributes
    • Removed app method:
      • app.addMessage
      • app.updateMessagesLayout
      • app.scrollMessagesContainer
  • Router
    • Fixed issue with disabled pages animation and none dynamic navbar
  • Lazy Loading
    • Fixed issue with not working fade effect when imagesLazyLoadSequential: false
  • Popup
    • Fixed issue with flickering navbar during popup open/close animation
  • Photo Browser
    • Lazy Loading logic moved to Swiper's lazy loading
  • Sticky Titles
    • Fixed flickering hairline
  • Swiper updated to latest 3.0.4
    • New Parallax component for transitions with parallax effects on internal elements
    • New Images Lazy Load component
    • With new parameters lazyLoading, lazyLoadingInPrevNext, lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart (all disabled by default)
    • With new callbacks onLazyImageLoad and onLazyImageReady
    • updateOnImages ready split into 2 parameters:
      • preloadImages (by default is true) - to preload all images on swiper init
      • updateOnImages (by default is true) - update swiper when all images loaded
    • Fixed issues with touchmove on focused form elements
    • New onObserverUpdate callback function to be called after updates by ovserver
    • New paginationBulletRender parameter that accepts function which allow custom pagination elements layout
    • watchVisibility parameter renamed to watchSlidesVisibility
    • Fixed issue with not firing onSlideChangeEnd callback after calling .slideTo with runCallbacks=false
    • Fixed values of isBeginning/isEnd when there is only one slide
    • New crossFade option for fade effect
    • Improved .update and .onResize methods
    • Minor fixes
  • Dom7
    • New .dataset() method which returns data Object based on element data- attributes

Framework7 v1.0.2 - Updated on February 22, 2015

  • Page Transitions
    • Highly improved page transitions and swipe back performance
  • FastClicks
    • Fixed issue with sometimes not working checkboxes on Androids
  • Icons
    • All inline SVG icons are now encoded for better support in IE
  • Photo Browser
    • Fixed "swipe-to-close" behavior
  • Pages
    • pageData now has additional navbarInnerContainer property with HTML container of related Navbar
  • Device API
    • New property app.device.androidChrome that indicates Chrome browser running on Android
  • Swiper update to latest 3.0.2
    • New callbacks
      • onInit (swiper)
      • onTouchMoveOpposite (swiper, e)
    • Fixed free mode momentum in RTL layout
    • .update method improved to fully cover what onResize do for full and correct update
    • Exposed swiper.touches object with the following properties: startX, startY, currentX, currentY, diff
    • New methods to remove slides
      • .removeSlide(index) or .removeSlide([indexes]) - to remove selected slides
      • .removeAllSlides() - to remove all slides
  • Themes
    • Improved support for active tabbar icons and global theme colors
  • Sub Navbar
    • Improved animation/transition during swipe back action
  • Panels
    • Fixed issue with broken swipePanelOnlyClose parameter
  • Smart Select
    • Fixed small issue with "collapsed" (wtihout space between) values in item-after
  • Demo Apps
    • Demo apps removed from main repo to their own repositories on GitHub

Framework7 v1.0.1 - Updated on February 13, 2015

  • FastClicks
    • Fixed issue with sometimes broken inertia scrolling on Androids
  • Swiper
    • Updated to latest version with bettwe suport in RTL layout with old-flexbox

Framework7 v1.0.0 - Updated on February 6, 2015

  • Picker
    • New component that allows you to create custom overlay pickers which looks like iOS native picker
  • Calendar / Datepicker
    • New component, touch optimized calendar that provides an easy way to handle dates
  • Cards
    • New component. Cards, along with List View, is a one more great way to contain and orginize your information
  • Swiper
    • New component. Swiper is a powerful and most modern touch slider ever with super flexible configuration and lot, lot of features
  • Slider
    • Removed, replaced with Swiper
  • Lazy Load
    • New component. Lazy Load delays loading of images on page while they are outside of viewport until user scrolls to them
  • Sub Navbar
    • New component to be used in addition to Navbar. It is useful when you need to put any additional elements into Navbar, like Tab Links or Search Bar
  • Picker Modal
    • New type of Modals/Overlays, which allows to create custom picker overlays
  • Modals
    • New "Modals Stack" behavior. This feature doesn't allow to open multiple modals at the same time, and will automatically open next modal when you close the current one. Such behavior is similar to browser native alerts
  • Virutal List
    • Additional dynamicHeightBufferSize parameter to control buffer size on Virtual Lists with dynamic height
    • New .scrollToItem(index) method to scroll Virtual List to specified item
  • Navbars/Toolbars
    • Now it is possible not to hide Navbar/Toolbar on page scroll for selected pages using dont-hide-navbar-on-scroll, dont-hide-toolbar-on-scroll, dont-hide-tabbar-on-scroll classes
    • Navbars and toolbars support additional no-border class to remove hairlines from them
    • New app parameters to scroll page content to top:
      • scrollTopOnNavbarClick - set to true and clicking on navbar's "center" element will scroll active page to top
      • scrollTopOnStatusbarClick - set to true and clicking on "statusbar-overlay" will scroll active page to top
  • Dom7
    • Fixed .text(value) method when set new text content on multiple elements
    • Ajax methods
      • Global Ajax Setup. Now it is possible to set global options/headers for all Ajax requests
      • Support for timeout by using timeout option
      • start callback renamed to beforeSend
      • Returned xhr object in all requests will have additional custom requestUrl property with requested url
    • Utils
      • New $.cancelAnimationFrame(frameId) util method to cancel passed animation frame
      • .scrollTo(left, top, duration, easing), .scrollTop(top, duration, easing), .scrollLeft(left, duration, easing) methods now accept additional easing parameter, it can be "swing" or "linear" (by default, it is "swing")
    • New .add() method to add elements/collection to the current one
    • Fixed .prevAll and .nextAll methods when passed with selector
  • Forms
    • New formFromJSON and formToJSON events on forms that use Forms Storage
    • New submitError and beforeSubmit events to be used along with submitted event on Ajax Forms
  • Clicks / Fast Clicks
    • Now active/focused form elements (input, textarea, etc.) will be automatically blured on "click out"
    • Scrolling is now prevented on any kind of overlays (like modal-overlay, popup-overlay, etc.)
    • Links with external class and target="_system" attribute will be opened in system browser in Cordova apps
    • New fastClicksDelayBetweenClicks app parameter allows to set minimal delay (in ms) between clicks
  • Router
    • Router options object now supports new query property where you can pass page query
    • pageData now has additional fromPage property within pageData of previously active page
    • Fixed context property in pageData that could become empty in some situations
  • Device API
    • Now it also adds pixel-ratio- class to <html> with device pixel ratio
  • Messages
    • .addMessage(props, messagesContent, addToTop) method now accepts new arguments:
      • messagesContent (optional) to specify container with messages, useful if you have multiple messages containers/pages at the same time
      • addToTop (optional) to specify should new message be appended or prepended
  • Messagebar
    • Support for additional data-keyboard-height to set additional padding on page content when using it with custom keyboards in Cordova app
  • Styles / Icons
    • All harilines reworked to :after and :before pseudo elements instead of usual CSS borders. Such method allows to have true 0.5px (for iOS Retina) and 0.33px (for iPhone 6 Plus) hairlines
    • New "forward" (<i class="icon icon-forward"></i>) icon to be used along with "back" icon (<i class="icon icon-back"></i>)
  • List View
    • Fixed "sticky titles" behavior when Navbar hidden by page scroll
  • Swipeout
    • All links/buttons/swipeout actions with additional swipeout-close class will close any opened swipeout element
    • app.swipeoutOpen, app.swipeoutClose and app.swipeoutDelete methods now support additional callback attribute that will be executed after swipeout open/close/delete
  • Searchbar
    • Now data-search-in attribute may be changed "on the fly" to dynamically change search field
  • Infinite Scroll
    • New option to trigger infinite scroll event on top of the page, could be enabled with additional infinite-scroll-top class on infinite-scroll
  • Smart Select
    • item-after element supports additional smart-select-value class, in this case Smart Select value will be set depending on "item-after" content related to <option> with same text content, not <option> "value"
  • Pull To Refresh
    • Allows to configure trigger distance by stting data-ptr-distance attribute on pull-to-refresh-content. By default it is 44px
    • Fixed issue whith not animating (spinning) preloader on page with Pull To Refresh
  • Build
    • Build system (task manager) switched from Grunt to Gulp, because of much better performance

Framework7 v0.10.0 - Updated on December 8, 2014

  • Fixed issue with messages scrolling when adding new message
  • Fixed issue with positioning of dynamic navbar elements

Framework7 v0.9.9 - Updated on December 7, 2014

  • Virtual List
    • Now it is possible to use multiple Virtual Lists on same page
    • Fixed issue with muliple columns and wrong list height on iOS 7
  • Smart Select
    • Generated Smart Select page/popup can be used with Virtual List by adding data-virtual-list="true" and data-virtual-list-height="44" attributes to Smart Select.
  • Panels
    • Fixed issue with swipe panel with specified swipePanelActiveArea parameter
    • New app parameter swipePanelOnlyClose allows to close panels with swipe without swipePanel
  • Modals
    • New verticalButtons modal parameter to enable vertical buttons layout
  • Accordion
    • Better support for nested accordions
    • Fixed issue when its content becomes invisible on Android devices
  • Router
    • New App and View allowDuplicateUrls parameter (disabled by default) that allows loading of pages with same urls
    • Fixed issues with DOM manipulation with enabled domCache
  • Dom7
    • Now Dom7 can parse and create DOM elements from string, like var div = $$('<div></div>')
    • Better width/height calculationg in .width() and .height() methods
    • Support for JSON declaration of attributes and propeties in .attr() and .prop() methods
  • Template7
    • Updated to latest Template7 version with new support of Global context, that could be specified using property and used as @global keyword in templates
  • Pull To Refresh
    • New app.destroyPullToRefresh() method to destroy/disable PTR on page

Framework7 v0.9.8 - Updated on November 2, 2014

  • Virtual List
    • New component that allows to render lists with huge amount of items without loss of performance.
  • Swipeouts
    • Improved performance and fixes issues that could cause app crashes
    • Fixed issue with swipeoutNoFollow
    • Compatibility with Virtual List
  • Searchbar
    • Better calculation for input field width with "Cancel" button
    • Send .focus() on search field after tap on clear (x) icon
    • Compatibility with Virtual List
  • Infinite Scroll
    • Compatibility with Virtual List
  • Sortable
    • Compatibility with Virtual List
  • Smart Select
    • Close smart select popup when use data-back-onselect attribute
    • New attributes (data-form-theme, data-navbar-theme) and new app parameters (smartSelectFormTheme, smartSelectNavbarTheme) to control color theme on smart select page/popup
  • Messages
    • New label property for app.addMessage() method to specify message label
  • Action Sheet
    • Added bg property for button to specify button background color
  • Slider
    • Fixed issues with loop and autoplay when slider jumps over slides
    • Fixes issue with focusing form elements in slides
  • Swipe Back
    • swipeBackPageBoxShadow App/View parameter renamed to swipeBackPageAnimateShadow
    • New app parameter swipeBackPageAnimateOpacity that allows to control back page opacity during swipe back
  • App
    • externalLinks parameter now accepts string with CSS selector of external links
  • Navbar / Toolbar
    • New app methods, to show and hide navbar and toolbar/tabbar
    • Now, tab bar can also be hidden by scroll by adding "hide-tabbar-on-scroll" class to page-content or using hideTabbarOnPageScroll parameter
    • Fixed issues with disappearing navbar when using domCache
  • Pages
    • Page data object now has additional context property with passed context when using Template7 Pages
  • View
    • linksView parameter now also supports another View instance
    • New reload behavior with new reloadPages: true parameter. In this mode View will always reload currently active page without loading new one
  • Popover
    • Fixed "angle" position on edge screen position

Framework7 v0.9.7 - Updated on October 7, 2014

  • Slider
    • Now supports continuous loop mode with loop:true option
    • New onlyExternal option to disable swipes
    • Fixed issue when slidesPerView is more than actual amount of slides
  • Photo Browser
    • Renamed enable/disable exposition methods to .enableExposition and .disableExposition
    • Also supports continuous loop mode with option loop:true
    • Added support for images lazy loading with new available options: lazyLoading, lazyLoadingInPrevNext, lazyLoadingOnTransitionStart
    • New template photoLazyTemplate parameter for lazy laoding images layout
    • Now it also supports pan and zoom for <svg> and <canvas>
  • Smart Select
    • Now could be opened in Popup instead of Page with configuration using new related App parameters smartSelectInPopup, smartSelectPopupCloseTemplate, smartSelectPopupCloseText
    • Smart select element supports new additional attributes data-open-in (to open in popup or in page) and data-popup-close-text (to sepcify popup's close button text)
  • Messages
    • New message element message-label
    • Fixed bubbles masks on iOS 8 devices with none retina screens
    • app.updateMessagesAngles renamed to app.updateMessagesLayout
    • Each messages now supports additional classes message-hide-avatar, message-with-tail, message-hide-name, message-hide-label
    • Auto set tails and hide/show avatars and names now requires for additional messages-auto-layout class on messages container
  • Searchbar
    • Fixed disalbeSearch and enableSearch events
  • Pull To Refresh
    • Fixed issue when there is no navbar on PTR page
  • Icons
    • Reworked icon-bars for none retina screens
  • Navbars/Toolbars
    • Now, can be hidden automatically when scrolling content (page-content). Could be enabled by adding hide-bars-on-scroll or hide-navbar-on-scroll or hide-toolbar-on-scroll additional classes on page-content. Or by setting app parameters: hideNavbarOnPageScroll, hideToolbarOnPageScroll, showBarsOnPageScrollEnd
  • Template7
    • Template7 updated to v1.0.1
      • Now supports helpers without context
      • New method .unregisterHelper to remove helper
    • <script type="text/template7"> templates could be automatically precompiled by setting precompileTemplates App parameter. They will be accessable as properties of Template7.templates object
    • Template7 is integrated to app router so now you can use Template7 templates in Ajax- or Dynamically-loded pages. It is configurable with new App parameters: template7Pages, template7Data or using data-template, data-context and data-contextName attributes on links
  • Pages
    • New page events pageBack, pageAfterBack and pageReinit and new page callbacks: back, afterBack and reinit
  • Router
    • New App/View parameter uniqueHistoryIgnoreGetParameters to treat urls like "about.html" and "about.html?id=1" as the same url
    • New App parameter dynamicPageUrl to set URL rule for dynamically loaded pages
    • Router loading methods are highly reworked
      • .goBack() method is renamed to just back()
      • All page router methods are reworked and now moved to .router View property and has 2 main methods:
        • view.router.load(options) - to load page
        • view.router.back(options) - to go back in navigation
      • Also there are shortcut methods:
        • view.router.loadPage()
        • view.router.reloadPage()
        • view.router.reloadPreviousPage()
        • view.router.loadContent()
        • view.router.reloadContent()
        • view.router.reloadPreviousContent()
        • view.router.refreshPage()
        • view.router.refreshPreviousPage()
        • view.router.back()
      • options object now supports the following properties: url, content, force, reload, reloadPrevious, ignoreCache, pushState, animatePages, pageName, template, context, contextName
      • The same options are supported for links as data- attributes
    • Support for Inline Pages by enabling domCache View' parameter
      • Now, Dom cache allows to use Inline Pages in Framework7. So you may set up all your pages in single file, where you need to add cached class to initialy hidden pages and navbar inners
      • Such pages could be loaded with usual links by using <a href="#{pageName}"> format
  • Examples
    • 2 new examples to show how to handle "Inline Pages" and "Template7 Pages"

Framework7 v0.9.6 - Updated on September 12, 2014

  • Template7
    • Now Framework7 comes with its own template engine - Template7. Which has totally the same syntax as Handlebars, but a way faster in templates compilation and rendering, especially in mobile Safari (up to 4 times faster!)
    • It is now globally available in window as Template7 function
  • Modals
    • App's modalTemplate and modalActionsTemplate now accept Template7 html template string
  • Swipeouts
    • Totally reworked swipeouts layout (not compatible with previous F7 versions) and behavior to make them like in iOS 8. Now they could be on both sides (on left or/and right) and support overswipe to immediately trigger action without click on action button
  • Status bar overlay now detected correctly on iPhone 6 and 6 plus
  • Slider
    • New .update() method to update slides, positions, sizes, pagination if you add slides dynamically
    • New onTransitionStart/End callbacks parameters
    • Totally prevent click events and custom handlers when preventClicks enabled
  • Accordion
    • Now triggers "open", "opened", "close", "closed" events
  • Action Sheet
    • Now could be automatically converted to Popover on iPad if you call it with new two-arguments syntax .actionSheet(target, buttons)
  • Pull To Refresh
    • Pull to refresh content receives additional "pull-down" class when pulled down
    • Fixed issues on iOS 8
  • Fast Clicks
    • New "Active state" feature to make :active state behavior like in apps not like in web. With two additional App parameters: activeState and activeStateElements. It is enabled by default
    • Now fast clicks could be disabled on some specific element with "no-fastclick" class
    • New fastClicksDistanceThreshold app parameter to set distance threshold to prevent short taps
    • Fixed issue with input:file
  • Dom7
    • Support to add event listeners with "capture", so the full syntax now is .on(eventName, target, listener, capture) or .on(eventName, listener, capture)
    • New .once method to add event listener that should be executed only once
    • JSONP requests now support "error" callback and script load timeout
  • Notifications
    • Prevent .onClick callback function when user clicks on "close" icon
  • Highly reworked App router:
    • New uniqueHistory App/View initialization parameter, that will remove duplicate pages from View history and from DOM
    • Now, there will be only one page in View's DOM if swipeBackPage and preloadPreviousPage App/View parameters are set to false
    • New View's .loadPage(options) method that accepts object with options: animatePages, ignoreCache, url, content, forceUrl, reload, reloadPrevious
    • New View's .goBack(options) method that accepts object with options: animatePages, ignoreCache, url, content, forceUrl, reload, reloadPrevious
    • Links now also support these options as data- attributes, like <a href="#" data-animatePages="true" data-ignoreCache="true" ... >
    • New View's .loadPage's shortcuts methods:
      • .loadPage(url) - load page by specified url
      • .loadContent(content) - load page with specified content
      • .reloadPage(url) - reload currently active view's page from specified URL
      • .reloadPreviousPage(url) - the same but for previous (left) view's page
      • .reloadContent(content) - reload currently active view's page with passed HTML content
      • .reloadPreviousContent(content) - the same but for previous (left) view's page
      • .refreshPage() - refresh currently active view's page from specified URL
      • .refreshPreviousPage() - the same but for previous (left) view's page
  • Tab bar
    • New additional classes tabbar-labels-fixed and tabbar-labels-through (for Views, View, Pages and Page) for pages with tab bar to set required bottom padding on page-content
  • ToDo7 / Weather7 apps updated with support of new swipeouts and now they use Template7 for templating

Framework7 v0.9.5 - Updated on August 15, 2014

  • Colors
    • Now Framework7 supports color themes: 10 default iOS colors (red, green, blue, lightblue, gray, white, black, orange, yellow, pink) that can be applied to any interactive elements (icons, links, buttons, form elements)
    • There are also introduced layout themes (with additional framework7.themes.css file) which contains 2 additional layout themes: dark and white. These themes change look of whole app.
  • Core
    • Links support additional "with-animation" class name to force animation if it is disabled in App/View parameters
    • Reworked allowPageChange flag. Now it is linked to View. This allows to load pages in multiple Views at the same time
  • View
    • New onSwipeBackMove callback function parameter that will be executed during swipe back
    • Also triggers swipebackmove event during swipe back
  • Dom7
    • Dom7 is totally restructured, now it is a global Window function and can be accessible from everywhere
    • New .scrollLeft(left, duration), .scrollTo(left, top, duration) methods
    • Fixed issue with multiple JSONP requests at the same time
    • .removeClass now will remove "class" attribute if class name is not passed as argument
  • Custom build
    • Included missed Pull To Refresh' css styles
  • Styles
    • Half-pixel iOS 8 borders are available only for retina iOS screens
    • Fixed list view items borders on nested lists and accordions
  • Device API
    • html also has "retina" class on HiDPI screens
  • Panels
    • Resolved conflict with swipe panel and swipeouts
    • New swipePanelCloseOpposite app parameter that also allows to close opposite panel with swipe
    • Fixed multi touch issue
  • Content block
    • Now can be inset with additional inset and tablet-inset classes
  • Messages/Message Bar
    • Fixed crashes on iOS 8
    • Message Bar has additional data-max-height attribute to set its max grow height
  • Photo Browser
    • New onOpen, onClose, onSwipeToClose callback functions parameters
    • New ofText parameter allows customisation of "of" word in photos counter "3 of 5"
    • Fixed next/prev icons opacity when there is only one photo browser slide
    • Resolved z-indexes conflict with Popup
    • Fixed panning ability on Android
  • Smart Select
    • Smart select's <option> now support additional data-option-icon and data-option-image attributes to set appropriate media element on opened Smart select page
    • data-backtext, data-pagetitle, data-backonselect attributes are changed to data-back-text, data-page-title, data-back-onselect
  • Icons
    • Checkbox and radio icons images now moved to CSS with SVG
  • Fast Clicks
    • Automatically trigger blur on form inputs on Android when it is required
  • Pull To Refresh
    • New app.pullToRefreshTrigger method to trigger pull to refresh manually
    • Improved scrolling performance on long lists
    • Fixed issue with continuous browser repaint because of preloader animation
    • Fixed Android's "lost focus" bug
  • Grid
    • Now grid is responsive, and number of columns could be changed on Phone/Tablet with additional class like .col-50.tablet-33
  • Tabs
    • Tabs links now support more complex layout, now each tab's link could be placed in different Dom parts and on different level
  • Pages
    • pageData now has additional swipeBack property within pageBefore/AfterAnimation callback to detect that page was animated after swipe back
    • pageData now has additional navbarInnerContainer property with related Navbar inner (only for Dynamic Navbar)
  • Action Sheet
    • Action Sheet button doesn't support "red" property anymore. Now it supports "color" property where you may specify any of 10 default colors
  • Lot of minor fixes

0.9.5 Breaking changes!

  • Icons now haven't color name in class, there are no more "icon-back-blue", "icon-bars-blue", etc. Now they are just "icon-back", "icon-bars", etc. Their color could be changed with introduced color themes.
  • Badges don't support additional badge-red/green/etc. classes anymore. Their color could be changed with introduced color themes
  • There is no more app.allowPageChange flag. Now this flag is linked to each View
  • Because of Dom7 now globally available, the Framework7.$ dom export is now deprecated and will be removed in next release
  • Smart select data-backtext, data-pagetitle, data-backonselect attributes are changed to data-back-text, data-page-title, data-back-onselect

Framework7 v0.9.4 - Updated on July 26, 2014

  • New Framework7 grunt custom library builder where you can include only required components
  • Half-pixel (0.5px) borders in iOS 8 for list views, navbars, toolbars, modals, etc.
  • Core
    • New "statusbarOverlay" parameter to overwrite automatic statusbar overlay detection
  • Searchbar
    • Now it may consider and hide item-dividers and grouped list if nothing found there with two new App's options: searchbarHideDividers and searchbarHideGroups. By default, they are enabled (true)
  • Smart Select
    • Now it consider and doesn't output "disabled" options and will not be opened if it has "disabled" class or attribute
  • Dom7
    • New .removeAttr(attrName) method to remove attribute
    • Now it is possible to detach live event listeners with the same "live" syntax $('something').off('click', '.target', listener)
  • Icons
    • New "icon-camera" (in message bar) and "icon-plus" icons
  • Views
    • New "url" parameter to specify View's default (startup) URL
  • Tabs
    • Now it is possible to swith multiple tabs with single tab-link by using "data-tab" attribute instead of "#" href attribute
  • Modals
    • New "tablet-fullscreen" class on Popup to make fullscreen popup in iPad

Framework7 v0.9.3 - Updated on July 20, 2014

  • New Accordion component
  • New Login Screen component
  • Messages
    • Avatars now hide/show with transition
    • Fixes white space wrap along long-words messages
  • Views
    • New "no-swipeback" class for .page to prevent Swipe Back on this page
  • Grid
    • Grid reworked to flex-box layout
  • Fast Clicks
    • Improved behavior on form fields
  • Slider
    • New "onOppositeTouchMove" callback
  • Photo Browser
    • New "swipeToClose" parameter that allows to close photo browser on swipe up/down

Framework7 v0.9.2 - Updated on July 12, 2014

  • New Message Bar component to be used with messages
  • Totally reworked Messages, now they support avatar and user name
  • Core:
    • New "externalLinks" (array) parameter to set custom external links
    • New "cacheIgnoreGetParameters" parameter to ignore caching for same urls with different GET parameters
    • New "pushStateRoot" parameter that allow to use PushState with empty pushStateSeparator
  • Smart Select:
    • Support for "optgroup" tag which will be converted do list dividers on smart select page
    • Support for "multiple" attribute that will convert radios to checkboxes on smart select page
    • New "smartSelectBackOnSelect" option that will close Smart Select page when user choose item
  • Modals:
    • New Login Modal available by myApp.modalLogin() method
    • New Password Modal available by myApp.modalPassword() method
    • New "close-popover" class for links to close popover
    • New .onClick(modal, index) callback function for custom Modal that receives index number of clicked button
  • Searchbar:
    • New option to specify "found" and "not-found" containers using data-searchbar-found and data-searchbar-not-found attributes
  • Dom7:
    • .next() and .prev() methods now support matching selector as an argument
    • New .scrollTop(position, duration) method for animated scroll on element or to get element's scroll top position if no arguments passed
  • Page Callbacks API:
    • Support for "*" page name value to trigger callback for all pages
  • Photo Browser
    • Videos support with <video> or within embedded iframes
    • Captions
    • New syntax to define photos, not it could be array of objects with "url" and "caption" properties
    • New Photo Browser parameters: captionsTheme, expositionHideCaptions, captionsTemplate, captionTemplate, objectTemplate
  • View:
    • New .activePage property that contains pageData of currently active page
  • Styles:
    • New disabled styles for elements with "disabled" class or attribute
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed issues with caching of Dynamic content
    • Fixed swipeouts when they are in hidden tabs
    • Corrected z-index relations between modals, overlays and status bar overlay

Framework7 v0.9.0 - Updated on June 28, 2014

  • Full RTL support for right to left languages (Arabic, Hebrew)!
  • New Page callbacks API
  • Smart Select: configurable page title and back link text via data-pagetitle and data-backtext attributes, new smartSelectBackText app parameter
  • Dom7: new .prop(prop, value) method to set/access HTMLElement properties (checked, disabled, etc.)
  • Search Bar: improved search for items that don't match to "search-in"; new "enableSearch", "disableSearch", "clearSearch" events
  • Slider: support for fractional slidesPerView value
  • Improved behavior of nested Views
  • New ".tablet-inset" class for List Views to make them inset only on tablets (iPad)
  • Navbar: fixed layout with only "right" element
  • Changed preloader's CSS animation name to prevent conflicts with Font Awesome

Framework7 v0.8.8 - Updated on June 21, 2014

  • New App and View option to disable page animations - "animatePages:false"
  • Improved behavior of Notifications
  • Improved performance of Swipeouts
  • Fixed Ajax loading when using ajaxLinks parameter
  • Slider: prevent unnecessary clicks during touch move
  • Preprocess now has new parameter - next(content) callback function to continue page loading from asynchronous thread
  • Plugins API: new "swipePanelSetTransform" plugins hook; now it is possible to preprocess content by plugin
  • Push State: new "pushStateNoAnimation" and "pushStateSeparator" app parameters
  • Reset styles for "input[type=datetime-local]"

Framework7 v0.8.7 - Updated on June 15, 2014

  • New Notifications component
  • New Search Bar component
  • Slider: autoplay feature; fixed styles for nested sliders
  • Dom7: fixed .off method to remove multiple events; new .nextAll and .prevAll methods
  • Device API: new "gt-" (greater than) iOS version classes on HTML element
  • Smart Select: now inherits no-navbar/toolbar props from page; now available with Search Bar
  • Pluigns API: new 'pageBeforeRemove' plugin hook
  • Separate overlays for Modals (modal, action sheet, popover) and Popups
  • Reset styles for "input[type=number]"

Framework7 v0.8.6 - Updated on May 31, 2014

  • New Infinite Scroll component
  • New Plugins API
  • Slider: prevent links clicks during swipe
  • Swipeout: new "swipeout" callback which returns opened progress
  • Views: swipeBackPage App parameters could be overwrited for View
  • Views: totally reworked to Classes
  • Navbar: dynamic navbars now triggers 'navbarInit' event when added to DOM
  • Tabs: new method app.showTab(tab) to switch tabs programmatically

Framework7 v0.8.5 - Updated on May 24, 2014

  • Many minor fixes

Framework7 v0.8.4 - Updated on May 17, 2014

  • New Slider component
  • New Photo Browser component
  • New arguments for predefined Modals (Alert, Confirm, Prompt) - myApp.alert(text, title, callbackOk, callbackCancel)
  • "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" header for non crossdomain Ajax requests
  • "cacheIgnoreList" app parameter renamed to "cacheIgnore"
  • New transitional/animated Tabs
  • New "pageBeforeRemove" Page callback
  • Fixed swipe-panels when swiping during opened Modal/Overlay
  • Removed Rails distributive
  • New $.getTranslate(el, axis) DOM7 helper
  • Lot of minor fixes and improvements

Framework7 v0.8.2 - Updated on May 8, 2014

  • Automatically submit forms using Ajax with additional "ajax-submit" and "ajax-submit-onchange" classes on form
  • New Ajax DOM lib methods $.ajax(), $.get(), $.post(), $.getJSON()
  • New DOM lib util $.serializeObject(obj)
  • Ability to use Messages with new messages on top
  • "cacheIgnoreList" app parameter to add array of URLs that should not be cached
  • New object with features detection
  • Fix for submit button on iOS

Framework7 v0.8.0 - Updated on May 2, 2014

  • Sortable lists
  • Disable caching for specific pages with "nocache" parameter in URL
  • New "swipePanelActiveArea" parameter to allow swipe panels on specific distance from side of screen
  • Totally reworked internal FastClicks library
  • "device" object moved to Framework7.prototype for easy access before app intialization
  • New DOM7 methods - .insertAfter()
  • Fixed/improved DOM7 methods - .data(), .html(), .css()
  • Better animation sync for dynamic navbar and pages
  • New "viewClass", "viewMainClass", "viewsClass" parameters allow to have custom classes on Views

Framework7 v0.7.8 - Updated on April 27, 2014

  • pushState, FastClicks improvements
  • Allow modal without title
  • New .data() DOM7 method
  • Fix styles for popup with statusbar overlay

Framework7 v0.7.7 - Updated on April 24, 2014

  • pushState navigation
  • line-height fix for textarea

Framework7 v0.7.6 - Updated on April 19, 2014

  • Lot of new shortcut methods for DOM7 library: click(), blur(), focus(), focusin(), focusout(), keyup(), keydown(), keypress(), submit(), change(), mousedown(), mousemove(), mouseup(), mouseenter(), mouseleave(), mouseout(), mouseover(), touchstart(), touchend(), touchmove(), resize(), scroll()
  • New .eq() DOM7 method
  • fixed navbar/toolbar vertical alignment

Framework7 v0.7.5 - Updated on April 18, 2014

  • Swipe panels
  • Forms Storage
  • Preprocess Ajax content with "preprocess" callback parameter
  • Cross-browser checkbox switch
  • Fixes for navbar resizing

Framework7 v0.7.4 - Updated on April 12, 2014

  • Smart selects
  • Smarter Ajax parser to parse files with different few pages in different views
  • Removed deprecated onPageInit/onPageBeforeInit callbacks from app and view
  • Refactored pages.js structure to bring mutual methods
  • Animated navbar’s left back icon when ".left" is ".sliding"
  • Fixed and improvements

Framework7 v0.7.2 - Updated on April 11, 2014

  • improved dist/ app
  • small improvements and fixes in form elements

Framework7 v0.7.1 - Updated on April 10, 2014

  • "show" event on active tab
  • fix for status bar detection
  • check for proper params in addView
  • size navbar on tab "show"

Framework7 v0.7.0 - Updated on April 9, 2014

  • new fast clicks library
  • .tap() method removed and deprecated!
  • domCache to keep prev pages in view
  • dynamically generated popup and popover
  • improved device object
  • selectors engine available via Framework7.$