- ✏️ doc updates
- 🐛 when fixing a bug
- 🚀 when making general improvements
- ✅ when adding tests
- ⬆️ when upgrading dependencies
- 🎉 when adding new features
- 🐛 Fix InputFeature types
- 🚀 Include additional fields
- ⬆️ Update ETL
- 🐛 Add TSConfig File
- 🚀 Use metadata
- 🚀 Add travelerInformationMessage
- 🚀 Add denver timezone & add explicit fields
- 🐛 remove status property
- 🚀 Add new incidents geometry filter & schema
- 🐛 Flip Defaults in schema
- 🚀 Update to latest ETL
- 🚀 Update environment location
- 🚀 Update to use @tak-ps/etl base
- 🚀 Update to OIDC based ECR Creds
- 🎉 Adjust Environment Name
- 🎉 Add Schema Environment Support
- 🎉 The ETL server currently doesn't support Multi Geometries so process them into single geoms
- 🚀 Throw a hard error if a POST to the ETL server fails
- 🐛 Fix handler call from Docker
- 🐛 Pull from incidents API
- 🎉 Initial Commit