Type: Closed loop, learning based, model free
State/action space constraints: None
Optimal: Yes
Versatility: Swing-up and stabilization
A controller class to use a model trained by the ddpg trainer.
- Tensorflow 2.x
The class for the DDPG Controller initialized by creating an instance as:
controller = ddpg_controller(model_path=model_path,
with the input:
- model_path: str or path, path to the actor model
- torque_limit: torque_limit of the pendulum, the output of the model is scaled with this value
- state_representation: =2 or =3, How the state is represented in the ddpg model
The control output can be obtained with the API of the abstract controller class:
ddpg_controller.get_control_output(mean_pos, mean_vel, meas_tau, meas_time)
meas_pos: float, position of the pendulum
meas_vel: float, velocity of the pendulum
meas_tau: not used
meas_time: not used
None, None, u
get_control_output returns None for the desired position and desired velocity (the ddpg controller is a pure torque controller). The returned torque u is the output of the trained model.
An example of how to use this controller can be found in the sim_ddpg.py script in the examples folder.
A fully trained model is saved here.