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File metadata and controls

179 lines (138 loc) · 8.28 KB


Kafka shell can be configured via a YAML file. It is generated on initialization and located in ~/.kafka-shell.

The user configuration file is defined by a JSON schema, which can be viewed at shell-config.schema. The user configuration is parsed and validated on initialization of kafka-shell. If your modified configuration is incorrect, the shell will exit and print an error message displaying the validation error, such as a missing required field.

Default Configuration

By default, the generated ~/.kafka-shell/config.yaml file looks like this:

version: 1
  history: true
  save_on_exit: true
  auto_complete: true
  auto_suggest: true
  inline_help: true
  fuzzy_search: true
cluster: local
    bootstrap_servers: localhost:9092
    zookeeper_connect: localhost:2181
    schema_registry_url: http://localhost:8081
    ksql_server_url: http://localhost:8088


One of the main benefits of utilizing kafka-shell instead of directly using the Kafka command-line tools is the ability to define clusters, in which commands will be run against by default. This means you no longer have to pass flags such as --bootstrap-server; they'll be added automatically when you run the command. The ~/.kafka-shell/config.yaml file is where you define clusters to run against, as well as other settings for kafka-shell.

In the future, we plan to add configuration via commands within the shell. For now, it must be manually done by editing the JSON file.

Shell Settings

There are a few top level settings to define how the shell works. Most of these can also be changed via function keys while using kafka-shell. Defaults for each property are shown above.

key type description
version int Version of the configuration schema. Must be 1.
enable Enable Enable various features within kafka-shell.
cluster string Default cluster to be selected on initialization.
clusters Cluster Clusters that commands can run against. See below for details.

Enable Features

Features for kafka-shell can be enabled through feature flags defined in the enable root-level object.

key type description
history boolean Save command history between kafka-shell sessions.
save_on_exit boolean Save any settings changed by key bindings on exit.
auto_complete boolean Show the command autocomplete dropdown when typing.
auto_suggest boolean Show suggestions from past commands like the fish shell.
inline_help boolean Show command and flag descriptions on the autocomplete dropdown.
fuzzy_search boolean Allow fuzzy searching of autocomplete dropdown selections.


Clusters can be defined to run commands against. Commands automatically add flags such as --bootstrap-server to a command based on the selected cluster, which can be changed by F2.

Each cluster should have a unique name (a key in the clusters root-level object). By default, the cluster local is added.

key type description
bootstrap_servers string Comma-separated host:port Kafka brokers to connect to.
zookeeper_connect string Comma-separated host:port Zookeeper nodes to connect to.
schema_registry_url string Schema Registry URL used when working with avro schemas.
ksql_server_url string KSQL Server URL used when utilizing the ksql command.
command_prefix string Prefix all commands with another command, i.e. 'docker exec'.
command_file_extension string Add a file extension such as sh to commands.
consumer_settings ToolSettings Pass config and default property settings to consumer CLIs.
producer_settings ToolSettings Pass config and default property settings to producer CLIs.
admin_client_settings ToolSettings Pass config to admin clients through --command-config.

Tool Settings

Settings, such as a configuration properties files or default property settings, can be set for each cluster.

See the below full config example to see how to use tool settings.

key type description
config string A configuration properties file to be passed to CLI tools.
properties object Set default --property options to be passed.

Full Configuration Example

The below example shows how to use some of the non-default settings.

For example, when using cluster docker-cluster:

  • All commands will be prefixed with docker-exec -it kafka-tools
  • All consumer commands will add --consumer.config and --property print.key=true
  • All producer commands will add --producer.config and --property key.separator=,
version: 1
  history: true
  save_on_exit: true
  auto_complete: true
  auto_suggest: true
  inline_help: true
  fuzzy_search: true
cluster: docker-cluster
    bootstrap_servers: docker:9092
    zookeeper_connect: docker:2181
    schema_registry_url: http://docker:8081
    ksql_server_url: http://docker:8081
    command_prefix: docker exec -it kafka-tools
        print.key: true
        key.separator: ","

Example Commands

These examples show what commands would actually be run based on what was typed, using the full configuration from above.

For example, if you typed the command kafka-console-consumer --topic test:

docker exec -it kafka-tools kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server docker:9092 --consumer.config --property print.key=true

For example, if you typed the command kafka-avro-console-producer --topic test:

docker exec -it kafka-tools kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list docker:9092 --property schema.registry.url=http://docker:8081 --producer.config --property key.separtor=,

For example, if you typed the command kafka-broker-api-versions:

docker exec -it kafka-tools kafka-broker-api-versions --bootstrap-server docker:9092 --command-config

As you can see, you can save a ton of typing time by utilizing kafka-shell!

Command File Extension

The file extension for commands such as kafka-topics is null by default. Depending on how you installed the kafka command-line tools, they may have the extension sh or bat. They may also be set this way in pre-built docker images.

You can change this, per cluster, by setting the command_file_extension property in the cluster config. For example:

    bootstrap_servers: localhost:9092
    zookeeper_connect: localhost:2181
    schema_registry_url: http://localhost:8081
    ksql_server_url: http://localhost:8088
    command_file_extension: sh

If you run kafka-topics --list with the above command, the following would be run: --list --zookeeper localhost:2181

Without the file extension config set, the following would be run:

kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181


If you have a question on how to configure kafka-shell, feel free to open a support issue.