Simple ansible configuration of base systems accorss different environments.
✅ In this example we are going to create a user for DevOps engineers. this dedicated user will have root
access to our server.
Try this command to add your users key to the server so you can connect to it using your workstation.
For Running below command if sshpass
package is not installed, you need to install it in your controller node by:
In Feora/Redhat/CentOS
yum update -y && yum install -y sshpass
In Debian/Ubuntu
apt update -y && apt install -y sshpass
Then You can invoke below command:
ansible all -k -K -m authorized_key -a "user='your_username' state='present' key='{{lookup('file', '~/.ssh/')}}'"
To run a particular configuration:
ansible-playbook ansible-learning.yml
This playbook will create a user called "devops" in your server and makes it a sudo user.