Installation, Uninstallation and Update scripts for both server and agent are provided in the scripts dir
The scripts need to be run as root
The server install script installs plexus-server and plexus-agent.
The agent install script installs plexus-agent only
The install scripts:
- collects configuration information (server only)
- Fully Qualified Domain Name of server
- Email address for Let's Encrytpt
- Username/Password for default user
collected information is not validated by install script but will be validated on server startup
- downloads binary executable(s) and systemd service files
- sets required capabilities on binary executable(s)
- creates a new system user (plexus)
- enables and starts the systemd service(s)
The update scripts:
- stops systemd service
- downloads updated versions of binary
- sets required capabilities on binary
- starts systemd service
The server uninstall script uninstalls plexus-server and plexus-agent.
The agent uninstall script uninstalls plexus-agent only
The uninstall scripts:
- stops systemd service(s)
- removes systemd service(s)
- deletes binary and config/data directories
- deletes plexus user
If the server is to be installed behind a reverse proxy or in a lan only setting, tls can be disabled. Both web and nats traffic will be not be encrypted.
- see configuration settings
- set secure = false
- set port (default 8080) to desired listening port for web traffic
- fqdn must be set (can be an IP address) such that all peers can resolve the address of the server
setting fqdn to an IP address in not valid with secure=true. Let's Encrypt does not support certificates for IP addresses