The use-case aims at setting up a minimal Data warehouse stack, able to consume and analyse streaming data.
The use-case shows how to:
- Generate streaming data to be published to Kafka
- Use Spark streaming to consumer the data from Kafka and generate some real-time aggregation
- Real-time aggregation are written into a Hive table, persisted on a S3-compatible backend
- The Hive table is then imported and queried using Apache Kyuubi
The setup and integration make use of charms and Juju.
MicroK8s: version 1.29-strict/stable
- Add-ons:
sudo microk8s enable hostpath-storage dns rbac storage minio sudo snap alias microk8s.kubectl kubectl microk8s config > ~/.kube/config
- Add-ons:
Juju: version 3.5/stable (3.5.3)
Refer to Charmed Spark Documentation. Remember to create the spark-events
object in the bucket.
juju add-model kafka
⚠️ Issue #8 prevented to use the edge version that would have had a feature to expose the cluster outside of the Kubernetes cluster.
Use the following bundle:
bundle: kubernetes
charm: data-integrator
channel: latest/stable
revision: 41
scale: 1
consumer-group-prefix: admin-cg
extra-user-roles: admin
topic-name: test-topic
constraints: arch=amd64
charm: kafka-k8s
channel: 3/stable
revision: 56
kafka-image: 43
scale: 1
constraints: arch=amd64
data: kubernetes,1,10240M
trust: true
charm: kafka-test-app
channel: latest/edge
revision: 11
scale: 1
num_messages: 180
role: producer
topic_name: test-topic
constraints: arch=amd64
charm: zookeeper-k8s
channel: 3/stable
revision: 51
zookeeper-image: 29
scale: 1
constraints: arch=amd64
zookeeper: kubernetes,1,10240M
trust: true
- - kafka:zookeeper
- zookeeper:zookeeper
- - admin:kafka
- kafka:kafka-client
Once the model is up and running, get the credentials of the Kafka cluster to be used in the Spark streaming job:
$ juju run admin/0 get-credentials --model kafka
Running operation 6 with 1 task
- task 7 on unit-admin-0
Waiting for task 7...
data: '...'
endpoints: <KAFKA_ENDPOINT>
password: <KAFKA_PASSWORD>
tls: disabled
topic: <KAFKA_TOPIC>
username: <KAFKA_USERNAME>
zookeeper-uris: ...
ok: "True"
Store somewhere the values of the placeholder above.
juju add-model spark
Use the following bundle:
To simplify the deployment, I have only deployed one PostgreSQL instance, both related for auth-db and metastore
bundle: kubernetes
charm: kyuubi-k8s
channel: latest/edge
revision: 17
kyuubi-image: 2
scale: 1
namespace: spark
service-account: kyuubi-engine
constraints: arch=amd64
trust: true
charm: postgresql-k8s
channel: 14/stable
revision: 281
postgresql-image: 159
scale: 1
constraints: arch=amd64
pgdata: kubernetes,1,1024M
trust: true
charm: s3-integrator
channel: latest/edge
revision: 17
scale: 1
bucket: spark
endpoint: ""
path: spark-events
constraints: arch=amd64
charm: spark-history-server-k8s
channel: 3.4/edge
revision: 25
spark-history-server-image: 12
scale: 1
constraints: arch=amd64
charm: spark-integration-hub-k8s
channel: latest/edge
revision: 10
integration-hub-image: 1
scale: 1
constraints: arch=amd64
trust: true
- - integration-hub:s3-credentials
- s3:s3-credentials
- - kyuubi:s3-credentials
- s3:s3-credentials
- - history-server:s3-credentials
- s3:s3-credentials
- - kyuubi:metastore-db
- metastore:database
- - kyuubi:auth-db
- metastore:database
- - kyuubi:spark-service-account
- integration-hub:spark-service-account%
Provide the S3-credentials via the action:
uju run s3/leader sync-s3-credentials \
access-key=<S3_ACCESS_KEY> \
The model should now be up and running.
Fetch important information from the deployment:
- Information from Kyuubi
- username:
- Kyuubi password:
$ juju run kyuubi/leader get-password Running operation 74 with 1 task - task 75 on unit-kyuubi-0 Waiting for task 75... password: <KYUUBI_PASSWORD>
- Kyuubi endpoint:
$ juju run kyuubi/leader get-jdbc-endpoint ubuntu@ip-172-31-28-106 Running operation 76 with 1 task - task 77 on unit-kyuubi-0 Waiting for task 77... endpoint: <KYUUBI_ENDPOINT>
- username:
- Hive Metastore information (PostgreSQL backend):
$ juju ssh --model spark --container kyuubi kyuubi/0 cat /etc/spark8t/conf/hive-site.xml <HIVE_CONF>
If you are in a small environment with limited resources, you can add the following configuration with the Integration hub:
juju run integration-hub/0 add-config conf=spark.kubernetes.driver.request.cores=100m
juju run integration-hub/0 add-config conf=spark.kubernetes.executor.request.cores=100m
⚠️ Note that if you make a mistake sometimes it is not possible to remove the config (it happened to me withspark.kubernetes.executor.request.cores
), where I tried to use bothremove-config
, but the config would still linger around (Issue #2).
On the kafka
namespace (Issue #1), create a pod to perform admin operations as well as trigger Spark jobs.
Create a pod using the following YAML:
⚠️ we need to use kyuubi image because thepostgresql-*.jar
are not available in the charmed spark base image (see Issue #4 and Issue #5)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: testpod
- image:
name: spark
- containerPort: 18080
command: ["sleep"]
args: ["36000"]
Once the pod is up and running, login in the pod
kubectl exec -it testpod -n kafka -- /bin/bash
and create a kube config such that the edge node can have admin rights on the K8s cluster:
mkdir $HOME/.kube
cat > $HOME/.kube/config << EOF
Also inject the hive-site.xml
cat > /etc/spark8t/conf/hive-site.xml << EOF
Create the Spark user to be used for running Spark jobs:
spark-client.service-account-registry create \
--username spark-user --namespace kafka
Verify that also the integration hub information have been added to the user (this may create some security concern - Issue #3)
spark-client.service-account-registry get-config \
--username spark-user --namespace kafka
Exit from the Spark edge node pod.
From the juju edge node
juju relate kafka producer
You can verify in the producer that date is effectively being streamed:
juju ssh producer/0 sudo -i
$ cat /tmp/1*_producer.log
Log in the testpod
spark-client.pyspark --username spark-user --namespace kafka \
--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="s3a://spark/warehouse" \
--conf \
--conf spark.jars.ivy=/tmp \
--packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.4.2,org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.4.2
Once the shell is up and running:
# Input
# Output
lines = spark.readStream \
.format("kafka") \
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", endpoints) \
.option("kafka.sasl.mechanism", "SCRAM-SHA-512") \
.option("", "SASL_PLAINTEXT") \
.option("kafka.sasl.jaas.config", f' required username={username} password={password};') \
.option("subscribe", topic_name) \
.option("includeHeaders", "true") \
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col, window
from json import loads
get_origin = udf(lambda x: loads(x)["origin"])
count = lines\
.withColumn("origin", get_origin(col("value")))\
.select("origin", "timestamp")\
.withWatermark("timestamp", "10 seconds")\
window("timestamp", "10 seconds"),
if table_name:
count.writeStream \
.option("checkpointLocation", "s3a://spark/checkpoints/<random-id>")\
.format("parquet") \
.outputMode("append") \
query = count.writeStream.outputMode("complete").format("console").start()
(This command was somewhat taken from the documentation, although documentation has broken examples - Issue #6)
Depending on whether you provide table_name
or not, you could either output the streaming analytics to the screen or persist that into an Hive table.
From the testpod
edge node, using beeline
to connect to Kyuubi (here I had to figure this out from the tests, since we are missing Kyuubi documentation - Issue #7)
/opt/spark/bin/beeline -u <KYUUBI_ENDPOINT> -n admin -p <KYUUBI_PASSWORD>
Note that it may take some time for the endpoint to be available as it is needed to start the Kyuubi pod engines, both driver and executors.
Once the prompt is active, check that the table is available
and perform a simple query:
SELECT count(*) FROM newtable;
Or peak into the table:
jdbc:hive2://> SELECT * FROM newtable LIMIT 10;
| window | origin | count |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:15,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:25} | producer-0 ( | 4 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:30,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:40} | producer-0 ( | 20 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:35,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:45} | producer-0 ( | 20 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:25,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:35} | producer-0 ( | 19 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:20,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:30} | producer-0 ( | 13 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:45,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:55} | producer-0 ( | 19 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:50,"end":2024-09-01 19:43:00} | producer-0 ( | 19 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:42:40,"end":2024-09-01 19:42:50} | producer-0 ( | 20 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:43:10,"end":2024-09-01 19:43:20} | producer-0 ( | 20 |
| {"start":2024-09-01 19:43:00,"end":2024-09-01 19:43:10} | producer-0 ( | 20 |
10 rows selected (1.638 seconds)
Use the usual tooling, for analyzing the logs and the metrics of the jobs. Here we did not deploy the Observability stack, but that can be done as per documentation and tutorials available.
- Spark-streaming job does not work using endpoints returned by Kafka (the Spark streaming application must live in the same namespace as the Kafka cluster)
- Integration Hub has a clunky and buggy UX when it comes to the user-configurations
- Security Bug: It is very easy to leak credentials using Integration Hub: as soon as someone creates a new service account with the spark client can get access to the S3 credentials or other sensitive information. Spark accounts should probably be registered manually, and we should not create configurations for all spark8t service account by default
- charmed-spark-kyuubi: the postgresql jar has wrong user and permission settings
- charmed-spark: We should probably include also for the base image the PosgreSQL jars
- Documentations for Spark streaming is broken and not working (both How-to and Tutorial):
- Missing reference to
function in import - (Tutorial)
in the tutorial not defined - (How-to)
column not available (need to be add to theselect
, but maybe it is not that important to groupby partition)
- Missing reference to
- Missing Documentation on Kyuubi
- Issue with deploying latest version of Kafka:
bundle: kubernetes applications: admin: charm: data-integrator channel: latest/stable revision: 41 scale: 1 options: consumer-group-prefix: admin-cg extra-user-roles: admin topic-name: test-topic constraints: arch=amd64 kafka: charm: kafka-k8s channel: 3/edge revision: 69 resources: kafka-image: 46 scale: 1 constraints: arch=amd64 storage: data: kubernetes,1,10240M trust: true producer: charm: kafka-test-app channel: latest/edge revision: 11 scale: 1 options: num_messages: 180 role: producer topic_name: test-topic constraints: arch=amd64 zookeeper: charm: zookeeper-k8s channel: 3/edge revision: 59 resources: zookeeper-image: 31 scale: 1 constraints: arch=amd64 storage: zookeeper: kubernetes,1,10240M trust: true relations: - - kafka:zookeeper - zookeeper:zookeeper - - admin:kafka - kafka:kafka-client