Python package for artifact rejection in Dark Energy Survey (DES) supernova difference imaging.
Currently only usable in the DES difference imaging pipeline. Code is provided as a reference implementation with no guarantee of usability for other surveys at this time.
This repository contains:
- Core classes and methods for
Computing classification features using DES difference image object postage stamps, the DES database @ NCSA, and, optionally
output files. -
Reading from, writing to, and connecting to the DES database.
Scoring and classifying difference image objects.
Publishing classification results.
- A readymade script for the production DES diffim pipeline that
reads information about objects from stamps, the database, and
(optionally, for speed) files produced by previous pipeine steps,
computes classification features for each object, scores each
object using a trained classifier, writes the results to an
SNANA-formatted file, and, optionally, writes the results to the
table in the database.
This repository does not contain:
- Trained classifier binaries. (For these, email [email protected]).
- A script to retrain on the fly.
Clone this repository, then do:
cd autoscan
python install
to build the package in your python interpreter's site-packages
folder, which is in your interperter's module search path by default.
To build the package in another location, do:
python install --prefix=build/dir/prefix
then modify your $PYTHONPATH
environment variable to include
requires the following python packages:
- sep
>= 0.1.0
- astropy
>= 0.4.2
- numpy
- cx_Oracle
- coreutils
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- joblib
This package exposes two pathways for using autoscan
is a readymade script for scoring detections of variability produced by the DESdiffim
pipeline. Invoke it from the command line.
usage: ./ [-h] -inDir_stamps STAMPDIR -inFile_stampList
STAMPLIST -outFile_results RESULTS -inFile_scaler
SCALER -inFile_imputer IMPUTER -inFile_model MODEL
[-writeDB] [-inFile_desservices DES_SERVICES]
[-des_db_section DES_DB_SECTION] [-readlegacyDB]
[-inFile_objList OBJLIST] [-outFile_logFile logfile]
[-debug] [-n_jobs N_JOBS]
autoScan: DESSN's automated supernova candidate scanner. takes in 51x51 pixel
cutouts of objects produced by makeStamps and scores them from 0 to 1. objects
with higher scores are more likely to be SN. uses the ML3 algorithm.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Mandatory Inputs:
Please do not use any regular expressions or shell environment variables
in the filenames you pass to these arguments. They will not be parsed.
-inDir_stamps STAMPDIR
Folder containing stamps.
-inFile_stampList STAMPLIST
Relative path to stamp list file in the directory tree
rooted at STAMPDIR.
-outFile_results RESULTS
File in which to write classification results for
processed objects.
-inFile_scaler SCALER
Scaler binary.
-inFile_imputer IMPUTER
Imputer binary.
-inFile_model MODEL Classifier binary.
Database Options:
-writeDB If flagged, write results to database.
-inFile_desservices DES_SERVICES
Use the specified file instead of $DES_SERVICES.
-des_db_section DES_DB_SECTION
Section of .desservices file with connection info (db-
desoper, db-destest).If not specified, will use
-readlegacyDB If true, read object data from SNOBS_LEGACY instead of
Miscellaneous Options:
-inFile_objList OBJLIST
filterObj file for detections in STAMPLIST. Specify to
speed up program execution.
-outFile_logFile logfile
The logfile.
-debug Run classifier in debug (verbose) mode. Log useful
error messages and program state to logfile.
-n_jobs N_JOBS Number of processes to use for feature extraction.
- If you are writing your own python code and want it to call
methods, you can import autoscan into your script and call its methods directly.
See this paper
for a description of autoscan
and its role in the
DES supernova pipeline.
- Q: Can I use this for surveys other than DES?
- A: Not yet, but stay tuned.