utilities, scripts, and configs for running eastlake for the DES Y6 image simulations
- star catalogs:
- input cosmos catalog:
The final data products are available in the desbalro space:
-- cosmos with bright end resampling for deep field image sims/global/cfs/cdirs/desbalro/cosmos_simcat/
-- per-tile cosmos catalogs with bright end resampling/global/cfs/cdirs/desbalro/starsim/catalogs/merged_y6/
-- star sim catalogs
configs for conda environments
scripts for querying lists of DES tiles via easyaccess
scripts for downloading meds for DES tiles via rsync
script for generating list of seeds for each tile
scripts for running image simulations with eastlake
scripts for image simulation campaigns
create a concatenated hdf5 file of the metadetect catalogs for the image simulations
scripts for making validation plots
scripts for measuring multiplicative and additive bias of image simulations