diff --git a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service.rb b/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service.rb
index 3d37d0de7da..073e4742a48 100644
--- a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service.rb
+++ b/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service.rb
@@ -1,23 +1,58 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-require_relative 'veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request'
-require_relative 'veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives'
module ClaimsApi
class VeteranRepresentativeService < ClaimsApi::LocalBGS
def bean_name
- private
+ def create_veteran_representative(options)
+ injected = convert_nil_values(options)
- def make_request(namespace:, **args)
- super(
- endpoint: 'VDC/VeteranRepresentativeService',
- namespaces: { namespace => '/data' },
- transform_response: false,
- **args
+ body = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse <<~EOXML
+ #{injected}
+ make_request(
+ endpoint: bean_name,
+ namespaces: { 'data' => '/data' },
+ action: 'createVeteranRepresentative',
+ body: body.to_s,
+ key: 'VeteranRepresentativeReturn',
+ transform_response: false
+ # type_code: form type (I.E. 21-22 vs 21-22A)
+ # ptcpnt_id: participant ID
+ def read_all_veteran_representatives(type_code:, ptcpnt_id:)
+ validate! type_code, ptcpnt_id
+ body = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse <<~EOXML
+ #{ptcpnt_id}
+ #{type_code}
+ ret = make_request(endpoint: bean_name, namespaces: { 'data' => '/data' },
+ action: 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives', body:,
+ key: 'VeteranRepresentativeReturnList',
+ transform_response: false) || []
+ [ret].flatten
+ end
+ private
+ def validate!(type_code, ptcpnt_id)
+ errors = []
+ errors << 'type_code is required' if type_code.nil?
+ errors << 'ptcpnt_id must be 1-15 digits and > 0' if ptcpnt_id.length > 15 || ptcpnt_id.to_i < 1
+ raise ArgumentError, "Errors: #{errors.join(', ')}" if errors.any?
+ end
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request.rb b/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 69823f7f0c7..00000000000
--- a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module ClaimsApi
- class VeteranRepresentativeService < ClaimsApi::LocalBGS
- def create_veteran_representative(options)
- injected = convert_nil_values(options)
- body = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse <<~EOXML
- #{injected}
- make_request(
- namespace: 'data',
- action: 'createVeteranRepresentative',
- body: body.to_s,
- key: 'VeteranRepresentativeReturn'
- )
- end
- end
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives.rb b/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfeb0e3c69..00000000000
--- a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module ClaimsApi
- class VeteranRepresentativeService < ClaimsApi::LocalBGS
- # type_code: form type (I.E. 21-22 vs 21-22A)
- # ptcpnt_id: participant ID
- def read_all_veteran_representatives(type_code:, ptcpnt_id:)
- validate! type_code, ptcpnt_id
- body = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse <<~EOXML
- #{ptcpnt_id}
- #{type_code}
- ret = make_request(namespace: 'ns0', action: 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives', body:)
- &.dig('VeteranRepresentativeReturnList') || []
- [ret].flatten
- end
- def validate_read_all_veteran_representatives(type_code:, ptcpnt_id:)
- validate! type_code, ptcpnt_id
- rescue
- false
- end
- private
- def validate!(type_code, ptcpnt_id)
- errors = []
- errors << 'type_code is required' if type_code.nil?
- errors << 'ptcpnt_id must be 1-15 digits and > 0' if ptcpnt_id.length > 15 || ptcpnt_id.to_i < 1
- raise ArgumentError, "Errors: #{errors.join(', ')}" if errors.any?
- end
- end
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/spec/clients/bgs_client/veteran_representative_vs_poa_request_comparison_spec.rb b/modules/claims_api/spec/clients/bgs_client/veteran_representative_vs_poa_request_comparison_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 58e9c18d849..00000000000
--- a/modules/claims_api/spec/clients/bgs_client/veteran_representative_vs_poa_request_comparison_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'rails_helper'
-require Rails.root / 'modules/claims_api/spec/rails_helper'
-require 'claims_api/bgs_client'
-RSpec.describe 'VeteranRepresentative versus POARequest comparison', :bgs do # rubocop:disable RSpec/DescribeClass
- it 'concerns the same underlying data' do
- use_soap_cassette('results', use_spec_name_prefix: true) do
- participant_ids = Set[]
- comparisons =
- Hash.new do |h_a, k_a|
- h_a[k_a] = Hash.new do |h_b, k_b|
- h_b[k_b] = {}
- end
- end
- page_number = 1
- page_size = 100
- # Suspicious weird results where POARequest exists but VeteranRepresentative does not.
- # exceptional_poa_codes = Set['862', 'BQX', '6B6', '9U7', '1EY']
- exceptional_poa_codes = Set[]
- exceptional_participant_ids = Set['13397031', '111']
- search_action =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient::Definitions::
- ManageRepresentativeService::
- ReadPoaRequest::DEFINITION.name
- loop do
- poa_requests = search_poa_requests(page_number, page_size)
- poa_requests.each do |poa_request|
- participant_id = poa_request['vetPtcpntID']
- next if participant_id.blank?
- next if participant_id.in?(exceptional_participant_ids)
- participant_ids << participant_id
- next if poa_request['poaCode'].in?(exceptional_poa_codes)
- proc_id = poa_request['procID']
- comparisons[participant_id][proc_id][search_action] = poa_request
- end
- break if poa_requests.size < page_size
- page_number += 1
- end
- veteran_representative_action =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient::Definitions::
- VeteranRepresentativeService::
- ReadAllVeteranRepresentatives::DEFINITION.name
- poa_request_action =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient::Definitions::
- ManageRepresentativeService::
- ReadPoaRequestByParticipantId::DEFINITION.name
- counter = participant_ids.size
- participant_ids.each do |participant_id|
- # puts counter # uncomment for some progress tracking
- counter -= 1
- veteran_representatives = get_veteran_representatives(participant_id)
- poa_requests = get_poa_requests(participant_id)
- veteran_representatives.each do |veteran_representative|
- next if veteran_representative['poaCode'].in?(exceptional_poa_codes)
- # These two are about visibility logic for POARequest due to statuses.
- next if veteran_representative['secondaryStatus'].to_s.strip.downcase == 'obsolete'
- next unless veteran_representative['vdcStatus'].to_s.strip.downcase == 'submitted'
- comparison =
- comparisons.dig(
- participant_id,
- veteran_representative['procId']
- )
- comparison[veteran_representative_action] =
- veteran_representative
- end
- poa_requests.each do |poa_request|
- next if poa_request['poaCode'].in?(exceptional_poa_codes)
- comparison =
- comparisons.dig(
- participant_id,
- poa_request['procID']
- )
- comparison[poa_request_action] =
- poa_request
- end
- end
- records = comparisons.values.flat_map(&:values)
- categories = records.group_by(&:keys)
- tally = categories.transform_values(&:size)
- expect(tally).to eq(
- %w[readPOARequest readAllVeteranRepresentatives readPOARequestByPtcpntId] => 52,
- # These are because `readPOARequestByPtcpntId` only returns the latest.
- %w[readPOARequest readAllVeteranRepresentatives] => 31,
- # This anomaly I don't understand. They seem like they may not be
- # produced in a production setting. The `exceptional_poa_codes`
- # condition targets these when uncommented.
- %w[readPOARequest readPOARequestByPtcpntId] => 5
- )
- summary =
- comparisons.values.filter_map do |participant|
- memo = {
- 'readPOARequest' => [],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => []
- }
- participant.each_value do |comparison|
- comparison.each do |key, value|
- memo[key] <<
- case key
- when 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives'
- value['submittedDate']
- else
- value['dateRequestReceived']
- end
- end
- end
- next if memo['readPOARequest'].size == 1
- memo
- end
- expect(summary).to eq(
- [
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2013-02-11T09:06:50-06:00',
- '2014-07-16T09:54:31-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2013-02-11T09:06:50-06:00',
- '2014-07-16T09:54:31-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2014-07-16T09:54:31-05:00'
- ]
- },
- { # This is the only representative of the missing `readAllVeteranRepresentatives` anomalies above.
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2013-08-29T14:09:33-05:00',
- '2015-10-19T09:04:34-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2013-08-29T14:09:33-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2015-10-19T09:04:34-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2015-03-25T17:12:26-05:00',
- '2015-04-03T17:00:53-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2015-03-25T17:12:26-05:00',
- '2015-04-03T17:00:53-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2015-04-03T17:00:53-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2015-08-18T21:44:30-05:00',
- '2017-05-16T11:16:37-05:00',
- '2017-07-10T09:59:12-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2015-08-18T21:44:30-05:00',
- '2017-05-16T11:16:37-05:00',
- '2017-07-10T09:59:12-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2017-07-10T09:59:12-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2016-12-06T13:12:43-06:00',
- '2017-04-26T16:26:36-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2016-12-06T13:12:43-06:00',
- '2017-04-26T16:26:36-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2017-04-26T16:26:36-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2017-07-10T15:14:30-05:00',
- '2017-10-18T13:59:29-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2017-07-10T15:14:30-05:00',
- '2017-10-18T13:59:29-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2017-10-18T13:59:29-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2017-10-18T13:35:46-05:00',
- '2024-04-05T12:08:02-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2017-10-18T13:35:46-05:00',
- '2024-04-05T12:08:02-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2024-04-05T12:08:02-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2018-02-09T07:46:42-06:00',
- '2018-05-09T15:10:47-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2018-02-09T07:46:42-06:00',
- '2018-05-09T15:10:47-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2018-05-09T15:10:47-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2018-10-04T10:36:26-05:00',
- '2018-10-04T12:55:44-05:00',
- '2018-11-08T10:18:10-06:00',
- '2018-11-16T10:11:22-06:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2018-10-04T10:36:26-05:00',
- '2018-10-04T12:55:44-05:00',
- '2018-11-08T10:18:10-06:00',
- '2018-11-16T10:11:22-06:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2018-11-16T10:11:22-06:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2019-02-05T10:34:33-06:00',
- '2020-04-24T13:51:15-05:00',
- '2022-04-12T16:05:26-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2019-02-05T10:34:33-06:00',
- '2020-04-24T13:51:15-05:00',
- '2022-04-12T16:05:26-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2022-04-12T16:05:26-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2020-02-25T13:56:42-06:00',
- '2020-04-30T07:56:44-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2020-02-25T13:56:42-06:00',
- '2020-04-30T07:56:44-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2020-04-30T07:56:44-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2021-10-15T08:36:33-05:00',
- '2023-05-16T11:06:07-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2021-10-15T08:36:33-05:00',
- '2023-05-16T11:06:07-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2023-05-16T11:06:07-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2023-03-30T08:41:51-05:00',
- '2023-05-24T10:04:31-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2023-03-30T08:41:51-05:00',
- '2023-05-24T10:04:31-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2023-05-24T10:04:31-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2023-08-23T12:16:37-05:00',
- '2024-05-10T09:30:23-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2023-08-23T12:16:37-05:00',
- '2024-05-10T09:30:23-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2024-05-10T09:30:23-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2023-09-07T13:46:48-05:00',
- '2024-05-30T14:36:09-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2023-09-07T13:46:48-05:00',
- '2024-05-30T14:36:09-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2024-05-30T14:36:09-05:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2024-03-01T09:13:08-06:00',
- '2024-03-08T07:56:37-06:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2024-03-01T09:13:08-06:00',
- '2024-03-08T07:56:37-06:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2024-03-08T07:56:37-06:00'
- ]
- },
- {
- 'readPOARequest' => [
- '2024-04-04T13:08:05-05:00',
- '2024-04-16T15:21:38-05:00',
- '2024-04-18T13:01:27-05:00',
- '2024-04-18T13:57:50-05:00',
- '2024-04-19T14:20:45-05:00',
- '2024-04-22T10:31:30-05:00',
- '2024-04-23T12:55:08-05:00',
- '2024-05-22T14:25:07-05:00',
- '2024-05-23T07:42:50-05:00',
- '2024-05-23T08:40:27-05:00',
- '2024-05-29T15:20:45-05:00',
- '2024-05-30T08:51:01-05:00'
- ],
- 'readAllVeteranRepresentatives' => [
- '2024-04-04T13:08:05-05:00',
- '2024-04-16T15:21:38-05:00',
- '2024-04-18T13:01:27-05:00',
- '2024-04-18T13:57:50-05:00',
- '2024-04-19T14:20:45-05:00',
- '2024-04-22T10:31:30-05:00',
- '2024-04-23T12:55:08-05:00',
- '2024-05-22T14:25:07-05:00',
- '2024-05-23T07:42:50-05:00',
- '2024-05-23T08:40:27-05:00',
- '2024-05-29T15:20:45-05:00',
- '2024-05-30T08:51:01-05:00'
- ],
- 'readPOARequestByPtcpntId' => [
- '2024-05-30T08:51:01-05:00'
- ]
- }
- ]
- )
- end
- end
- def search_poa_requests(page_number, page_size) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
- poa_codes = %w[
- 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 00V 010 012 014 015 016 017 018 019 020
- 021 022 023 025 027 028 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041
- 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 054 055 056 059 060 064 065 070
- 071 073 074 075 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 090 091
- 093 094 097 095 097 1EY 4R0 4R2 4R3 6B6 862 869 8FE 9U7 BQX E5L FYT HTC
- ]
- action =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient::Definitions::
- ManageRepresentativeService::
- ReadPoaRequest::DEFINITION
- result =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient.perform_request(action) do |xml, data_aliaz|
- xml[data_aliaz].POACodeList do
- poa_codes.each do |poa_code|
- xml.POACode(poa_code)
- end
- end
- xml[data_aliaz].SecondaryStatusList do
- xml.SecondaryStatus('New')
- xml.SecondaryStatus('Pending')
- xml.SecondaryStatus('Accepted')
- xml.SecondaryStatus('Declined')
- end
- xml[data_aliaz].POARequestParameter do
- xml.pageIndex(page_number)
- xml.pageSize(page_size)
- end
- end
- Array.wrap(result['poaRequestRespondReturnVOList'])
- end
- def get_poa_requests(participant_id)
- action =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient::Definitions::
- ManageRepresentativeService::
- ReadPoaRequestByParticipantId::DEFINITION
- result =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient.perform_request(action) do |xml|
- xml.PtcpntId(participant_id)
- end
- Array.wrap(result['poaRequestRespondReturnVOList'])
- end
- def get_veteran_representatives(participant_id)
- action =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient::Definitions::
- VeteranRepresentativeService::
- ReadAllVeteranRepresentatives::DEFINITION
- result =
- ClaimsApi::BGSClient.perform_request(action) do |xml, data_aliaz|
- xml[data_aliaz].CorpPtcpntIdFormTypeCode do
- xml.formTypeCode('21-22')
- xml.veteranCorpPtcpntId(participant_id)
- end
- end
- Array.wrap(result)
- end
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request_spec.rb b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request_spec.rb
index 6b4a039e1cf..f0c9979722e 100644
--- a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request_spec.rb
+++ b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative_request_spec.rb
@@ -4,27 +4,13 @@
require 'bgs_service/veteran_representative_service'
require Rails.root.join('modules', 'claims_api', 'spec', 'support', 'bgs_client_spec_helpers.rb')
-metadata = {
- bgs: {
- service: 'veteran_representative_service',
- action: 'create_veteran_representative'
- }
-describe ClaimsApi::VeteranRepresentativeService, metadata do
+describe ClaimsApi::VeteranRepresentativeService do
describe '#create_veteran_representative' do
subject do
- service = described_class.new(**header_params)
+ service = described_class.new(external_uid: 'xUid', external_key: 'xKey')
- let(:header_params) do
- {
- external_uid: 'keyHere',
- external_key: 'keyHere'
- }
- end
describe 'with valid request params' do
let(:params) do
@@ -61,7 +47,7 @@
'city' => 'Bridgeport',
'claimantPtcpntId' => '182358',
'claimantRelationship' => nil,
- 'formTypeCode' => '21-22',
+ 'formTypeCode' => '21-22 ',
'insuranceNumbers' => nil,
'limitationAlcohol' => 'false',
'limitationDrugAbuse' => 'false',
@@ -90,7 +76,7 @@
'claimantMiddleName' => nil,
'declinedBy' => nil,
'declinedReason' => nil,
- 'secondaryStatus' => nil,
+ 'secondaryStatus' => 'Obsolete',
'veteranFirstName' => 'VERNON',
'veteranLastName' => 'WAGNER',
'veteranMiddleName' => nil,
@@ -100,7 +86,7 @@
it 'returns a response with expected body' do
- use_bgs_cassette('valid_params') do
+ VCR.use_cassette('claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative/valid_params') do
expect(subject).to eq(expected_response)
@@ -135,7 +121,7 @@
it 'raises Common::Exceptions::ServiceError' do
- use_bgs_cassette('mpi_ptcpnt_id_instead_of_vnp_ptcpnt_id') do
+ VCR.use_cassette('mpi_ptcpnt_id_instead_of_vnp_ptcpnt_id') do
expect { subject }.to raise_error(
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives_spec.rb b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives_spec.rb
index 4bdcde0fdbf..21e03ff9985 100644
--- a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives_spec.rb
+++ b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives_spec.rb
@@ -4,125 +4,82 @@
require 'bgs_service/veteran_representative_service'
require Rails.root.join('modules', 'claims_api', 'spec', 'support', 'bgs_client_spec_helpers.rb')
-metadata = {
- bgs: {
- service: 'veteran_representative_service',
- action: 'read_all_veteran_representatives'
- },
- run_at: '2024-04-17T23:10:31+00:00'
-describe ClaimsApi::VeteranRepresentativeService, metadata do
+describe ClaimsApi::VeteranRepresentativeService do
describe '#read_all_veteran_representatives' do
subject do
- service = described_class.new(**header_params)
+ service = described_class.new external_uid: 'xUid', external_key: 'xKey'
- describe 'with valid external uid and key' do
- let(:header_params) do
- {
- external_uid: 'xUid',
- external_key: 'xKey'
- }
- end
- describe 'with no params' do
- let(:params) { {} }
- it 'raises ArgumentError' do
- use_bgs_cassette('no_params') do
- expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'with no type_code param' do
- let(:params) { { ptcpnt_id: '123456' } }
+ describe 'with no params' do
+ let(:params) { {} }
- it 'raises ArgumentError' do
+ it 'raises ArgumentError' do
+ VCR.use_cassette('no_params') do
expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
- describe 'with invalid ptcpnt_id param' do
- let(:params) do
- {
- type_code: '21-22',
- ptcpnt_id: '0'
- }
- end
+ describe 'with no type_code param' do
+ let(:params) { { ptcpnt_id: '123456' } }
- it 'raises ArgumentError' do
- expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
+ it 'raises ArgumentError' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
- describe 'with no ptcpnt_id param' do
- let(:params) { { type_code: '21-22' } }
- it 'raises ArgumentError' do
- expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
+ describe 'with invalid ptcpnt_id param' do
+ let(:params) do
+ {
+ type_code: '21-22',
+ ptcpnt_id: '0'
+ }
- describe 'with valid individual params' do
- let(:params) do
- {
- type_code: '21-22A',
- ptcpnt_id: '600043201'
- }
- end
- it 'returns poa requests' do
- use_bgs_cassette('valid_individual') do
- expect(subject.size).to eq(4)
- end
- end
+ it 'raises ArgumentError' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
- describe 'with valid org params' do
- let(:params) do
- {
- type_code: '21-22',
- ptcpnt_id: '600043201'
- }
- end
+ describe 'with no ptcpnt_id param' do
+ let(:params) { { type_code: '21-22' } }
- it 'returns poa requests' do
- use_bgs_cassette('valid_org') do
- expect(subject.size).to eq(6)
- end
- end
+ it 'raises ArgumentError' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ end
- describe 'with a single response' do
- let(:params) do
- {
- type_code: '21-22',
- ptcpnt_id: '600043201'
- }
- end
+ describe 'with valid individual params' do
+ let(:params) do
+ {
+ type_code: '21-22A',
+ ptcpnt_id: '600043201'
+ }
+ end
- it 'handles object vs array' do
- use_bgs_cassette('valid_org_single') do
- expect(subject.size).to eq(1)
- end
+ it 'returns poa requests' do
+ VCR.use_cassette(
+ 'claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives/valid_individual'
+ ) do
+ expect(subject.size).to eq(4)
+ end
- describe 'with an empty response' do
- let(:params) do
- {
- type_code: '21-22',
- ptcpnt_id: '1'
- }
- end
+ describe 'with valid org params' do
+ let(:params) do
+ {
+ type_code: '21-22',
+ ptcpnt_id: '600043201'
+ }
+ end
- it 'returns an empty array' do
- use_bgs_cassette('empty_response') do
- expect(subject.size).to eq(0)
- end
+ it 'returns poa requests' do
+ VCR.use_cassette(
+ 'claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/read_all_veteran_representatives/valid_org'
+ ) do
+ expect(subject.size).to eq(6)
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/veteran_representative_service_spec.rb b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/veteran_representative_service_spec.rb
index 5a35a2cacad..eddeb8cd351 100644
--- a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/veteran_representative_service_spec.rb
+++ b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/veteran_representative_service_spec.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
it 'does not raise ArgumentError' do
service = described_class.new(**header_params)
expect do
- service.send(:make_request, namespace: 'testspace', action: 'testAction', body: 'this is the body',
+ service.send(:make_request, endpoint: 'endpoint', namespaces: { 'testspace' => '/test' },
+ action: 'testAction',
+ body: 'this is the body',
key: 'ThisIsTheKey')
end.not_to raise_error(ArgumentError)
diff --git a/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative/valid_params.yml b/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative/valid_params.yml
index eafca230145..4f49e7cc3ec 100644
--- a/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative/valid_params.yml
+++ b/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/veteran_representative_service/create_veteran_representative/valid_params.yml
@@ -1,149 +1,5 @@
-- request:
- method: get
- uri: "/VDC/VeteranRepresentativeService?WSDL"
- body:
- encoding: US-ASCII
- string: ''
- headers:
- User-Agent:
- -
- Accept-Encoding:
- - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
- Accept:
- - "*/*"
- response:
- status:
- code: 200
- message: OK
- headers:
- Date:
- - Tue, 23 Apr 2024 19:07:13 GMT
- Server:
- - Apache
- X-Frame-Options:
- Transfer-Encoding:
- - chunked
- Content-Type:
- - text/xml;charset=utf-8
- Strict-Transport-Security:
- - max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;
- body:
- encoding: UTF-8
- string: |-
- recorded_at: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 19:27:37 GMT
- request:
method: post
uri: "/VDC/VeteranRepresentativeService"
@@ -152,50 +8,31 @@ http_interactions:
string: |
- VAgovAPI
- 281
- VAgovAPI
- keyHere
- keyHere
+ VAgovAPI
+ 281
+ VAgovAPI
+ xUid
+ xKey
- 21-22
- 3854909
- 182359
- 074
- false
- false
- false
- false
- false
- false
- true
- Submitted
- Recognized Veterans Service Organization
- 182358
- 76 Crowther Ave
- Bridgeport
- 06605
- CT
- 2024-04-22T19:27:37Z
+ 21-223854909182359074falsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsetrueSubmittedRecognized Veterans Service Organization18235876 Crowther AveBridgeport06605CT2024-04-22T19:27:37Z
- -
+ - ""
- text/xml;charset=UTF-8
@@ -212,7 +49,7 @@ http_interactions:
message: OK
- - Tue, 23 Apr 2024 19:07:14 GMT
+ - Fri, 20 Dec 2024 18:22:42 GMT
- Apache
@@ -228,53 +65,9 @@ http_interactions:
- 76 Crowther Ave
- true
- Bridgeport
- 182358
- 21-22
- false
- false
- false
- false
- 074
- 06605
- 3854909
- Recognized Veterans Service Organization
- false
- CT
- Submitted
- 182359
- recorded_at: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 19:27:37 GMT
-recorded_with: VCR 6.2.0
+ xmlns:ns2="http://gov.va.vba.benefits.vdc/data">76
+ Crowther AvetrueBridgeport18235821-22
+ falsefalsefalsefalse074066053854909Recognized
+ Veterans Service OrganizationfalseCTSubmitted182359VERNONWAGNERObsoleteVERNONWAGNER
+ recorded_at: Fri, 20 Dec 2024 18:22:42 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 6.3.1