diff --git a/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service.rb b/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..85bf4cda2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/claims_api/lib/bgs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module ClaimsApi
+ class VnpPtcpntAddrsService < ClaimsApi::LocalBGS
+ def vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create(options)
+ arg_strg = convert_nil_values(options)
+ body = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse <<~EOXML
+ #{arg_strg}
+ make_request(endpoint: 'VnpPtcpntAddrsWebServiceBean/VnpPtcpntAddrsService',
+ action: 'vnpPtcpntAddrsCreate', body:, key: 'return')
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service_spec.rb b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9dfa8550cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/claims_api/spec/lib/claims_api/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rails_helper'
+require 'bgs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service'
+require Rails.root.join('modules', 'claims_api', 'spec', 'support', 'bgs_client_helpers.rb')
+metadata = {
+ bgs: {
+ service: 'vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service',
+ operation: 'vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create'
+ }
+describe ClaimsApi::VnpPtcpntAddrsService, metadata do
+ subject { described_class.new external_uid: 'xUid', external_key: 'xKey' }
+ describe 'vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create' do
+ let(:options) { {} }
+ it 'responds with attributes' do
+ options[:vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_id] = nil
+ options[:vnp_proc_id] = '3854596'
+ options[:vnp_ptcpnt_id] = '182057'
+ options[:efctv_dt] = '2020-07-16T18:20:18Z'
+ options[:addrs_one_txt] = '76 Crowther Ave'
+ options[:addrs_three_txt] = nil
+ options[:addrs_two_txt] = nil
+ options[:bad_addrs_ind] = nil
+ options[:city_nm] = 'Bridgeport'
+ options[:cntry_nm] = nil
+ options[:county_nm] = nil
+ options[:eft_waiver_type_nm] = nil
+ options[:email_addrs_txt] = 'testy@test.com'
+ options[:end_dt] = nil
+ options[:fms_addrs_code_txt] = nil
+ options[:frgn_postal_cd] = nil
+ options[:group_1_verifd_type_cd] = nil
+ options[:jrn_dt] = '2020-07-16T18:20:17Z'
+ options[:jrn_lctn_id] = 281
+ options[:jrn_obj_id] = 'VAgovAPI'
+ options[:jrn_status_type_cd] = 'U'
+ options[:jrn_user_id] = 'VAgovAPI'
+ options[:lctn_nm] = nil
+ options[:mlty_postal_type_cd] = nil
+ options[:mlty_post_office_type_cd] = nil
+ options[:postal_cd] = 'CT'
+ options[:prvnc_nm] = 'CT'
+ options[:ptcpnt_addrs_type_nm] = 'Mailing'
+ options[:shared_addrs_ind] = 'N'
+ options[:trsury_addrs_five_txt] = nil
+ options[:trsury_addrs_four_txt] = nil
+ options[:trsury_addrs_one_txt] = nil
+ options[:trsury_addrs_six_txt] = nil
+ options[:trsury_addrs_three_txt] = nil
+ options[:trsury_addrs_two_txt] = nil
+ options[:trsury_seq_nbr] = nil
+ options[:trtry_nm] = nil
+ options[:zip_first_suffix_nbr] = nil
+ options[:zip_prefix_nbr] = '06605'
+ options[:zip_second_suffix_nbr] = nil
+ use_bgs_cassette('happy_path') do
+ response = subject.vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create(options)
+ expect(response).to include(
+ { vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_id: '143950',
+ efctv_dt: '2020-07-16T18:20:18Z',
+ vnp_ptcpnt_id: '182057',
+ vnp_proc_id: '3854596',
+ addrs_one_txt: '76 Crowther Ave',
+ city_nm: 'Bridgeport',
+ email_addrs_txt: 'testy@test.com',
+ jrn_dt: '2020-07-16T18:20:17Z',
+ jrn_lctn_id: '281',
+ jrn_obj_id: 'VAgovAPI',
+ jrn_status_type_cd: 'U',
+ jrn_user_id: 'VAgovAPI',
+ postal_cd: 'CT',
+ prvnc_nm: 'CT',
+ ptcpnt_addrs_type_nm: 'Mailing',
+ shared_addrs_ind: 'N',
+ zip_prefix_nbr: '06605' }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/modules/claims_api/spec/support/bgs_client_helpers.rb b/modules/claims_api/spec/support/bgs_client_helpers.rb
index 8cd2c5f8ebc..4d6394c50fd 100644
--- a/modules/claims_api/spec/support/bgs_client_helpers.rb
+++ b/modules/claims_api/spec/support/bgs_client_helpers.rb
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module BGSClientHelpers
# Then, HTTP interactions that occur within the block supplied to this method
# will be captured by VCR cassettes that have the following convenient
# properties:
- # - They will be nicely organized at `bgs/:service/:operation/:name`
+ # - They will be nicely organized at `claims_api/bgs/:service/:operation/:name`
# - Cassette matching will be done on canonicalized XML bodies, so
# reformatting cassettes for human readability won't defeat matching
def use_bgs_cassette(name, &)
diff --git a/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create/happy_path.yml b/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create/happy_path.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..11d52b9b5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/vcr_cassettes/claims_api/bgs/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_service/vnp_ptcpnt_addrs_create/happy_path.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+- request:
+ method: get
+ uri: /VnpPtcpntAddrsWebServiceBean/VnpPtcpntAddrsService?WSDL
+ body:
+ encoding: US-ASCII
+ string: ''
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - Faraday v2.9.0
+ Accept-Encoding:
+ - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
+ Accept:
+ - "*/*"
+ response:
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+ headers:
+ Date:
+ - Thu, 04 Apr 2024 18:57:11 GMT
+ Server:
+ - Apache
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ - chunked
+ Content-Type:
+ - text/xml;charset=utf-8
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ - max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;
+ body:
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ string: |-
+ recorded_at: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 18:57:11 GMT
+- request:
+ method: post
+ uri: /VnpPtcpntAddrsWebServiceBean/VnpPtcpntAddrsService
+ body:
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ string: |
+ VAgovAPI
+ 281
+ VAgovAPI
+ xUid
+ xKey
+ 3854596
+ 182057
+ 2020-07-16T18:20:18Z
+ 76 Crowther Ave
+ Bridgeport
+ testy@test.com
+ 2020-07-16T18:20:17Z
+ 281
+ VAgovAPI
+ U
+ VAgovAPI
+ CT
+ CT
+ Mailing
+ N
+ 06605
+ headers:
+ User-Agent:
+ - Faraday v2.9.0
+ Content-Type:
+ - text/xml;charset=UTF-8
+ Host:
+ - ".vba.va.gov"
+ Soapaction:
+ - '"vnpPtcpntAddrsCreate"'
+ Accept-Encoding:
+ - gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
+ Accept:
+ - "*/*"
+ response:
+ status:
+ code: 200
+ message: OK
+ headers:
+ Date:
+ - Thu, 04 Apr 2024 18:57:12 GMT
+ Server:
+ - Apache
+ X-Frame-Options:
+ Transfer-Encoding:
+ - chunked
+ Content-Type:
+ - text/xml; charset=utf-8
+ Strict-Transport-Security:
+ - max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;
+ body:
+ encoding: UTF-8
+ string: |
+ rO0ABXdKABR3ZWJsb2dpYy5hcHAudm5wLWVhcgAAANYAAAAjd2VibG9naWMud29ya2FyZWEuU3RyaW5nV29ya0NvbnRleHQABTIuMC44AAA=
+ 143950
+ 2020-07-16T18:20:18Z
+ 182057
+ 3854596
+ 76 Crowther Ave
+ Bridgeport
+ testy@test.com
+ 2020-07-16T18:20:17Z
+ 281
+ VAgovAPI
+ U
+ VAgovAPI
+ CT
+ CT
+ Mailing
+ N
+ 06605
+ recorded_at: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 18:57:12 GMT
+recorded_with: VCR 6.2.0