diff --git a/packages/components/src/components/Link/Link.test.tsx b/packages/components/src/components/Link/Link.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c338b8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/components/src/components/Link/Link.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+import { RenderAPI, fireEvent, render } from '@testing-library/react-native'
+import React from 'react'
+import * as utils from '../../utils/OSfunctions'
+import { Icon } from '../Icon/Icon'
+import { Link, LinkAnalytics, LinkProps } from './Link'
+const onPressSpy = jest.fn()
+const mockedColorScheme = jest.fn()
+jest.mock('react-native/Libraries/Utilities/useColorScheme', () => {
+ return {
+ default: mockedColorScheme,
+ }
+// Mock the internal function call within the useExternalLink hook
+const useExternalLinkHookMock = jest.fn((url: string, analytics?: LinkAnalytics, text?: utils.leaveAppPromptText) => {
+ url
+ analytics
+ text
+// Mock the useExternalLink hook to leverage mock implementation
+jest.spyOn(utils, 'useExternalLink').mockImplementation(() => {
+ return useExternalLinkHookMock
+describe('Link', () => {
+ let component: RenderAPI
+ let textColor: string
+ const analytics = {
+ onPress: jest.fn(),
+ onConfirm: jest.fn(),
+ onCancel: jest.fn(),
+ }
+ const defaultProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'custom',
+ text: 'Example Link',
+ a11yLabel: 'a11yLabel override',
+ a11yHint: 'a11yHint override',
+ a11yValue: { index: 2, total: 5 },
+ onPress: onPressSpy,
+ analytics: analytics,
+ }
+ const getTextColor = (element: RenderAPI) =>
+ element.getByText(defaultProps.text).props.style.color
+ afterEach(() => {
+ onPressSpy.mockReset()
+ useExternalLinkHookMock.mockReset()
+ })
+ describe('Default/custom variant and basic tests', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('initializes correctly', async () => {
+ expect(component).toBeTruthy()
+ })
+ it('renders the link text', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('Example Link')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls onPress when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Example Link'))
+ expect(onPressSpy).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders no icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.UNSAFE_queryByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeNull()
+ })
+ })
+ it('renders default/custom variant with Truck icon', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('Truck')
+ })
+ describe('attachment variant tests', () => {
+ const attachmentProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'attachment',
+ onPress: onPressSpy,
+ text: 'Attachment Link',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders attachment link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('Attachment Link')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls custom onPress when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Attachment Link'))
+ expect(onPressSpy).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders attachment icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('PaperClip')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('calendar variant tests', () => {
+ const calendarProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'calendar',
+ onPress: onPressSpy,
+ text: 'Calendar Link',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders calendar link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('Calendar Link')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls custom onPress when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Calendar Link'))
+ expect(onPressSpy).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders calendar icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('Calendar')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('call variant tests', () => {
+ const callProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'call',
+ phoneNumber: '1234567890',
+ text: '123-456-7890',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders call link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('123-456-7890')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('123-456-7890'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('tel:1234567890', undefined)
+ expect(onPressSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders call icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('Phone')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('call TTY variant tests', () => {
+ const callTTYProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'call TTY',
+ TTYnumber: '711',
+ text: 'TTY: 711',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders call TTY link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('TTY: 711')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('TTY: 711'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('tel:711', undefined)
+ expect(onPressSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders TTY icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('TTY')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('directions variant tests', () => {
+ const location = {
+ lat: 33.7764681,
+ long: -118.1189664,
+ name: 'Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center',
+ address: {
+ street: '5901 E 7th St',
+ city: 'Long Beach',
+ state: 'CA',
+ zipCode: '90822',
+ },
+ }
+ const directionsProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'directions',
+ locationData: {
+ latitude: location.lat,
+ longitude: location.long,
+ name: location.name,
+ },
+ text: 'Get Directions',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders directions link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('Get Directions')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Get Directions'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('https://maps.apple.com/?t=m&daddr=%2BTibor+Rubin+VA+Medical+Center%2B33.7764681%2C-118.1189664', undefined, undefined)
+ expect(onPressSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders directions icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('Directions')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('text variant tests', () => {
+ const textProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'text',
+ textNumber: '123456',
+ text: 'Text 123456',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders text link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('Text 123456')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls onPress when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Text 123456'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('sms:123456', undefined)
+ expect(onPressSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders mobile phone icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('Text')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('url variant tests', () => {
+ const urlProps: LinkProps = {
+ type: 'url',
+ url: 'https://www.va.com',
+ text: 'External Link',
+ }
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('renders url link', async () => {
+ const linkText = component.getByText('External Link')
+ expect(linkText).toBeDefined()
+ })
+ it('calls onPress when tapped', async () => {
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('External Link'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('https://www.va.com', undefined, undefined)
+ expect(onPressSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ it('renders external link icon', async () => {
+ const icon = component.root.findByType(Icon)
+ expect(icon).toBeDefined()
+ expect(icon.props.name).toBe('ExternalLink')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('light mode tone tests', () => {
+ it('renders primary tone', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ textColor = getTextColor(component)
+ expect(textColor).toBe('#005ea2')
+ })
+ it('renders base tone', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ textColor = getTextColor(component)
+ expect(textColor).toBe('#3d4551')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('dark mode tone tests', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => mockedColorScheme.mockImplementationOnce(() => 'dark'))
+ it('renders primary tone', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ textColor = getTextColor(component)
+ expect(textColor).toBe('#58b4ff')
+ })
+ it('renders base tone', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ textColor = getTextColor(component)
+ expect(textColor).toBe('#f0f0f0')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('a11y tests', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ component = render()
+ })
+ it('includes a11yLabel', async () => {
+ expect(component.root.props.accessibilityLabel).toBe('a11yLabel override')
+ })
+ it('includes a11yHint', async () => {
+ expect(component.root.props.accessibilityHint).toBe('a11yHint override')
+ })
+ it('includes a11yValue', async () => {
+ expect(component.UNSAFE_root.props.a11yValue).toStrictEqual({ index: 2, total: 5 })
+ })
+ })
+ describe('promptText tests', () => {
+ const promptText = {
+ body: 'You are navigating to your browser app.',
+ cancel: 'No thanks',
+ confirm: "Let's go!",
+ title: 'Title override',
+ }
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook with promptText when provided', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Example Link'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('https://www.va.com', analytics, promptText)
+ })
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook without promptText when not provided', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Example Link'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('https://www.va.com', analytics, undefined)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('analytics tests', () => {
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook with analytics when provided', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Example Link'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('https://www.va.com', analytics, undefined)
+ })
+ it('calls useExternalLink hook without analytics when not provided', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Example Link'))
+ expect(useExternalLinkHookMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('https://www.va.com', undefined, undefined)
+ })
+ it('calls onPress analytics with custom onPress behavior', async () => {
+ component = render()
+ fireEvent.press(component.getByText('Example Link'))
+ expect(analytics.onPress).toHaveBeenCalled()
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/packages/tokens/build.js b/packages/tokens/build.js
index c44185a0..a468ec91 100644
--- a/packages/tokens/build.js
+++ b/packages/tokens/build.js
@@ -2,17 +2,37 @@
const StyleDictionary = require('style-dictionary')
- * Custom filter to include only tokens with the 'color' category and
- * exclude uswds primitives from variables.json to avoid collisions since these
- * colors are defined twice in variables.json
+ * Filters
+/** Remove tokens that do not have 'color' in the category */
+ name: 'filter/color/is-color',
+ matcher: (token) => token.attributes.category.includes('color'),
+/** Remove tokens that have the dark mode (OnDark/-on-dark) suffix */
- name: 'isUniqueColor',
+ name: 'filter/color/light-mode',
matcher: (token) =>
token.attributes.category.includes('color') &&
- token.filePath !== 'tokens/uswds.json',
+ !token.name.includes('OnDark') &&
+ !token.name.includes('-on-dark'),
+/** Remove tokens that have the light mode (OnLight/-on-light) suffix */
+ name: 'filter/color/dark-mode',
+ matcher: (token) =>
+ token.attributes.category.includes('color') &&
+ !token.name.includes('OnLight') &&
+ !token.name.includes('-on-light'),
+ * Formats
+ */
/** Custom format for colors. Exports color tokens as single object */
name: 'javascript/es6/vads-colors',
@@ -22,7 +42,7 @@ StyleDictionary.registerFormat({
return result
}, {})
- return `export const Colors = ${JSON.stringify(colorTokens, null, 2)};`
+ return `export const Colors = ${JSON.stringify(sortTokensByKey(colorTokens), null, 2)};`
@@ -44,42 +64,80 @@ StyleDictionary.registerFormat({
name: 'json/dtcg',
formatter: function ({ dictionary }) {
- const tokensObject = dictionary.allTokens.reduce(
+ // Returns proper value for dtcg aliasing
+ const getValue = (value) => {
+ if (value.startsWith('{') && value.includes('.')) {
+ return `${value.split('.')[0]}}`
+ }
+ return value
+ }
+ // Infers type from attributes. VADS does not consistently populate the type field properly
+ const getType = (attributes) => {
+ const { category, type } = attributes
+ if (category.includes('color')) {
+ return 'color'
+ } else if (category === 'units') {
+ return 'dimension'
+ } else if (category === 'font' && type === 'family') {
+ return 'fontFamily'
+ } else if (category === 'font' && type === 'weight') {
+ return 'fontWeight'
+ } else if (category === 'font' && type === 'size') {
+ return 'dimension'
+ }
+ return ''
+ }
+ // Format tokens for dtcg
+ const tokens = dictionary.allTokens.reduce(
(previousTokens, token) => ({
[token.name]: {
- $value: token.value,
- $type: token.path[0], // path[0] is top level token type (e.g. 'color'), should meet: https://tr.designtokens.org/format/#types
+ $value: getValue(token.original.value),
+ $type: getType(token.attributes),
- return JSON.stringify(tokensObject, undefined, 2) + `\n`
+ return JSON.stringify(sortTokensByKey(tokens), undefined, 2) + `\n`
-/** Registering a transform that strips out category from token name */
- name: 'name/color/clean-up',
- type: 'name',
- transformer: (token) => {
- return token.name.replace('SystemColor', '')
- },
+ * Transform Groups
+ */
/** Registering transform group to massage output as desired for figma */
name: 'rn',
- transforms: ['name/ti/camel', 'name/color/clean-up', 'color/hex'],
+ transforms: ['name/cti/camel', 'color/hex'],
/** Registering transform group to massage output as desired for figma */
name: 'figma',
- transforms: ['name/ti/camel', 'name/color/clean-up', 'color/hex'],
+ transforms: ['name/cti/kebab', 'color/hex'],
+ * Utils
+ */
+const sortTokensByKey = (obj) => {
+ const sortedKeys = Object.keys(obj).sort()
+ const sortedObj = {}
+ sortedKeys.forEach((key) => {
+ sortedObj[key] = obj[key]
+ })
+ return sortedObj
const StyleDictionaryExtended = StyleDictionary.extend(__dirname + '/config.js')
diff --git a/packages/tokens/config.js b/packages/tokens/config.js
index 73e812af..39de729d 100644
--- a/packages/tokens/config.js
+++ b/packages/tokens/config.js
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
-const tokenCategories = require('./src/tokens')
module.exports = {
source: [
+ 'src/tokens/color/semantic-light.json',
+ 'src/tokens/color/component-light.json',
+ 'src/tokens/color/semantic-dark.json',
+ 'src/tokens/color/component-dark.json',
platforms: {
rn: {
@@ -15,23 +16,30 @@ module.exports = {
destination: 'js/index.js',
format: 'javascript/es6/vads-colors',
- filter: 'isUniqueColor',
+ filter: 'filter/color/is-color',
destination: 'index.d.ts',
format: 'typescript/es6-declarations/colors',
- filter: 'isUniqueColor',
+ filter: 'filter/color/is-color',
figma: {
transformGroup: 'figma',
buildPath: './figma/',
- files: tokenCategories.map((tokenCategory) => ({
- destination: `${tokenCategory}.json`,
- format: 'json/dtcg',
- filter: 'isUniqueColor',
- })),
+ files: [
+ {
+ destination: `light.json`,
+ format: 'json/dtcg',
+ filter: 'filter/color/light-mode',
+ },
+ {
+ destination: `dark.json`,
+ format: 'json/dtcg',
+ filter: 'filter/color/dark-mode',
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/packages/tokens/figma/color.json b/packages/tokens/figma/color.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 030a3b64..00000000
--- a/packages/tokens/figma/color.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
- "base": {
- "$value": "#1b1b1b",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "white": {
- "$value": "#ffffff",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "black": {
- "$value": "#000000",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "linkDefault": {
- "$value": "#005ea2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "linkDefaultHover": {
- "$value": "rgba(#000000, 0.05)",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "linkVisited": {
- "$value": "#54278f",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "warningMessage": {
- "$value": "#faf3d1",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "feedbackWarningBackground": {
- "$value": "#faf3d1",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primary": {
- "$value": "#005ea2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryDark": {
- "$value": "#1a4480",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryDarker": {
- "$value": "#162e51",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryAlt": {
- "$value": "#00bde3",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryAltDark": {
- "$value": "#28a0cb",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryAltDarkest": {
- "$value": "#07648d",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryAltLight": {
- "$value": "#97d4ea",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "primaryAltLightest": {
- "$value": "#e1f3f8",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "secondary": {
- "$value": "#d83933",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "secondaryDark": {
- "$value": "#b50909",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "secondaryDarkest": {
- "$value": "#8b0a03",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "secondaryLight": {
- "$value": "#f2938c",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "secondaryLightest": {
- "$value": "#f8dfe2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "gray": {
- "$value": "#565c65",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayDark": {
- "$value": "#3d4551",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayMedium": {
- "$value": "#757575",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayLight": {
- "$value": "#a9aeb1",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayLightAlt": {
- "$value": "#edeff0",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayLighter": {
- "$value": "#dfe1e2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayLightest": {
- "$value": "#f0f0f0",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayWarmDark": {
- "$value": "#454540",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayWarmLight": {
- "$value": "#e6e6e2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "grayCoolLight": {
- "$value": "#e1e7f1",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "green": {
- "$value": "#008817",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "greenDark": {
- "$value": "#216e1f",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "greenDarker": {
- "$value": "#154c21",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "greenLight": {
- "$value": "#5e9f69",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "greenLighter": {
- "$value": "#b4d0b9",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "greenLightest": {
- "$value": "#ecf3ec",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "orange": {
- "$value": "#dd7533",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "gold": {
- "$value": "#ffbe2e",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "goldLight": {
- "$value": "#face00",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "goldLighter": {
- "$value": "#ffe396",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "goldLightest": {
- "$value": "#fef0c8",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "goldDarker": {
- "$value": "#936f38",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "blueCool": {
- "$value": "#345d96",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "blueCoolLight": {
- "$value": "#4a77b4",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "blueCoolLighter": {
- "$value": "#98afd2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "blueCoolLightest": {
- "$value": "#e6e6e2",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubHealthCare": {
- "$value": "#3f57a6",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubEducation": {
- "$value": "#40807e",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubDisability": {
- "$value": "#a23737",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubCareers": {
- "$value": "#bd5727",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubPension": {
- "$value": "#4d8055",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubHousing": {
- "$value": "#8e704f",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubLifeInsurance": {
- "$value": "#6f7a41",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubBurials": {
- "$value": "#2378c3",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubFamilyMember": {
- "$value": "#162e51",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "hubServiceMember": {
- "$value": "#162e51",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsBlueVivid5": {
- "$value": "#e8f5ff",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsBlueVivid10": {
- "$value": "#cfe8ff",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsBlueVivid20": {
- "$value": "#a1d3ff",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsBlueVivid30": {
- "$value": "#58b4ff",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsBlueVivid80": {
- "$value": "#112f4e",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsGray30": {
- "$value": "#adadad",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsGray80": {
- "$value": "#2e2e2e",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsGrayWarm90": {
- "$value": "#171716",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsGreenCoolVivid80": {
- "$value": "#19311e",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsRedVivid40": {
- "$value": "#fb5a47",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsRedVivid80": {
- "$value": "#5c1111",
- "$type": "color"
- },
- "uswdsYellowVivid70": {
- "$value": "#5c4809",
- "$type": "color"
- }
diff --git a/packages/tokens/figma/dark.json b/packages/tokens/figma/dark.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28a178b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/tokens/figma/dark.json
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