diff --git a/src/site/components/phone.drupal.liquid b/src/site/components/phone.drupal.liquid index b04121d7a3..9104a7cff6 100644 --- a/src/site/components/phone.drupal.liquid +++ b/src/site/components/phone.drupal.liquid @@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ {% endfor %} {% endif %} -{% endif %} +{% endif %} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/site/facilities/health_care_local_health_service.drupal.liquid b/src/site/facilities/health_care_local_health_service.drupal.liquid index 23d0811c8b..e71e0a9d81 100644 --- a/src/site/facilities/health_care_local_health_service.drupal.liquid +++ b/src/site/facilities/health_care_local_health_service.drupal.liquid @@ -1,102 +1,7 @@ -
- {{ introText }} -
- {% endif %} - - - {% comment %} - if fieldPhoneNumbersParagraph has values - use phone numbers from entities - {% endcomment %} - {% if locationEntity.fieldPhoneNumbersParagraph.length > 0 %} -- Referral required? - {% if locationEntity.fieldReferralRequired == '1' %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %} -
- {% endunless %} - {% endif %} - - {% if locationEntity.fieldWalkInsAccepted %} - {% unless OMIT_REFERRAL_OR_WALKIN contains locationEntity.fieldWalkInsAccepted %} -- Walk-ins accepted? - {% if locationEntity.fieldWalkInsAccepted == '1' %}Yes{% else %}No{% endif %} -
- {% endunless %} - {% endif %} - - {% if locationEntity.fieldOnlineSchedulingAvailabl == '1' %} - - Schedule an appointment online - - {% endif %} -{% endif %} diff --git a/src/site/facilities/service_address.drupal.liquid b/src/site/facilities/service_address.drupal.liquid index 59be7f1164..3deb43ed36 100644 --- a/src/site/facilities/service_address.drupal.liquid +++ b/src/site/facilities/service_address.drupal.liquid @@ -1,3 +1,13 @@ +{% assign hasAddress = false %} +{% if serviceLocationAddress.fieldUseFacilityAddress and facilityAddress %} + {% assign hasAddress = true %} + {% assign addressData = facilityAddress %} +{% elsif location.entity.fieldServiceLocationAddress %} + {% assign hasAddress = true %} + {% assign addressData = location.entity.fieldServiceLocationAddress.entity.fieldAddress %} +{% endif %} + +{% if serviceLocationAddress.fieldClinicName or hasAddress or serviceLocationAddress.fieldBuildingNameNumber or serviceLocationAddress.fieldWingFloorOrRoomNumber %}+ You always have the option to apply for and manage your VA benefits online. +
+ {{ serviceDescription | drupalToVaPath | phoneLinks }}
+ {% case single.fieldOfficeVisits %}
+ {% when "yes_appointment_only" %}
+ Visit our office, by appointment only
+ {% when "yes_walk_in_visits_only" %}
+ Visit our office, walk-in visits only
+ {% when "yes_with_or_without_appointment" %}
+ Visit our office, with or without an appointment
+ {% endcase %}
+ {% case single.fieldVirtualSupport %}
+ {% when "yes_appointment_only" %}
+ Virtual visits by appointment only
+ {% when "yes_veterans_can_call" %}
+ Call at your convenience
+ {% when "virtual_visits_may_be_available" %}
+ Virtual visits may be available
+ {% endcase %}
+ {% case fieldReferralRequired %}
+ {% when "1" %}
+ A referral is required
+ {% when "0" %}
+ A referral is not required
+ {% endcase %}
+ {{ single.fieldApptIntroTextCustom | drupalToVaPath | phoneLinks }}
+ Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required,
+ you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
- {% if email.entity.fieldEmailLabel %}
+ {% if email.entity.fieldEmailLabel %}
+ The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
+ {{ single.fieldAdditionalHoursInfo }}
+ Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines at VA Our Audiology and Speech Pathology clinic provides diagnostic and rehabilitative services, VA compensation and pension examinations, and screening for employee hearing conservation. We offer a full range of audiology and speech pathology services like: To reach the Audiology and Speech clinic, call 202-745-8000, ext. 58270. Learn more about VA hearing aids We help Veterans on their recovery journey through outpatient and inpatient services. Our residential facility helps Veterans deal with substance abuse, homelessness, mental health, and unemployment through its 24-hour therapeutic and educational programs like: Learn more about our VA treatment programs Our specially trained doctors, called anesthesiologists and certified nurses, called Nurse Anesthetists, can help with your care before, during, and after surgery. They will develop a plan for your care and safety, provide medicine to keep you comfortable during your operation, and help you manage your pain after surgery. Our services include: Our gynecologists focus on the female reproductive system and provide services that include: To schedule an appointment with gynecology, call 202-745-8000, ext. 57937.
diff --git a/src/site/paragraphs/service_location.drupal.liquid b/src/site/paragraphs/service_location.drupal.liquid
index e2e0764eed..056832c309 100644
--- a/src/site/paragraphs/service_location.drupal.liquid
+++ b/src/site/paragraphs/service_location.drupal.liquid
@@ -1,72 +1,242 @@
-{% include "src/site/facilities/service_address.drupal.liquid" with
- serviceLocationAddress = single.fieldServiceLocationAddress.entity
- serviceLocationAddressHeaderLevel = serviceLocationSubHeaderLevel
-{% comment %}
- single.fieldHours values:
- - 0 = Use facility hours
- - 1 = Do not specify hours
- - 2 = Display specific hours
-{% endcomment %}
-{% if single.fieldHours != "1" %}
+ },
+ "fieldServiceNameAndDescripti": {
+ "entity": {
+ "entityId": "107",
+ "entityBundle": "health_care_service_taxonomy",
+ "fieldAlsoKnownAs": null,
+ "fieldCommonlyTreatedCondition": null,
+ "name": "Anesthesia",
+ "description": {
+ "processed": "The anesthesia service works to keep you comfortable, safe and pain-free during surgical or screening procedures."
+ },
+ "fieldTricareDescription": null,
+ "parent": [
+ {
+ "entity": null
+ }
+ ],
+ "fieldHealthServiceApiId": "anesthesia"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "entity": {
+ "status": true,
+ "fieldServiceLocation": [
+ {
+ "entity": {
+ "fieldOnlineSchedulingAvail": "yes",
+ "fieldUseFacilityPhoneNumber": false,
+ "fieldOtherPhoneNumbers": [
+ {
+ "entity": {
+ "fieldPhoneNumber": "202-745-8000",
+ "fieldPhoneNumberType": "tel",
+ "fieldPhoneExtension": "57937",
+ "fieldPhoneLabel": "Gynecology "
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "fieldOfficeVisits": "yes_appointment_only",
+ "fieldApptIntroTextType": "use_default_text",
+ "fieldApptIntroTextCustom": null,
+ "status": true,
+ "fieldServiceLocationAddress": {
+ "entity": {
+ "fieldUseFacilityAddress": true,
+ "fieldClinicName": "Women's Health Clinic ",
+ "fieldBuildingNameNumber": null,
+ "fieldWingFloorOrRoomNumber": null,
+ "fieldAddress": {
+ "addressLine1": "",
+ "addressLine2": "",
+ "additionalName": null,
+ "administrativeArea": "",
+ "postalCode": "",
+ "locality": "",
+ "organization": null,
+ "dependentLocality": null,
+ "countryCode": "US",
+ "sortingCode": null
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "fieldEmailContacts": [],
+ "fieldOfficeHours": [
+ {
+ "day": 1,
+ "starthours": 730,
+ "endhours": 1600,
+ "comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "day": 2,
+ "starthours": 730,
+ "endhours": 1600,
+ "comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "day": 3,
+ "starthours": 730,
+ "endhours": 1600,
+ "comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "day": 4,
+ "starthours": 730,
+ "endhours": 1600,
+ "comment": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "day": 5,
+ "starthours": 730,
+ "endhours": 1600,
+ "comment": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "fieldHours": "2",
+ "fieldAdditionalHoursInfo": null,
+ "fieldPhone": [
+ {
+ "entity": {
+ "fieldPhoneExtension": "57937",
+ "fieldPhoneLabel": "Gynecology ",
+ "fieldPhoneNumber": "202-745-8000",
+ "fieldPhoneNumberType": "tel"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "fieldUseMainFacilityPhone": false
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "fieldReferralRequired": "0",
+ "fieldAdministration": {
+ "entity": {
+ "name": "VA Washington DC health care",
+ "entityId": "214"
+ }
+ },
+ "fieldRegionalHealthService": {
+ "entity": {
+ "status": true,
+ "entityBundle": "regional_health_care_service_des",
+ "fieldBody": {
+ "processed": "\n