Hapi-Knex-Builder is a simple Hapi.js plugin that helps with pagination/sorting/counting
by adding a Knex.js object onto the request.app
object before a request is processed.
See http://hapijs.com/api#request-lifecycle to read up on how the Hapijs Server processes requests
For an example, visit https://github.com/dennismonsewicz/hapi-knex-middleware-example
Take note to the way the local JSON file is setup. Once the plugin is installed, inside each of your routes, all you have to do to access the knex library is call request.app.knex
method: 'GET',
path: '/example',
config: {
handler: function (request, reply) {
// We can access the knex library here because the plugin
// has already done the lifting for us
var select = request.app.knex.select().from('tbl');
return reply(select.toQuery());
npm run test