My solution to
Each workflow is defined as a TOML file. See workflows/enigma.toml
Tasks are defined in order of execution. Any task-specific parameters should be included here. Task names must have a corresponding file under the tasks
directory. The output of each task will be fed into the subsequent task.
A new directory is created for each run in order to avoid conflicts.
Each task implements the following behavior
- Export a single default function that returns a Promise
- Receive as input an array of strings representing fully qualified file names and an object containing task specific parameters. All tasks should write to the root of the PATH parameter.
- Perfom any operations on the input files without modifying them.
- Implement any retry logic internally according to the
parameter if present. - Output an object containing an array of strings named
(representing fully qualified file names for the next task) and a string property MESSAGE. This will be printed after each task.
git clone
cd enigma-workflow
npm install
npm run test
npm run workflow enigma
Output will be similar to the below:
Diegos-MacBook-Pro:enigma-workflow deegles$ npm run workflow enigma
> [email protected] workflow /private/tmp/enigma-workflow
> npm run clean && npm run build && node build/src/index.js "enigma"
> [email protected] clean /private/tmp/enigma-workflow
> rm -rf ./build
> [email protected] build /private/tmp/enigma-workflow
> tslint -c tslint.json 'src/**/*.ts' && tsc -p . && cp -r workflows build/
Executing workflow: enigma
Log path: /var/folders/s6/hwy4f75d0y3544cz51_1vj980000gn/T/RUN_1500495077328/log.txt
Running task LOADTSV...
Download destination: /var/folders/s6/hwy4f75d0y3544cz51_1vj980000gn/T/RUN_1500495077328/inventory.tsv
Running task TSVTOJSON...
Processed file count: 1
Running task COUNTBYTES...
Running 3 tasks in parallel!
Running task MIN...
Running task MAX...
Running task MEDIAN...
MIN: 2.9
MAX: 35.29
MEDIAN: 18.775
Running task COUNTBYTES...
Workflow complete!