API calls are requested by providing the name of the call as a form parameter.
For example, to request the vsp
Collects data from a hard-coded list of Voting Service Providers running decred/vspd.
Example: https://api.decred.org/?c=vsp
"teststakepool.decred.org": {
"network": "testnet",
"launched": 1590969600,
"lastupdated": 1596615074,
"apiversions": [3],
"feepercentage": 5,
"closed": false,
"voting": 3935,
"voted": 57073,
"expired": 73,
"missed": 10,
Collects data from dcrdata and caches it, serves to JavaScript running on the homepage of https://decred.org.
Example: https://api.decred.org/?c=webinfo
"circulatingsupply": 15804577.17784509,
"ultimatesupply": 20999999.9839432,
"stakedsupply": 9855286.05084056,
"blockreward": 8.061013,
"treasury": 822237.44313611,
"ticketprice": 268.19271648,
"height": 837324,
"lastupdated": 1706092430
Returns the current USD price of Bitcoin and Decred as reported by dcrdata.
Example: https://api.decred.org/?c=price
"bitcoin_usd": 40119.53495,
"decred_usd": 14.1665886541639,
"lastupdated": 1706092430