r = 0.5
. The resulting data has exactly these values (set `empirical = FALSE` to sample from a population with these values).
-## Examples
-```{r libraries, message=FALSE}
+between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
+within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
+mu <- data.frame(
+ cat = c(10, 20),
+ dog = c(15, 25),
+ row.names = within$time
+df <- sim_design(within, between,
+ n = 100, mu = mu, sd = 5, r = .5,
+ empirical = TRUE)
+`r check_sim_stats(df, between = "pet", usekable = TRUE)`
+Table: Sample `sim_design()` stats
-### rnorm_multi
+## rnorm_multi
-This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships.
-For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where where A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25. A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5.
-```{r set-seed, include=FALSE}
+This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships. [see vignette](articles/rnorm_multi.html)
+For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5. A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25.
```{r multirnorm-example}
-dat <- rnorm_multi(n = 100,
- cors = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
- mu = c(0, 20, 20),
- sd = c(1, 5, 5),
- varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
- empirical = FALSE)
+dat <- rnorm_multi(
+ n = 100,
+ mu = c(0, 20, 20),
+ sd = c(1, 5, 5),
+ r = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
+ varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
+ empirical = FALSE
`r check_sim_stats(dat, usekable = T)`
-Table: Sample stats
+Table: Sample `rnorm_multi()` stats
-#### Specify `cors`
-You can specify the correlations in one of four ways:
+## sim_df
-* A single r for all pairs
-* A vars by vars matrix
-* A vars\*vars length vector
-* A vars\*(vars-1)/2 length vector
+This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now). [see vignette](articles/sim_df.html)
-##### One Number
-If you want all the pairs to have the same correlation, just specify a single number.
+For example, the following code creates a new sample from the built-in dataset `iris` with 50 observations of each species.
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, .3, varnames = letters[1:5])
+new_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, "Species")
-`r check_sim_stats(bvn, usekable = T)`
-Table: Sample stats from a single rho
-##### Matrix
-If you already have a correlation matrix, such as the output of `cor()`, you can specify the simulated data with that.
-```{r vvmatrix}
-cmat <- cor(iris[,1:4])
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 4, cmat,
- varnames = colnames(cmat))
+```{r plot-iris-sim, echo = FALSE, fig.cap="Simulated iris dataset"}
+new_iris %>%
+ ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-`r check_sim_stats(bvn, usekable = T)`
-Table: Sample stats from a correlation matrix
+## Additional functions
-##### Vector (vars\*vars)
+### check_sim_stats
-You can specify your correlation matrix by hand as a vars\*vars length vector, which will include the correlations of 1 down the diagonal.
+If you want to check your simulated stats or just describe an existing dataset, use `check_sim_stats()`.
-cmat <- c(1, .3, .5,
- .3, 1, 0,
- .5, 0, 1)
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 3, cmat,
- varnames = c("first", "second", "third"))
-`r check_sim_stats(bvn, usekable = T)`
-Table: Sample stats from a vars\*vars vector
-##### Vector (vars\*(vars-1)/2)
-You can specify your correlation matrix by hand as a vars\*(vars-1)/2 length vector, skipping the diagonal and lower left duplicate values.
+You can also group your data and change the digits to round. Display the table using `knitr::kable()` by setting `usekable` to `TRUE` (remember to set `results='asis'` in the chunk header.
-rho1_2 <- .3
-rho1_3 <- .5
-rho1_4 <- .5
-rho2_3 <- .2
-rho2_4 <- 0
-rho3_4 <- -.3
-cmat <- c(rho1_2, rho1_3, rho1_4, rho2_3, rho2_4, rho3_4)
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 4, cmat,
- varnames = letters[1:4])
+```{r, results='asis'}
+ between = "Species",
+ digits = 3,
+ usekable = TRUE)
-`r check_sim_stats(bvn, usekable = T)`
-Table: Sample stats from a (vars\*(vars-1)/2) vector
-#### empirical
+### make_id
-If you want your samples to have the *exact* correlations, means, and SDs you entered, set `empirical` to TRUE.
+It is useful for IDs for random effects (e.g., subjects or stimuli) to be character strings (so you don't accidentally include them as fixed effects) with the same length s(o you can sort them in order like S01, S02,..., S10 rather than S1, S10, S2, ...) This function returns a list of IDs that have the same string length and a specified prefix.
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, .3,
- varnames = letters[1:5],
- empirical = T)
+make_id(n = 10, prefix = "ITEM_")
-`r check_sim_stats(bvn, usekable = T)`
-Table: Sample stats with empirical = TRUE
-### simdf
+You can also manually set the number of digits and set `n` to a range of integers.
-This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now).
-For example, here is the relationship between speed and distance in the built-in dataset `cars`.
-```{r plot-cars-orig, fig.cap="Original cars dataset"}
-cars %>%
- ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+make_id(n = 10:20, digits = 3)
-You can create a new sample with the same parameters and 500 rows with the code `simdf(cars, 500)`.
-```{r plot-cars-sim, fig.cap="Simulated cars dataset"}
-simdf(cars, 500) %>%
- ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-#### Grouping Variables
+### long2wide
-You can also optionally add grouping variables. For example, here is the relationship between sepal length and width in the built-in dataset `iris`.
+between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
+within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
+df_long <- sim_design(within, between, long = TRUE)
-```{r plot-iris-orig, fig.cap="Original iris dataset"}
-iris %>%
- ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+df_wide <- long2wide(df_long,
+ within = "time",
+ between = "pet",
+ dv = "val",
+ id = "sub_id")
-And here is a new sample with 50 observations of each species, made with the code `simdf(iris, 100, "Species")`.
-```{r plot-iris-sim, fig.cap="Simulated iris dataset"}
-simdf(iris, 50, "Species") %>%
- ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-For now, the function only creates new variables sampled from a continuous normal distribution. I hope to add in other sampling distributions in the future. So you'd need to do any rounding or truncating yourself.
-```{r plot-iris-sim-round, fig.cap="Simulated iris dataset (rounded)"}
-simdf(iris, 50, "Species") %>%
- mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1) %>%
- ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
### pos_def_limits
@@ -216,6 +168,8 @@ lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2, 0,
`r knitr::kable(lims)`
+### is_pos_def()
If you have a full matrix and want to know if it is positive definite, you can use the following code:
```{r is_pos_def}
@@ -235,50 +189,7 @@ matrix(c(1, .3, -.9, .2,
-### check_sim_stats
-If you want to check your simulated stats or just describe an existing dataset, use `check_sim_stats()`.
-You can also group your data and change the digits to round. Display the table using `knitr::kable()` by setting `usekable` to `TRUE` (remember to set `results='asis'` in the chunk header.
-```{r, results='asis'}
- grp_by = "Species",
- digits = 3,
- usekable = TRUE)
-### sim_design
-Simulate data by specifying a design structure.
-**This function is under development and should be carefully checked!**
-between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
-within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
-mu <- data.frame(
- cat = c(10, 20),
- dog = c(15, 25),
- row.names = within$time
-df <- sim_design(within, between, n = 100, cors = 0.5, mu = mu, sd = 5)
-```{r echo = FALSE, result='asis'}
-check_sim_stats(df, grp_by = "pet", usekable = TRUE)
-```{r, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 4}
-gather(df, time, val, day:night) %>%
- ggplot(aes(pet, val, fill = pet)) +
- geom_violin(show.legend = FALSE) +
- geom_boxplot(width = .2, fill = "white", show.legend = FALSE) +
- facet_grid(~time) +
- scale_fill_manual(values = c("dodgerblue", "red"))
\ No newline at end of file
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+[![Lifecycle: experimental](https://img.shields.io/badge/lifecycle-experimental-orange.svg)](https://www.tidyverse.org/lifecycle/#experimental)
It is useful to be able to simulate data with a specified structure. The `faux` package provides some functions to make this process easier.
-You can install the released version of faux from [GitHub](https://github.com/debruine/faux) with:
-``` r
+This function creates a dataset with a specific between- and within-subjects design. [see vignette](articles/sim_design.html)
+For example, the following creates a 2w\*2b design with 100 observations in each cell. The between-subject factor is `pet` with twolevels of `cat` and `dog`. The within-subject factor is `time` with two levels of `day` and `night`. The mean for the `cat_day` cell is 10, the mean for the `cat_night` cell is 20, the mean for the `dog_day` cell is 15, and the mean for the `dog_night` cell is 25. All cells have a SD of 5 and all within-subject cells are correlated r = 0.5
. The resulting data has exactly these values (set `empirical = FALSE` to sample from a population with these values).
``` r
+between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
+within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
+mu <- data.frame(
+ cat = c(10, 20),
+ dog = c(15, 25),
+ row.names = within$time
+df <- sim_design(within, between,
+ n = 100, mu = mu, sd = 5, r = .5,
+ empirical = TRUE)
-### rnorm\_multi
+| pet | n| var | day| night| mean| sd|
+| cat | 100| day | 1.0| 0.5| 10| 5|
+| cat | 100| night | 0.5| 1.0| 20| 5|
+| dog | 100| day | 1.0| 0.5| 15| 5|
+| dog | 100| night | 0.5| 1.0| 25| 5|
-This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships.
+This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships. [see vignette](articles/rnorm_multi.html)
-For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where where A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25. A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5.
+For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5. A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25.
``` r
-dat <- rnorm_multi(n = 100,
- cors = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
- mu = c(0, 20, 20),
- sd = c(1, 5, 5),
- varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
- empirical = FALSE)
+dat <- rnorm_multi(
+ n = 100,
+ mu = c(0, 20, 20),
+ sd = c(1, 5, 5),
+ r = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
+ varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
+ empirical = FALSE
| n| var | A| B| C| mean| sd|
-| 100| A | 1.00| 0.45| 0.49| 0.03| 0.99|
-| 100| B | 0.45| 1.00| 0.33| 20.01| 4.89|
-| 100| C | 0.49| 0.33| 1.00| 19.76| 4.02|
-#### Specify `cors`
-You can specify the correlations in one of four ways:
+| 100| A | 1.00| 0.62| 0.46| -0.05| 1.08|
+| 100| B | 0.62| 1.00| 0.19| 19.95| 5.38|
+| 100| C | 0.46| 0.19| 1.00| 19.81| 5.15|
-- A single r for all pairs
-- A vars by vars matrix
-- A vars\*vars length vector
-- A vars\*(vars-1)/2 length vector
-##### One Number
+This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now). [see vignette](articles/sim_df.html)
-If you want all the pairs to have the same correlation, just specify a single number.
+For example, the following code creates a new sample from the built-in dataset `iris` with 50 observations of each species.
``` r
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, .3, varnames = letters[1:5])
+new_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, "Species")
-| n| var | a| b| c| d| e| mean| sd|
-| 100| a | 1.00| 0.35| 0.22| 0.45| 0.37| -0.04| 1.09|
-| 100| b | 0.35| 1.00| 0.19| 0.36| 0.28| -0.05| 0.83|
-| 100| c | 0.22| 0.19| 1.00| 0.26| 0.20| 0.01| 1.08|
-| 100| d | 0.45| 0.36| 0.26| 1.00| 0.24| 0.00| 1.00|
-| 100| e | 0.37| 0.28| 0.20| 0.24| 1.00| 0.04| 0.97|
+![Simulated iris dataset](README_files/figure-markdown_github/plot-iris-sim-1.png)
-##### Matrix
+Additional functions
-If you already have a correlation matrix, such as the output of `cor()`, you can specify the simulated data with that.
-``` r
-cmat <- cor(iris[,1:4])
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 4, cmat,
- varnames = colnames(cmat))
-| n| var | Sepal.Length| Sepal.Width| Petal.Length| Petal.Width| mean| sd|
-| 100| Sepal.Length | 1.00| -0.10| 0.88| 0.83| -0.01| 1.05|
-| 100| Sepal.Width | -0.10| 1.00| -0.38| -0.29| -0.19| 1.09|
-| 100| Petal.Length | 0.88| -0.38| 1.00| 0.96| -0.01| 1.02|
-| 100| Petal.Width | 0.83| -0.29| 0.96| 1.00| -0.05| 0.98|
-##### Vector (vars\*vars)
-You can specify your correlation matrix by hand as a vars\*vars length vector, which will include the correlations of 1 down the diagonal.
-``` r
-cmat <- c(1, .3, .5,
- .3, 1, 0,
- .5, 0, 1)
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 3, cmat,
- varnames = c("first", "second", "third"))
-| n| var | first| second| third| mean| sd|
-| 100| first | 1.00| 0.33| 0.45| -0.12| 1.01|
-| 100| second | 0.33| 1.00| -0.04| -0.01| 1.04|
-| 100| third | 0.45| -0.04| 1.00| -0.11| 1.00|
-##### Vector (vars\*(vars-1)/2)
+### check\_sim\_stats
-You can specify your correlation matrix by hand as a vars\*(vars-1)/2 length vector, skipping the diagonal and lower left duplicate values.
+If you want to check your simulated stats or just describe an existing dataset, use `check_sim_stats()`.
``` r
-rho1_2 <- .3
-rho1_3 <- .5
-rho1_4 <- .5
-rho2_3 <- .2
-rho2_4 <- 0
-rho3_4 <- -.3
-cmat <- c(rho1_2, rho1_3, rho1_4, rho2_3, rho2_4, rho3_4)
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 4, cmat,
- varnames = letters[1:4])
+#> # A tibble: 4 x 8
+#> n var Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width mean sd
+#> intro.Rmd
This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now). see vignette
+sim_df +This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now). see vignette
For example, the following code creates a new sample from the built-in dataset iris
with 50 observations of each species.
new_iris <- simdf(iris, 50, "Species")
new_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, "Species")
You can also group your data and change the digits to round. Display the table using knitr::kable()
by setting usekable
(remember to set results='asis'
in the chunk header.
- grp_by = "Species",
+ between = "Species",
digits = 3,
usekable = TRUE)
It is useful for IDs for random effects (e.g., subjects or stimuli) to be character strings (so you don’t accidentally include them as fixed effects) with the same length s(o you can sort them in order like S01, S02,…, S10 rather than S1, S10, S2, …) This function returns a list of IDs that have the same string length and a specified prefix.
+make_id(n = 10, prefix = "ITEM_")
+#> [1] "ITEM_01" "ITEM_02" "ITEM_03" "ITEM_04" "ITEM_05" "ITEM_06" "ITEM_07"
+#> [8] "ITEM_08" "ITEM_09" "ITEM_10"
If you have a full matrix and want to know if it is positive definite, you can use the following code:
c(.2, .3, .4, .2,
.3, -.1, .2,
@@ -453,7 +465,7 @@
For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where where A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25. A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5.
+For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5. A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25.
dat <- rnorm_multi(n = 100,
- cors = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
mu = c(0, 20, 20),
sd = c(1, 5, 5),
+ r = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
empirical = FALSE)
-You can specify the correlations in one of four ways:
If you want all the pairs to have the same correlation, just specify a single number.
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, .3, varnames = letters[1:5])
bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, 0, 1, .3, varnames = letters[1:5])
Us rnorm_pre()
to create a vector with a specified correlation to a pre-existing variable. The following code creates a vector called sl.5
with a mean of 10, SD of 2 and a correaltion of r = 0.5 to the Sepal.Length
column in the built-in dataset iris
. This function only creates a vector with the exact parameters specified.
sl <- iris$Sepal.Length
+sl.5.v1 <- rnorm_pre(sl, mu = 10, sd = 2, r = 0.5)
+sl.5.v2 <- rnorm_pre(sl, mu = 10, sd = 2, r = 0.5)
+ | sl | +sl.5.v1 | +sl.5.v2 | +
sl | +1.0 | +0.5000000 | +0.5000000 | +
sl.5.v1 | +0.5 | +1.0000000 | +0.1765035 | +
sl.5.v2 | +0.5 | +0.1765035 | +1.0000000 | +
pet | @@ -122,37 +119,37 @@cat | 100 | day | -1.00 | -0.56 | -10.23 | -4.12 | +1.0 | +0.5 | +10 | +5 |
cat | 100 | night | -0.56 | -1.00 | -20.02 | -4.88 | +0.5 | +1.0 | +20 | +5 | |
dog | 100 | day | -1.00 | -0.55 | -15.27 | -5.00 | +1.0 | +0.5 | +15 | +5 | |
dog | 100 | night | -0.55 | -1.00 | -25.31 | -5.36 | +0.5 | +1.0 | +25 | +5 |
First, list your between-subject and within-subject factors. You can specify them like this:
+If you don’t feel like naming your factors and levels, you can just put in a vector of levels. So you can make a quick 2w*3w*2b with the following code.
+df <- sim_design(within = c(2,3), between = c(2), n = 5, mu = 0, sd = 1, r = 0.5)
sub_id | +C | +A1_B1 | +A2_B1 | +A1_B2 | +A2_B2 | +A1_B3 | +A2_B3 | +
S01 | +C1 | +-2.7038494 | +-2.0031140 | +-1.2463619 | +0.2395364 | +-0.3551418 | +-0.6613917 | +
S02 | +C1 | +-0.2574224 | +-2.5189879 | +-0.0945284 | +-1.0963883 | +-0.9231602 | +-0.8312929 | +
S03 | +C1 | +0.9326960 | +0.5741398 | +0.9461607 | +1.5174811 | +0.1336817 | +2.2414371 | +
S04 | +C1 | +-0.2846845 | +-0.0003843 | +-0.4205892 | +0.1429045 | +0.7309652 | +-0.4047417 | +
S05 | +C1 | +0.0261954 | +0.5607634 | +-1.2736072 | +-1.0107932 | +1.3337995 | +0.2854269 | +
S06 | +C2 | +-0.9116783 | +-1.0939985 | +-1.0655517 | +-0.9173210 | +-1.4847558 | +-2.5493564 | +
S07 | +C2 | +-0.0690060 | +0.4741805 | +0.3974194 | +-0.1888221 | +0.0963150 | +1.4528341 | +
S08 | +C2 | +-0.4591101 | +0.8723573 | +-0.2708937 | +-0.6212891 | +1.3480380 | +0.9535270 | +
S09 | +C2 | +0.1287775 | +-0.3451130 | +-0.5767718 | +-1.8759247 | +-0.8973256 | +-1.1960685 | +
S10 | +C2 | +1.0623320 | +1.0175079 | +-0.1675100 | +0.5620579 | +0.7513321 | +0.7814270 | +
You can specify between-subject and within-subject factors as a list of vectors where the item names are the factor labels and the vectors are the level labels.
-Or like this:
+You can also specify factors as a list of named vectors where the item names are the factor labels, the vector names are the level labels, and the vector items are the long labels you would use in a codebook or plot.
between <- list(
pet = c(cat = "Is a cat person", dog = "Is a dog person")
within <- list(
time = c(day = "Tested during the day", night = "Tested at night")
The long name for factor levels isn’t used yet, but will be used in future functions that create a codebook or plots.
+The long label for factor levels isn’t used yet, but will be used in future functions that create a codebook or plots.
You can specify the Ns, means and standard deviations for each cell as a single number, vector, list, or data frame.
+You can specify the Ns, means and standard deviations for each cell as a single number, list of vectors, or data frame.
You usually want to specify n
as a single number. This is N per cell, not total sample size.
n <- 100 # n per cell, not total
The levels of the between-subject factors are the list names and the levels of the within-subject factors are the vector names.
@@ -221,13 +334,13 @@If you have any within-subject factors, you need to set the correlation for each between-cell. Here, we only have two levels of one within-subject factor, so can only set one correlation per between-cell.
-cors <- list(
+r <- list(
cat = .5,
dog = .6
If you set empirical = TRUE
, you will get the exact means, SDs and correlations you specified. If you set empirical = FALSE
or omit that argument, your data will be sampled from a population with those parameters, but your dataset will not have exactly those values (just on average).
df <- sim_design(within, between, n = 100,
- cors = cors, mu = mu, sd = sd,
+ mu = mu, sd = sd, r = r,
empirical = TRUE)
@@ -304,32 +417,34 @@
expert_night = c(10, 15, 12, 17, 14, 19)
You can set the correlation for each between-cell to a single number.
-cors <- list(
+r <- list(
novice_day = 0.3,
novice_night = 0.2,
expert_day = 0.5,
expert_night = 0.4
-Or you can set the full correlation matrix with a vector or matrix (see section Specify cors). Since we have 6 within-cells, this is a 6x6 matrix or a vector of the upper right 15 values.
+Or you can set the full correlation matrix with a vector or matrix. Since we have 6 within-cells, this is a 6x6 matrix or a vector of the upper right 15 values.
# upper right triangle correlation specification
# inc and con have r = 0.5 within each difficultly level, 0.2 otherwise
-# ce, ie, cm, im, ch, ih
-r <- c(0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, #con_easy
- 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, #inc_easy
- 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, #con_med
- 0.2, 0.2, #inc_med
- 0.5) #con_hard
- #inc_hard
+# ce, ie, cm, im, ch, ih
+triangle <- c(0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, #con_easy
+ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, #inc_easy
+ 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, #con_med
+ 0.2, 0.2, #inc_med
+ 0.5) #con_hard
+ #inc_hard
-cors <- list(
- novice_day = r,
- novice_night = r,
- expert_day = r,
- expert_night = r
+r <- list(
+ novice_day = triangle,
+ novice_night = triangle,
+ expert_day = triangle,
+ expert_night = triangle
-You can set frame_long = TRUE
to return the data frame in long format, which is usually easier for plotting.
-df <- sim_design(within, between, n = 100, cors = cors, mu = mu, sd = 2, frame_long = TRUE)
+You can set long = TRUE
to return the data frame in long format, which is usually easier for plotting.
+df <- sim_design(within, between, n = 100,
+ mu = mu, sd = 2, r = r,
+ long = TRUE)
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+Simulate from Existing Data • faux
+ Simulate from Existing Data
+ Lisa DeBruine
+ 2019-05-03
+ sim_df.Rmd
+The sim_df()
function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now).
+For example, here is the relationship between speed and distance in the built-in dataset cars
+cars %>%
+ ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+You can create a new sample with the same parameters and 500 rows with the code sim_df(cars, 500)
+sim_df(cars, 500) %>%
+ ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+Between-subject variables
+You can also optionally add between-subject variables. For example, here is the relationship between sepal length and width in the built-in dataset iris
+iris %>%
+ ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+And here is a new sample with 50 observations of each species, made with the code sim_df(iris, 100, "Species")
+sim_df(iris, 50, "Species") %>%
+ ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+Set empirical = TRUE
to return a data frame with exactly the same means, SDs, and correlations as the original dataset.
+exact_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, between = "Species", empirical = TRUE)
+For now, the function only creates new variables sampled from a continuous normal distribution. I hope to add in other sampling distributions in the future. So you’d need to do any rounding or truncating yourself.
+sim_df(iris, 50, "Species") %>%
+ mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1) %>%
+ ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
+ geom_point() +
+ geom_smooth(method = "lm")
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/articles/sim_df_files/figure-html/plot-iris-sim-1.png differ
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@@ -120,7 +117,7 @@ Authors
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@@ -86,532 +83,146 @@
It is useful to be able to simulate data with a specified structure. The faux
package provides some functions to make this process easier.
-You can install the released version of faux from GitHub with:
-This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships.
-For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where where A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25. A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5.
-dat <- rnorm_multi(n = 100,
- cors = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
- mu = c(0, 20, 20),
- sd = c(1, 5, 5),
- varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
- empirical = FALSE)
-Sample stats
-Specify cors
-You can specify the correlations in one of four ways:
-- A single r for all pairs
-- A vars by vars matrix
-- A vars*vars length vector
-- A vars*(vars-1)/2 length vector
-One Number
-If you want all the pairs to have the same correlation, just specify a single number.
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, .3, varnames = letters[1:5])
+This function creates a dataset with a specific between- and within-subjects design. see vignette
+For example, the following creates a 2w*2b design with 100 observations in each cell. The between-subject factor is pet
with twolevels of cat
and dog
. The within-subject factor is time
with two levels of day
and night
. The mean for the cat_day
cell is 10, the mean for the cat_night
cell is 20, the mean for the dog_day
cell is 15, and the mean for the dog_night
cell is 25. All cells have a SD of 5 and all within-subject cells are correlated r = 0.5
. The resulting data has exactly these values (set empirical = FALSE
to sample from a population with these values).
+between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
+within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
+mu <- data.frame(
+ cat = c(10, 20),
+ dog = c(15, 25),
+ row.names = within$time
+df <- sim_design(within, between,
+ n = 100, mu = mu, sd = 5, r = .5,
+ empirical = TRUE)
-Sample stats from a single rho
+Sample sim_design()
-If you already have a correlation matrix, such as the output of cor()
, you can specify the simulated data with that.
-cmat <- cor(iris[,1:4])
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 4, cmat,
- varnames = colnames(cmat))
+This function makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified parameters and relationships. see vignette
+For example, the following creates a sample that has 100 observations of 3 variables, drawn from a population where A has a mean of 0 and SD of 1, while B and C have means of 20 and SDs of 5. A correlates with B and C with r = 0.5, and B and C correlate with r = 0.25.
+dat <- rnorm_multi(
+ n = 100,
+ mu = c(0, 20, 20),
+ sd = c(1, 5, 5),
+ r = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.25),
+ varnames = c("A", "B", "C"),
+ empirical = FALSE
-Sample stats from a correlation matrix
+Sample rnorm_multi()
-Vector (vars*vars)
-You can specify your correlation matrix by hand as a vars*vars length vector, which will include the correlations of 1 down the diagonal.
-cmat <- c(1, .3, .5,
- .3, 1, 0,
- .5, 0, 1)
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 3, cmat,
- varnames = c("first", "second", "third"))
-Sample stats from a vars*vars vector
-Vector (vars*(vars-1)/2)
-You can specify your correlation matrix by hand as a vars*(vars-1)/2 length vector, skipping the diagonal and lower left duplicate values.
-rho1_2 <- .3
-rho1_3 <- .5
-rho1_4 <- .5
-rho2_3 <- .2
-rho2_4 <- 0
-rho3_4 <- -.3
-cmat <- c(rho1_2, rho1_3, rho1_4, rho2_3, rho2_4, rho3_4)
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 4, cmat,
- varnames = letters[1:4])
-Sample stats from a (vars*(vars-1)/2) vector
-If you want your samples to have the exact correlations, means, and SDs you entered, set empirical
to TRUE.
-bvn <- rnorm_multi(100, 5, .3,
- varnames = letters[1:5],
- empirical = T)
-Sample stats with empirical = TRUE
-This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now).
-For example, here is the relationship between speed and distance in the built-in dataset cars
-cars %>%
- ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-You can create a new sample with the same parameters and 500 rows with the code simdf(cars, 500)
-simdf(cars, 500) %>%
- ggplot(aes(speed, dist)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-Grouping Variables
-You can also optionally add grouping variables. For example, here is the relationship between sepal length and width in the built-in dataset iris
-iris %>%
- ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-And here is a new sample with 50 observations of each species, made with the code simdf(iris, 100, "Species")
-simdf(iris, 50, "Species") %>%
- ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
+This function produces a dataframe with the same distributions and correlations as an existing dataframe. It only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now). see vignette
+For example, the following code creates a new sample from the built-in dataset iris
with 50 observations of each species.
+new_iris <- sim_df(iris, 50, "Species")
For now, the function only creates new variables sampled from a continuous normal distribution. I hope to add in other sampling distributions in the future. So you’d need to do any rounding or truncating yourself.
-simdf(iris, 50, "Species") %>%
- mutate_if(is.numeric, round, 1) %>%
- ggplot(aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_smooth(method = "lm")
-Not all correlation matrices are possible. For example, if variables A and B are correlated with r = 1.0, then the correlation between A and C can only be exactly equal to the correlation between B and C.
-The function pos_def_limits()
lets you know what the possible range of values is for the missing value in a correlation matrix with one missing value. The correlation values are entered just from the top right triangle of the matrix, with a single NA
for the missing value.
-lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2, NA)
-For example, if rAB = 0.8 and rAC = 0.2, then -0.427 <= rBC <= 0.747.
-If you enter a correlation matrix that contains impossible combinations, your limits will be NA
-lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2, 0,
- -.5, NA,
- .2)
-If you have a full matrix and want to know if it is positive definite, you can use the following code:
-c(.2, .3, .4, .2,
- .3, -.1, .2,
- .4, .5,
- .3) %>%
- cormat_from_triangle() %>%
- is_pos_def()
-#> [1] TRUE
-matrix(c(1, .3, -.9, .2,
- .3, 1, .4, .5,
- -.9, .4, 1, .3,
- .2, .5, .3, 1), 4) %>%
- is_pos_def()
-#> [1] FALSE
+Additional functions
You can also group your data and change the digits to round. Display the table using knitr::kable()
by setting usekable
(remember to set results='asis'
in the chunk header.
- grp_by = "Species",
+ between = "Species",
digits = 3,
usekable = TRUE)
@@ -777,70 +388,80 @@
+It is useful for IDs for random effects (e.g., subjects or stimuli) to be character strings (so you don’t accidentally include them as fixed effects) with the same length s(o you can sort them in order like S01, S02,…, S10 rather than S1, S10, S2, …) This function returns a list of IDs that have the same string length and a specified prefix.
+make_id(n = 10, prefix = "ITEM_")
+#> [1] "ITEM_01" "ITEM_02" "ITEM_03" "ITEM_04" "ITEM_05" "ITEM_06" "ITEM_07"
+#> [8] "ITEM_08" "ITEM_09" "ITEM_10"
+You can also manually set the number of digits and set n
to a range of integers.
+make_id(n = 10:20, digits = 3)
+#> [1] "S010" "S011" "S012" "S013" "S014" "S015" "S016" "S017" "S018" "S019"
+#> [11] "S020"
-Simulate data by specifying a design structure.
-This function is under development and should be carefully checked!
between <- list("pet" = c("cat", "dog"))
within <- list("time" = c("day", "night"))
-mu <- data.frame(
- cat = c(10, 20),
- dog = c(15, 25),
- row.names = within$time
-df <- sim_design(within, between, n = 100, cors = 0.5, mu = mu, sd = 5)
+df_long <- sim_design(within, between, long = TRUE)
+df_wide <- long2wide(df_long,
+ within = "time",
+ between = "pet",
+ dv = "val",
+ id = "sub_id")
+Not all correlation matrices are possible. For example, if variables A and B are correlated with r = 1.0, then the correlation between A and C can only be exactly equal to the correlation between B and C.
+The function pos_def_limits()
lets you know what the possible range of values is for the missing value in a correlation matrix with one missing value. The correlation values are entered just from the top right triangle of the matrix, with a single NA
for the missing value.
+lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2, NA)
+For example, if rAB = 0.8 and rAC = 0.2, then -0.427 <= rBC <= 0.747.
+If you enter a correlation matrix that contains impossible combinations, your limits will be NA
+lims <- pos_def_limits(.8, .2, 0,
+ -.5, NA,
+ .2)
+If you have a full matrix and want to know if it is positive definite, you can use the following code:
+c(.2, .3, .4, .2,
+ .3, -.1, .2,
+ .4, .5,
+ .3) %>%
+ cormat_from_triangle() %>%
+ is_pos_def()
+#> [1] TRUE
+matrix(c(1, .3, -.9, .2,
+ .3, 1, .4, .5,
+ -.9, .4, 1, .3,
+ .2, .5, .3, 1), 4) %>%
+ is_pos_def()
+#> [1] FALSE
@@ -857,11 +478,17 @@ License
diff --git a/docs/index_files/figure-html/plot-iris-sim-1.png b/docs/index_files/figure-html/plot-iris-sim-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29468f8d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/index_files/figure-html/plot-iris-sim-1.png differ
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index 1970a793..b8338901 100644
--- a/docs/news/index.html
+++ b/docs/news/index.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -82,9 +82,6 @@
@@ -133,6 +130,14 @@
- Bug fixes for
(failed when within or between factor number was 0)
+- Changes to argument order and names (more consistent, but may break old scripts)
+- Updated vignettes
@@ -142,6 +147,7 @@ Contents
diff --git a/docs/pkgdown.yml b/docs/pkgdown.yml
index 59781696..ba63c6ac 100644
--- a/docs/pkgdown.yml
+++ b/docs/pkgdown.yml
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ pandoc:
pkgdown: 1.3.0
pkgdown_sha: ~
- intro: intro.html
rnorm_multi: rnorm_multi.html
sim_design: sim_design.html
- simdf: simdf.html
+ sim_df: sim_df.html
diff --git a/docs/reference/check_design.html b/docs/reference/check_design.html
index 9743ebb2..b6769873 100644
--- a/docs/reference/check_design.html
+++ b/docs/reference/check_design.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -129,8 +126,8 @@ Validate design
- check_design(within = list(), between = list(), n = 100, cors = 0,
- mu = 0, sd = 1)
+ check_design(within = list(), between = list(), n = 100, mu = 0,
+ sd = 1, r = 0)
@@ -170,7 +167,90 @@ Examp
+check_design(within, between)#> $within
+#> $within$time
+#> [1] "day" "night"
+#> $between
+#> $between$pet
+#> [1] "dog" "cat"
+#> $within_factors
+#> [1] "time"
+#> $between_factors
+#> [1] "pet"
+#> $within_labels
+#> $within_labels$time
+#> day night
+#> "day" "night"
+#> $between_labels
+#> $between_labels$pet
+#> dog cat
+#> "dog" "cat"
+#> $cell_n
+#> dog cat
+#> day 100 100
+#> night 100 100
+#> $cell_mu
+#> dog cat
+#> day 0 0
+#> night 0 0
+#> $cell_sd
+#> dog cat
+#> day 1 1
+#> night 1 1
+#> $cell_r
+#> $cell_r$dog
+#> [,1] [,2]
+#> [1,] 1 0
+#> [2,] 0 1
+#> $cell_r$cat
+#> [,1] [,2]
+#> [1,] 1 0
+#> [2,] 0 1
+#> $cells_w
+#> [1] "day" "night"
+#> $cells_b
+#> [1] "dog" "cat"
+#> $sub_id
+#> [1] "S001" "S002" "S003" "S004" "S005" "S006" "S007" "S008" "S009" "S010"
+#> [11] "S011" "S012" "S013" "S014" "S015" "S016" "S017" "S018" "S019" "S020"
+#> [21] "S021" "S022" "S023" "S024" "S025" "S026" "S027" "S028" "S029" "S030"
+#> [31] "S031" "S032" "S033" "S034" "S035" "S036" "S037" "S038" "S039" "S040"
+#> [41] "S041" "S042" "S043" "S044" "S045" "S046" "S047" "S048" "S049" "S050"
+#> [51] "S051" "S052" "S053" "S054" "S055" "S056" "S057" "S058" "S059" "S060"
+#> [61] "S061" "S062" "S063" "S064" "S065" "S066" "S067" "S068" "S069" "S070"
+#> [71] "S071" "S072" "S073" "S074" "S075" "S076" "S077" "S078" "S079" "S080"
+#> [81] "S081" "S082" "S083" "S084" "S085" "S086" "S087" "S088" "S089" "S090"
+#> [91] "S091" "S092" "S093" "S094" "S095" "S096" "S097" "S098" "S099" "S100"
+#> [101] "S101" "S102" "S103" "S104" "S105" "S106" "S107" "S108" "S109" "S110"
+#> [111] "S111" "S112" "S113" "S114" "S115" "S116" "S117" "S118" "S119" "S120"
+#> [121] "S121" "S122" "S123" "S124" "S125" "S126" "S127" "S128" "S129" "S130"
+#> [131] "S131" "S132" "S133" "S134" "S135" "S136" "S137" "S138" "S139" "S140"
+#> [141] "S141" "S142" "S143" "S144" "S145" "S146" "S147" "S148" "S149" "S150"
+#> [151] "S151" "S152" "S153" "S154" "S155" "S156" "S157" "S158" "S159" "S160"
+#> [161] "S161" "S162" "S163" "S164" "S165" "S166" "S167" "S168" "S169" "S170"
+#> [171] "S171" "S172" "S173" "S174" "S175" "S176" "S177" "S178" "S179" "S180"
+#> [181] "S181" "S182" "S183" "S184" "S185" "S186" "S187" "S188" "S189" "S190"
+#> [191] "S191" "S192" "S193" "S194" "S195" "S196" "S197" "S198" "S199" "S200"
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -129,18 +126,31 @@ Check table stats
- check_sim_stats(dat, grp_by = NULL, digits = 2, usekable = FALSE)
+ check_sim_stats(.data, between = c(), within = c(), dv = c(),
+ id = c(), digits = 2, usekable = FALSE)
- dat
- the existing dataframe
+ .data
+ the existing tbl
+ between
+ a vector of column names for between-subject factors
+ within
+ a vector of column names for within-subject factors (if data is long)
+ dv
+ the column name of the dv (if data is long)
- grp_by
- an optional list of column names to group by
+ id
+ the column name(s) of the subject ID (if data is long)
@@ -154,26 +164,26 @@ Arg
tibble or kable
+ a tbl or kable
- check_sim_stats(iris, "Species")#> # A tibble: 12 x 9
+ check_sim_stats(iris, "Species")#> # A tibble: 12 x 9
#> Species n var Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width mean
-#> <fct> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
-#> 1 setosa 50 Sepa… 1 0.74 0.27 0.28 5.01
-#> 2 setosa 50 Sepa… 0.74 1 0.18 0.23 3.43
-#> 3 setosa 50 Peta… 0.27 0.18 1 0.33 1.46
-#> 4 setosa 50 Peta… 0.28 0.23 0.33 1 0.25
-#> 5 versic… 50 Sepa… 1 0.53 0.75 0.55 5.94
-#> 6 versic… 50 Sepa… 0.53 1 0.56 0.66 2.77
-#> 7 versic… 50 Peta… 0.75 0.56 1 0.79 4.26
-#> 8 versic… 50 Peta… 0.55 0.66 0.79 1 1.33
-#> 9 virgin… 50 Sepa… 1 0.46 0.86 0.28 6.59
-#> 10 virgin… 50 Sepa… 0.46 1 0.4 0.54 2.97
-#> 11 virgin… 50 Peta… 0.86 0.4 1 0.32 5.55
-#> 12 virgin… 50 Peta… 0.28 0.54 0.32 1 2.03
-#> # … with 1 more variable: sd <dbl>
+#> <fct> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
+#> 1 setosa 50 Sepa… 1 0.74 0.27 0.28 5.01
+#> 2 setosa 50 Sepa… 0.74 1 0.18 0.23 3.43
+#> 3 setosa 50 Peta… 0.27 0.18 1 0.33 1.46
+#> 4 setosa 50 Peta… 0.28 0.23 0.33 1 0.25
+#> 5 versic… 50 Sepa… 1 0.53 0.75 0.55 5.94
+#> 6 versic… 50 Sepa… 0.53 1 0.56 0.66 2.77
+#> 7 versic… 50 Peta… 0.75 0.56 1 0.79 4.26
+#> 8 versic… 50 Peta… 0.55 0.66 0.79 1 1.33
+#> 9 virgin… 50 Sepa… 1 0.46 0.86 0.28 6.59
+#> 10 virgin… 50 Sepa… 0.46 1 0.4 0.54 2.97
+#> 11 virgin… 50 Peta… 0.86 0.4 1 0.32 5.55
+#> 12 virgin… 50 Peta… 0.28 0.54 0.32 1 2.03
+#> # … with 1 more variable: sd <dbl>
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -129,7 +126,7 @@ Convert parameter
- convert_param(param, cells_b, cells_w, type = "this parameter")
+ convert_param(param, cells_w, cells_b, type = "this parameter")
@@ -138,14 +135,14 @@ Arg
the parameter (mu, sd, or n)
- cells_b
- a list of between-subject cell combinations
a list of within-subject cells combinations
+ cells_b
+ a list of between-subject cell combinations
the name of the parameter (for error messages)
diff --git a/docs/reference/cormat.html b/docs/reference/cormat.html
index c6b0a676..6abdb450 100644
--- a/docs/reference/cormat.html
+++ b/docs/reference/cormat.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/cormat_from_triangle.html b/docs/reference/cormat_from_triangle.html
index f2797f34..d7d2db61 100644
--- a/docs/reference/cormat_from_triangle.html
+++ b/docs/reference/cormat_from_triangle.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/faceratings.html b/docs/reference/faceratings.html
index 481c039d..8ed382bd 100644
--- a/docs/reference/faceratings.html
+++ b/docs/reference/faceratings.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/fix_name_labels.html b/docs/reference/fix_name_labels.html
index fec99c75..a6041bfe 100644
--- a/docs/reference/fix_name_labels.html
+++ b/docs/reference/fix_name_labels.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/get_design_long.html b/docs/reference/get_design_long.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5518b325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/get_design_long.html
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+Get design from long data — get_design_long • faux
+ Get design from long data
+ get_design_long.Rd
+ Makes a best guess at the design of a long-format data frame.
+Finds all columns that contain a single value per unit of analysis (between factors),
+all columns that contain the same values per unit of analysis (within factors), and
+all columns that differ over units of analysis (dv, continuous factors)
+ get_design_long(.data, id = "sub_id", dv = "val")
+ Arguments
+ .data
+ the data frame (in long format)
+ id
+ the column name(s) that identify a unit of analysis
+ dv
+ the column name that identifies the DV
+ Value
+ the data frame in long format
diff --git a/docs/reference/index.html b/docs/reference/index.html
index 2e76c849..bedc5427 100644
--- a/docs/reference/index.html
+++ b/docs/reference/index.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -82,9 +82,6 @@
@@ -147,12 +144,6 @@ convert_param()
- Convert parameter
@@ -171,12 +162,30 @@ get_design_long()
+ Get design from long data
Check a Matrix is Positive Definite
+ Long to wide format
+ Make ID
@@ -208,15 +217,21 @@ simdf()
Simulate an existing dataframe
Generate a sample with random intercepts for subjects and items
+ Wide to long format
diff --git a/docs/reference/is_pos_def.html b/docs/reference/is_pos_def.html
index 375742c3..cc7e1e4c 100644
--- a/docs/reference/is_pos_def.html
+++ b/docs/reference/is_pos_def.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/long2wide.html b/docs/reference/long2wide.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..654b00f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/long2wide.html
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+Long to wide format — long2wide • faux
+ Long to wide format
+ long2wide.Rd
+ Converts data from long format to wide
+ long2wide(.data, within = c(), between = c(), dv = "val",
+ id = "sub_id")
+ Arguments
+ .data
+ the tbl in long format
+ within
+ the names of the within column(s)
+ between
+ the names of between column(s) (optional)
+ dv
+ the name of the DV (value) column
+ id
+ the names of the column(s) for grouping observations
+ Value
+ a tbl in wide format
+ Examples
+ #> # A tibble: 200 x 4
+#> sub_id B A1 A2
+#> <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
+#> 1 S001 B1 0.387 -1.40
+#> 2 S002 B1 0.785 0.255
+#> 3 S003 B1 1.06 -2.44
+#> 4 S004 B1 0.796 -0.00557
+#> 5 S005 B1 1.76 0.622
+#> 6 S006 B1 0.691 1.15
+#> 7 S007 B1 0.559 -1.82
+#> 8 S008 B1 0.537 -0.247
+#> 9 S009 B1 -0.227 -0.244
+#> 10 S010 B1 -0.978 -0.283
+#> # … with 190 more rows
diff --git a/docs/reference/make_id.html b/docs/reference/make_id.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..999c632b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/make_id.html
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+Make ID — make_id • faux
+ Make ID
+ make_id.Rd
+ Make IDs with fixed length and a letter prefix for random effects (e.g., S001, S002, ..., S100).
+ make_id(n = 100, prefix = "S", digits = 0)
+ Arguments
+ n
+ the number of IDs to generate (or a vector of numbers)
+ prefix
+ the letter prefix to the number
+ digits
+ the number of digits to use for the numeric part. Only used if this is larger than the number of digits in n.
+ Value
+ a vector of IDs
+ Examples
+make_id(20, "SUBJECT_")#> [1] "SUBJECT_01" "SUBJECT_02" "SUBJECT_03" "SUBJECT_04" "SUBJECT_05"
+#> [6] "SUBJECT_06" "SUBJECT_07" "SUBJECT_08" "SUBJECT_09" "SUBJECT_10"
+#> [11] "SUBJECT_11" "SUBJECT_12" "SUBJECT_13" "SUBJECT_14" "SUBJECT_15"
+#> [16] "SUBJECT_16" "SUBJECT_17" "SUBJECT_18" "SUBJECT_19" "SUBJECT_20"make_id(10:30, digits = 3)#> [1] "S010" "S011" "S012" "S013" "S014" "S015" "S016" "S017" "S018" "S019"
+#> [11] "S020" "S021" "S022" "S023" "S024" "S025" "S026" "S027" "S028" "S029"
+#> [21] "S030"
diff --git a/docs/reference/pipe.html b/docs/reference/pipe.html
index 9592e06d..3fa0d792 100644
--- a/docs/reference/pipe.html
+++ b/docs/reference/pipe.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/pos_def_limits.html b/docs/reference/pos_def_limits.html
index 2c4957db..628cd5a6 100644
--- a/docs/reference/pos_def_limits.html
+++ b/docs/reference/pos_def_limits.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
diff --git a/docs/reference/rnorm_multi.html b/docs/reference/rnorm_multi.html
index 4b74b783..da60ab24 100644
--- a/docs/reference/rnorm_multi.html
+++ b/docs/reference/rnorm_multi.html
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -125,12 +122,12 @@ Multiple Normally Distributed Vectors
- rnorm_multi
makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified relationships
+ rnorm_multi()
makes multiple normally distributed vectors with specified relationships.
- rnorm_multi(n, vars = 3, cors = 0, mu = 0, sd = 1,
- varnames = NULL, empirical = FALSE, as.matrix = FALSE)
+ rnorm_multi(n, vars = 3, mu = 0, sd = 1, r = 0, varnames = NULL,
+ empirical = FALSE, as.matrix = FALSE, cors = NULL)
- dataframe of vars vectors
+ a tbl of vars vectors
- #> A B C
-#> 1 0.750792572 1.424873995 1.01619162
-#> 2 -1.042243673 -0.275816637 0.52639710
-#> 3 0.878491981 2.434684102 2.13943193
-#> 4 -0.500509231 0.536184495 -0.07283162
-#> 5 -1.099839859 1.395668514 -1.63782640
-#> 6 -1.268203415 -0.516346650 -0.90254750
-#> 7 1.062341096 2.085361364 1.05389880
-#> 8 -0.072670487 0.713209683 -0.06669068
-#> 9 0.799007438 0.832138301 -0.84904571
-#> 10 0.274439429 -1.305844900 1.50703213
-#> 11 0.483758950 0.961135166 -0.09054153
-#> 12 -1.335560745 0.410231530 -0.60767290
-#> 13 -1.365394967 -1.989742102 -1.39808947
-#> 14 1.058685530 1.942674898 0.79418602
-#> 15 -0.059286958 -0.896242839 -0.20963410
-#> 16 2.732876265 0.225408869 1.48006414
-#> 17 0.520040403 -0.045099167 0.69894364
-#> 18 -1.261009283 0.795477058 0.38156161
-#> 19 0.152387337 -0.001507871 -1.21894494
-#> 20 1.153452339 -0.243123670 1.18059995
-#> 21 1.221036402 -1.329257135 -0.72696920
-#> 22 0.097150590 -0.488381489 -0.38403747
-#> 23 1.847044170 0.215193119 1.03746265
-#> 24 -0.213594069 -0.833126883 -0.60370775
-#> 25 -0.944882567 -1.108280341 -2.13611782
-#> 26 -0.203627401 -0.399418526 0.70486850
-#> 27 0.971899030 0.251539268 0.93124695
-#> 28 -0.067710098 0.330687769 -0.20521675
-#> 29 0.008234813 0.643985743 1.10851032
-#> 30 1.491364279 1.606960145 0.51407350
-#> 31 -1.491314723 -0.173569149 -0.59828848
-#> 32 0.788400822 -0.100235777 -0.87821239
-#> 33 -0.275325098 -0.506920585 0.16149729
-#> 34 -1.646030985 0.066253801 -2.08692166
-#> 35 -0.763940091 0.400133152 0.01055207
-#> 36 0.559861711 0.094147624 -0.24183194
-#> 37 0.851096610 2.217705492 1.27999821
-#> 38 -0.174916339 0.113335133 0.60261481
-#> 39 0.579792609 -0.678784282 0.78461866
-#> 40 -0.270889155 -0.210612089 -1.77436354
-#> 41 0.045616422 0.372504963 -0.50383699
-#> 42 -0.469471970 0.436848174 1.27704375
-#> 43 1.116862858 -1.388382465 0.45742838
-#> 44 0.435540978 -0.674785328 0.76644032
-#> 45 0.733199928 -0.330524626 -1.17879303
-#> 46 -1.202678340 -3.307972897 -1.77046080
-#> 47 -0.829440876 0.569422843 0.04572102
-#> 48 0.001784459 -0.684587716 -0.57477015
-#> 49 -1.255359394 0.562293801 0.23466705
-#> 50 2.329409361 0.563363357 1.59377323
-#> 51 -0.074278634 -0.571594535 -1.19274011
-#> 52 0.364196656 0.305387342 -0.05428873
-#> 53 -0.399415335 1.216792632 -0.33993885
-#> 54 -0.237192644 0.568221498 -0.35410471
-#> 55 0.395099319 -1.135493621 0.63054444
-#> 56 0.309387409 -0.471324983 -0.94209682
-#> 57 1.467751541 1.584594817 2.09891298
-#> 58 -1.921116085 -1.649349291 -2.52231252
-#> 59 0.936534595 0.074720566 -0.05360963
-#> 60 0.095504143 -1.141376090 0.49330431
-#> 61 -2.100395036 0.162246518 -0.70544430
-#> 62 1.437719944 0.530497597 -0.22212529
-#> 63 -0.956070367 -0.668411888 -0.93985501
-#> 64 0.399297618 0.122294316 0.08451302
-#> 65 -0.286806047 2.194503989 0.68953463
-#> 66 0.569197516 1.947087832 -0.16302798
-#> 67 -1.949290727 -0.897080260 0.12529717
-#> 68 0.394865364 0.065765899 -0.62937094
-#> 69 -0.503900977 -0.175240568 -0.45048740
-#> 70 1.439840970 0.910978267 1.54359768
-#> 71 0.887303297 1.141197444 1.30315927
-#> 72 -0.380841256 1.126287256 -1.27061154
-#> 73 0.046357782 -1.651026981 -1.30496243
-#> 74 0.501969183 -0.740051843 -0.21905098
-#> 75 -0.327677152 -1.412160664 -1.18738515
-#> 76 -0.041519929 -1.656652359 0.41972821
-#> 77 -1.237010922 -1.007396285 0.60385664
-#> 78 -0.999395609 0.507528583 0.54872639
-#> 79 -0.508546869 -0.250979903 0.26216982
-#> 80 1.706916012 -1.013138961 -0.24417856
-#> 81 -2.250638781 -1.264743365 -1.06547039
-#> 82 -1.465750791 -0.014902364 -1.49434831
-#> 83 -1.819797525 0.131454869 -0.23351058
-#> 84 0.644464430 -1.365010318 -0.43015447
-#> 85 0.673776094 -0.023604894 0.61492934
-#> 86 0.424058255 -2.337033827 -0.53427314
-#> 87 1.838236640 2.403650450 1.78253998
-#> 88 1.880351381 -1.351154782 0.05113393
-#> 89 0.143202959 -1.430192202 0.26174046
-#> 90 1.155769129 -0.186903327 0.04880420
-#> 91 0.559813595 -0.862499677 -0.53711912
-#> 92 -0.936341076 -0.503527111 -0.99627787
-#> 93 -1.049096344 0.032194348 -1.34962850
-#> 94 -0.497978396 0.162235981 0.31899526
-#> 95 0.565120969 -1.919780662 0.25948394
-#> 96 -0.664895124 -0.766542929 -2.21344800
-#> 97 0.829280403 0.592403315 -0.43854944
-#> 98 -0.017677656 -1.656619109 -0.45664659
-#> 99 -0.131923116 -1.896881557 -0.91048949
-#> 100 0.146219686 -0.896684910 1.27558673#> A B C
-#> 1 1.39081618 1.2987554842 -0.54274184
-#> 2 0.12474394 -1.4341962212 -0.83385076
-#> 3 -1.31234622 -0.1773139308 1.11548187
-#> 4 0.13764915 1.4386412100 1.18934079
-#> 5 -1.55271429 -0.7649622047 -0.14994138
-#> 6 -0.69104513 -1.1444681510 -0.39532881
-#> 7 0.28331723 0.6930376611 0.78522733
-#> 8 0.62698282 2.6282635812 2.09300595
-#> 9 -1.35745434 0.4066573669 2.08806190
-#> 10 -0.06698887 -2.4653818490 -1.20034841
-#> 11 0.02483736 -0.0410126675 -0.86813242
-#> 12 0.79142685 -1.8084817841 -0.37123506
-#> 13 -0.88409828 -0.1531384713 0.49194054
-#> 14 0.60358179 -1.3450087188 -1.86485444
-#> 15 0.74467121 1.2994217211 0.32121665
-#> 16 0.26231671 0.7238420836 -0.21253993
-#> 17 -0.08841355 0.8852067209 1.38717738
-#> 18 -1.18692758 -1.5262910813 -0.22392502
-#> 19 1.02473345 0.3596218704 -1.36911133
-#> 20 0.29173164 0.0537979231 0.48062427
-#> 21 -0.10151671 1.0013139089 0.41741153
-#> 22 -0.38409912 0.1086193588 0.27613213
-#> 23 -0.17473214 1.3226328277 1.56677087
-#> 24 -0.68841302 -0.8568191519 0.22462907
-#> 25 -3.40268201 -1.1503624457 2.19509962
-#> 26 1.27476703 -0.1608727574 -1.60243175
-#> 27 -0.76774044 -0.3136043209 0.40748355
-#> 28 -2.93463796 0.0002708164 0.54330948
-#> 29 -0.36309562 0.4812979048 0.08769210
-#> 30 0.11235349 1.2436686101 0.40667721
-#> 31 -0.42112919 1.1241955619 0.82149954
-#> 32 0.65132497 -1.9692499386 -1.72175518
-#> 33 -0.39001734 1.2671731043 1.01569959
-#> 34 1.05444567 0.7305534127 -0.08594560
-#> 35 -0.65195625 -0.5195396901 0.41514849
-#> 36 -0.95833910 0.2003833523 1.41935582
-#> 37 -0.09312194 -1.7133185727 -0.91550462
-#> 38 0.15254009 -0.8956400361 -1.25958623
-#> 39 0.07535271 0.1033439817 0.16790440
-#> 40 -1.61236803 -1.1266807862 1.13697372
-#> 41 -0.53493316 -1.6457716779 0.28787366
-#> 42 -0.69921708 1.7978716255 1.97787573
-#> 43 -0.58102874 -1.3412768754 0.28024767
-#> 44 0.39080373 -0.9614140080 -1.51340506
-#> 45 0.98098214 -0.2651307385 -1.15693664
-#> 46 -1.41159592 0.9114650277 1.44179604
-#> 47 -1.05225142 -0.9418931935 -0.20252229
-#> 48 -0.40068116 -1.1950503292 -0.24799347
-#> 49 1.38669506 0.9589220188 0.06210057
-#> 50 -0.35464447 0.8920651923 0.55778884
-#> 51 1.53904431 1.2176546707 -0.77686030
-#> 52 0.16578814 0.4331779127 -0.40893746
-#> 53 -0.60914155 -0.8140949898 1.01178545
-#> 54 -2.16814062 -0.2863029111 1.76151931
-#> 55 -0.85887053 0.7286470557 1.46281376
-#> 56 -2.69493701 -0.5352409200 1.22842833
-#> 57 0.25329846 -0.2477709459 -0.33847285
-#> 58 -1.42870286 0.8775450724 1.65829026
-#> 59 1.59072274 0.1852101502 -0.06485567
-#> 60 0.19047954 -0.5331432083 -1.01246796
-#> 61 1.12633124 0.4510249139 -0.16385936
-#> 62 -0.86502391 0.4564717361 0.97700377
-#> 63 0.41198377 2.1574189238 0.29625434
-#> 64 -1.33266567 0.1334556024 2.13446398
-#> 65 -1.26258869 -0.1687697156 -0.84856895
-#> 66 -1.02980626 0.6029517902 0.65050954
-#> 67 0.38682167 -1.3061125155 -1.84341380
-#> 68 0.23417755 -0.4236220335 -0.99612575
-#> 69 0.38936213 1.4383517669 1.20765999
-#> 70 0.52613652 0.4669543053 -0.25615525
-#> 71 -0.78625593 -0.1890983901 -0.06583813
-#> 72 -0.52607091 -0.7252667231 -1.05297080
-#> 73 -0.28890582 -1.0441594449 -1.15239430
-#> 74 -1.25168046 -2.1088896749 -1.11497680
-#> 75 -0.67847213 -1.4529646435 -0.09410188
-#> 76 -0.99112777 0.2271702323 1.19094153
-#> 77 -0.27328045 -0.6278109929 0.89942994
-#> 78 -0.05788188 -0.2011886425 -0.70444974
-#> 79 0.44426016 0.3086371578 -0.14094071
-#> 80 -1.86391621 -0.2017716705 1.04344653
-#> 81 -0.52027246 0.1144370542 0.17047033
-#> 82 0.68790768 0.3227648343 -0.35982484
-#> 83 0.06379928 1.0963218557 -0.79995582
-#> 84 0.71240232 0.6765428974 0.08052656
-#> 85 1.00680982 1.3004044786 0.46945908
-#> 86 -0.19307208 -0.8284714031 0.42528039
-#> 87 0.58798451 0.2443710099 0.22379468
-#> 88 0.29882724 0.8581150980 1.22292625
-#> 89 1.84074363 1.0970181676 -0.69553217
-#> 90 -1.91299092 -1.2784569227 0.17807915
-#> 91 0.64255687 -0.5425659342 0.03429620
-#> 92 -0.83135155 0.4205869612 0.80329005
-#> 93 -1.44298017 0.7499570038 1.75007779
-#> 94 -0.80721771 -1.3782307639 -0.83537525
-#> 95 -0.56849692 -0.2160438395 -0.20213552
-#> 96 -1.43237796 1.0144647169 1.92039006
-#> 97 -0.17925759 -1.5018571840 -1.44550197
-#> 98 -0.35894894 0.9200034445 1.16485148
-#> 99 0.03204885 -0.5520698956 0.01677568
-#> 100 0.83799420 1.2748026410 -0.90440295
+ #> A B C
+#> 1 -1.711924939 -1.011599824 -1.32018668
+#> 2 0.887134792 0.043794457 0.99462051
+#> 3 0.748427556 0.410991509 1.01598343
+#> 4 -0.988547303 -1.612324193 0.10827445
+#> 5 0.250415810 1.967522573 1.12127447
+#> 6 1.012473136 1.329047164 0.46137529
+#> 7 0.290391321 -0.492076253 -1.07257786
+#> 8 -0.999779485 -2.143044059 -1.61909580
+#> 9 1.296369128 0.223297040 0.05172819
+#> 10 1.844675802 0.525323939 1.43792983
+#> 11 -0.594332509 1.134701125 -0.51513681
+#> 12 2.892055704 -0.024653246 -0.87388294
+#> 13 0.674912545 1.145791522 -0.16442269
+#> 14 0.114929596 0.751160451 0.22516804
+#> 15 -0.798672240 -0.534844472 -1.59558698
+#> 16 -1.031496700 0.049687627 -0.54144674
+#> 17 -0.004310488 -1.375989084 0.16455645
+#> 18 1.415566785 1.598106413 1.06560667
+#> 19 -1.642731803 -0.241490494 -0.33724621
+#> 20 0.910502722 -0.191788473 -0.98662517
+#> 21 -1.175150978 -0.479527388 0.14625695
+#> 22 0.305901881 0.761645013 -0.54205693
+#> 23 -0.367942472 -1.256019905 -0.12063644
+#> 24 0.892308000 0.193255995 1.16876289
+#> 25 2.538452134 2.240282666 2.04947504
+#> 26 -0.695068465 0.222697327 -1.11980217
+#> 27 0.512021718 0.508770162 0.57718656
+#> 28 -0.932274424 2.643562030 2.24879422
+#> 29 -0.585604074 0.622505249 -0.24917585
+#> 30 -1.355941412 -0.590585765 -0.21519908
+#> 31 -0.733846362 0.082328508 -0.42830930
+#> 32 1.264872249 0.715577491 0.12590367
+#> 33 -0.518786456 0.201122493 -0.92638734
+#> 34 -0.637506919 -1.122500780 -0.86513473
+#> 35 0.632266473 -0.010632207 1.05787745
+#> 36 1.104769095 0.406299810 -0.21379747
+#> 37 1.472185167 0.971669943 0.38215346
+#> 38 0.208642678 1.232615573 -0.26677942
+#> 39 0.194660642 -0.021702220 -0.36527459
+#> 40 1.781764439 0.408108369 1.86009067
+#> 41 2.042761937 -0.215878860 1.47377857
+#> 42 -0.490815530 -0.425984391 -0.68877135
+#> 43 1.655781000 -0.033659668 1.27356903
+#> 44 -0.025382344 0.905039301 -0.02548762
+#> 45 -0.665268785 -0.563017316 0.06761990
+#> 46 -0.276302646 0.608159422 0.33566043
+#> 47 0.484250987 1.126346311 1.25406657
+#> 48 1.282907646 0.720836758 0.47160057
+#> 49 -0.277030402 -1.021860386 -1.96611414
+#> 50 -0.819145743 -0.037232249 -0.04063296
+#> 51 -1.564663610 -0.636464908 -1.85042764
+#> 52 -0.898058218 0.284764624 -0.34268128
+#> 53 1.805225599 -0.408926161 0.83297444
+#> 54 1.365198223 1.113118376 1.19018362
+#> 55 0.216231182 -0.115908105 0.10565315
+#> 56 0.641593299 1.738105080 2.21714184
+#> 57 0.213674643 0.168441446 -0.31953324
+#> 58 0.253013272 0.862077906 -0.22789514
+#> 59 0.287070174 -1.951729555 -0.83911657
+#> 60 -0.481794003 0.239976721 0.61024139
+#> 61 0.025132801 -0.628056375 -1.53689844
+#> 62 -0.167673231 -0.101515541 0.75379782
+#> 63 -2.425362627 -0.498203692 -1.06272155
+#> 64 1.350643220 -0.486047718 0.95719724
+#> 65 -1.242626738 2.175710297 0.92752367
+#> 66 -0.338836433 1.113640640 -0.15518463
+#> 67 -0.026841819 0.966138768 0.37921477
+#> 68 -0.453608406 0.413598279 0.23549706
+#> 69 -0.493723033 -1.334332953 -0.84630857
+#> 70 -1.221646818 -1.238780109 0.72514498
+#> 71 0.321048652 1.743009432 -0.49620029
+#> 72 -0.527149031 1.184322665 1.00890307
+#> 73 0.070016525 1.224225492 0.62085618
+#> 74 1.134493406 2.219461421 1.58638671
+#> 75 1.504749960 0.614156332 1.09643083
+#> 76 0.446530671 0.052052719 0.61180283
+#> 77 1.818863849 -0.302817368 0.04494236
+#> 78 -0.791160513 0.179908256 0.79171348
+#> 79 -0.300914823 -0.253138072 -0.53330713
+#> 80 0.926355041 1.873512137 0.35236855
+#> 81 0.144573957 1.043953709 -0.49422615
+#> 82 -0.027810676 0.325938318 -1.58919459
+#> 83 -2.100930284 1.066836105 -0.83668769
+#> 84 -0.444333571 -0.715766312 -0.85121894
+#> 85 -0.968875193 -1.687613536 -0.79915130
+#> 86 0.959440062 -1.088246737 1.55349882
+#> 87 -0.345251762 -1.686853560 0.65311349
+#> 88 0.572082195 -0.813048594 -1.24514160
+#> 89 -1.365521552 -1.373149134 -1.59569125
+#> 90 1.176097394 2.119269863 1.42040520
+#> 91 1.221033387 -0.577310879 -0.56619463
+#> 92 0.108998277 0.648942202 -0.11418245
+#> 93 0.101151686 0.111384203 0.73298987
+#> 94 0.586259342 1.453725946 1.13935521
+#> 95 0.153452555 1.348353614 -0.27134221
+#> 96 0.235523130 0.480340620 -0.05456858
+#> 97 0.785445485 1.876836130 -0.04612489
+#> 98 -0.198978331 -0.525346365 -0.12181418
+#> 99 0.629380511 -0.357590811 0.51006913
+#> 100 -2.276017019 -0.001639159 -1.01436632#> A B C
+#> 1 0.98053619 1.397345080 1.24702308
+#> 2 0.28494917 -0.929721452 0.11231993
+#> 3 -0.48926432 -0.317158657 0.91387543
+#> 4 0.62746163 0.690257228 -0.04676857
+#> 5 0.52497027 -0.006770402 -0.54982277
+#> 6 -0.08113113 -1.203695112 -0.38591526
+#> 7 0.10950230 -0.448304595 -0.72749899
+#> 8 -0.98054763 -1.413085775 0.44500300
+#> 9 -0.22717869 0.588496717 1.47955055
+#> 10 -0.08167748 0.129810359 0.62297867
+#> 11 -1.06794579 1.622348860 2.17266535
+#> 12 1.23713517 1.254934760 0.21802500
+#> 13 2.34268548 -0.127564780 -1.84686336
+#> 14 -0.79906111 -0.670100344 -0.78681222
+#> 15 1.14762821 0.425896059 -0.19353105
+#> 16 -0.68792927 0.746387469 1.17342419
+#> 17 -0.42239464 -2.279769415 -1.45252677
+#> 18 -0.71983873 -0.782993158 -0.48339888
+#> 19 -0.27644209 -0.078365574 -0.15548499
+#> 20 0.65702277 -2.167247198 -2.28768427
+#> 21 1.36346504 2.807540375 0.61058213
+#> 22 2.26453757 -0.107450280 -1.03851429
+#> 23 1.07057295 1.036447960 0.77105891
+#> 24 -0.75535093 0.189251094 1.72491550
+#> 25 -0.68100214 -0.665149580 -0.04357655
+#> 26 -0.47017350 -0.314580812 -0.27934568
+#> 27 0.73476477 1.147051694 0.19216533
+#> 28 -0.09149070 0.876867711 -0.08339957
+#> 29 -2.05839553 -1.187120062 -0.84369069
+#> 30 -0.62779679 0.680592120 0.13823150
+#> 31 0.82896856 0.492073064 -0.10702775
+#> 32 1.12230254 0.029101542 -0.69550195
+#> 33 1.41109327 -0.547954608 -1.55760838
+#> 34 -1.28998785 -0.644308963 0.45818445
+#> 35 -0.74524292 0.423205419 2.23457494
+#> 36 0.18163205 0.475178614 0.81660170
+#> 37 -1.29214617 0.507173875 0.60586872
+#> 38 -0.52453660 -0.422831247 0.14219949
+#> 39 2.71082498 1.025301778 -0.77900169
+#> 40 0.67234061 -0.927892656 -0.94160161
+#> 41 -0.22932465 -0.452949466 -0.75393801
+#> 42 0.79662820 0.012013809 -0.66456985
+#> 43 -1.48598921 -1.485862845 -0.34075299
+#> 44 -2.73794234 -0.333565773 1.35801078
+#> 45 1.04730267 -0.239862856 -0.94911295
+#> 46 0.79570220 0.409234356 -0.02512850
+#> 47 -0.29797799 -0.960151155 0.32858669
+#> 48 1.32398457 0.086940658 -0.84502893
+#> 49 0.70645034 0.763352966 0.66553042
+#> 50 -1.19011584 -0.898273386 0.01265418
+#> 51 0.17313328 0.375553597 -0.01675357
+#> 52 1.04061188 -0.219130525 -0.77337525
+#> 53 -0.43883826 -0.042922039 1.27360295
+#> 54 0.67987637 -1.058120498 -0.27502560
+#> 55 -0.51468288 0.062507127 0.76999444
+#> 56 -0.80241295 -0.945210621 0.34889021
+#> 57 -0.47060134 -1.268959331 0.70686003
+#> 58 2.49959376 0.682354301 -1.46377249
+#> 59 -0.76711289 -0.641906992 0.26363487
+#> 60 0.84037060 -0.130252667 -0.61136080
+#> 61 -0.47759972 0.405378724 0.06637905
+#> 62 -1.35795459 0.303024258 1.33414293
+#> 63 -0.86120089 -1.445283701 0.98588190
+#> 64 0.65405904 -1.262137582 -1.45782179
+#> 65 -1.52487511 -1.185720620 -0.29528001
+#> 66 -0.60310623 0.543202595 0.16109147
+#> 67 -1.34640940 0.111464903 0.03001872
+#> 68 -1.20726090 -0.211677096 0.84891723
+#> 69 -0.07838011 0.191885581 0.98564804
+#> 70 1.13262307 0.785543693 -0.06059885
+#> 71 1.36490199 -0.252005899 -2.00968693
+#> 72 1.18092139 -0.345183489 -0.80804496
+#> 73 -1.50057211 -0.143484529 0.56351319
+#> 74 -0.67605220 -0.161655297 0.70612018
+#> 75 -0.39630979 -0.711680593 -0.01193046
+#> 76 -1.06729240 0.790110596 0.42953674
+#> 77 0.25135374 0.004217116 -1.46584325
+#> 78 -0.62606452 -0.500831364 0.35233621
+#> 79 0.22130814 -1.054521838 -0.13425086
+#> 80 -0.82249462 -0.106502250 1.12587401
+#> 81 1.13659660 0.694685870 -0.63335312
+#> 82 0.63912932 -0.346001998 -0.15632373
+#> 83 0.50735668 -0.121686372 -0.35290927
+#> 84 0.95787156 0.663581444 -0.85623386
+#> 85 -0.91227314 -1.085103286 0.84931769
+#> 86 -0.23904032 0.820166860 0.16160248
+#> 87 -0.71341295 -0.149361316 0.56590330
+#> 88 1.64368977 -1.175172449 -2.12371033
+#> 89 -0.35317370 0.697507425 -0.12301334
+#> 90 -1.24671366 -0.243868992 1.74687093
+#> 91 -0.64148189 0.722090091 1.47996273
+#> 92 0.22026898 1.174067582 1.19864762
+#> 93 -0.88325604 0.271478223 0.35463827
+#> 94 0.07313435 1.405022266 1.00772946
+#> 95 -1.47150701 0.560249257 1.03483886
+#> 96 -1.10044697 -1.187067944 0.66307881
+#> 97 -2.23696083 0.102519789 2.21376158
+#> 98 -0.92624102 -1.158465566 0.37674556
+#> 99 -1.39758231 0.256387690 1.30028559
+#> 100 -0.21576305 -0.512530549 -0.64474625
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -129,7 +126,7 @@ Correlated Normal Vector
- rnorm_pre(x, rho = 0, ymean = 0, ysd = 1)
+ rnorm_pre(x, mu = 0, sd = 1, r = 0)
@@ -159,7 +156,7 @@ Value
#> [1] 0.5
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -129,17 +126,17 @@ Select grouping and numeric columns and group
- select_num_grp(dat, grp_by = NULL, cols = NULL)
+ select_num_grp(.data, between = c(), cols = NULL)
- dat
- the existing dataframe
+ .data
+ the existing tbl
- grp_by
+ between
an optional list of column names to group by
@@ -150,25 +147,25 @@ Arg
+ a tbl
- select_num_grp(iris, "Species")#> # A tibble: 150 x 5
-#> # Groups: Species [3]
+ select_num_grp(iris, "Species")#> # A tibble: 150 x 5
+#> # Groups: Species [3]
#> Species Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
-#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
-#> 1 setosa 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
-#> 2 setosa 4.9 3 1.4 0.2
-#> 3 setosa 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
-#> 4 setosa 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
-#> 5 setosa 5 3.6 1.4 0.2
-#> 6 setosa 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4
-#> 7 setosa 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3
-#> 8 setosa 5 3.4 1.5 0.2
-#> 9 setosa 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2
-#> 10 setosa 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1
-#> # … with 140 more rows
+#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
+#> 1 setosa 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
+#> 2 setosa 4.9 3 1.4 0.2
+#> 3 setosa 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
+#> 4 setosa 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
+#> 5 setosa 5 3.6 1.4 0.2
+#> 6 setosa 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4
+#> 7 setosa 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3
+#> 8 setosa 5 3.4 1.5 0.2
+#> 9 setosa 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2
+#> 10 setosa 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1
+#> # … with 140 more rows
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -125,12 +122,12 @@ Simulate Data from Design
- sim_design
generates a dataframe with a specified within and between design
+ sim_design()
generates a data table with a specified within and between design.
- sim_design(within = list(), between = list(), n = 100, cors = 0,
- mu = 0, sd = 1, empirical = FALSE, frame_long = FALSE)
+ sim_design(within = list(), between = list(), n = 100, mu = 0,
+ sd = 1, r = 0, empirical = FALSE, long = FALSE)
- dataframe
+ a tbl
diff --git a/docs/reference/sim_design_.html b/docs/reference/sim_design_.html
index 5b6d3a0e..997e7e70 100644
--- a/docs/reference/sim_design_.html
+++ b/docs/reference/sim_design_.html
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -125,11 +122,11 @@ Simulate Data from Design
- sim_from_design
generates a dataframe with a specified design
+ sim_design_
generates a data table with a specified design
- sim_design_(design, empirical = FALSE, frame_long = FALSE)
+ sim_design_(design, empirical = FALSE, long = FALSE)
- dataframe
+ a tbl
diff --git a/docs/reference/sim_df.html b/docs/reference/sim_df.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3ea6eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/sim_df.html
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+Simulate an existing dataframe — sim_df • faux
+ Simulate an existing dataframe
+ sim_df.Rd
+ sim_df
Produces a data table with the same distributions and correlations as an existing data table Only returns numeric columns and simulates all numeric variables from a continuous normal distribution (for now).
+ sim_df(.data, n = 100, between = c(), empirical = FALSE,
+ grp_by = NULL)
+ Arguments
+ .data
+ the existing tbl (must be in wide format)
+ n
+ the number of samples to return per group
+ between
+ a list of the between-subject columns
+ empirical
+ logical. Passed on to rnorm_multi
+ grp_by
+ (deprecated; use between)
+ Value
+ a tbl
+ Examples
+ iris100 <- sim_df(iris, 100)
+iris_species <- sim_df(iris, 100, between = "Species")
diff --git a/docs/reference/sim_mixed_df.html b/docs/reference/sim_mixed_df.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36852235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/sim_mixed_df.html
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+Generate a sample with random intercepts for subjects and items — sim_mixed_df • faux
+ Generate a sample with random intercepts for subjects and items
+ sim_mixed_df.Rd
+ sim_mixed_df()
produces a data table with the same distributions of by-subject and by-item random intercepts as an existing data table.
+ sim_mixed_df(.data, sub_n = 100, item_n = 25, dv = 1, sub_id = 2,
+ item_id = 3)
+ Arguments
+ .data
+ the existing tbl
+ sub_n
+ the number of subjects to simulate
+ item_n
+ the number of items to simulate
+ dv
+ the column name or index containing the DV
+ sub_id
+ the column name or index for the subject IDs
+ item_id
+ the column name or index for the item IDs
+ Value
+ a tbl
+ Examples
+ sim_mixed_df(faceratings, 10, 10, "rating", "rater_id", "face_id")#> sub_id item_id sub_i item_i dv
+#> 1 1 1 0.15336871 0.1152507 3.4263347
+#> 2 2 1 -0.07546968 0.1152507 2.6552210
+#> 3 3 1 -0.09464565 0.1152507 2.5473771
+#> 4 4 1 0.13680669 0.1152507 4.5736075
+#> 5 5 1 0.46710613 0.1152507 4.6470300
+#> 6 6 1 0.71713231 0.1152507 5.0470723
+#> 7 7 1 -0.16377959 0.1152507 3.0286129
+#> 8 8 1 -0.03648029 0.1152507 3.0203508
+#> 9 9 1 -0.44490238 0.1152507 2.4007496
+#> 10 10 1 -0.50294582 0.1152507 1.4482325
+#> 11 1 2 0.15336871 0.9694343 4.2646276
+#> 12 2 2 -0.07546968 0.9694343 3.5117228
+#> 13 3 2 -0.09464565 0.9694343 1.9205807
+#> 14 4 2 0.13680669 0.9694343 3.3332175
+#> 15 5 2 0.46710613 0.9694343 4.1037056
+#> 16 6 2 0.71713231 0.9694343 4.8340290
+#> 17 7 2 -0.16377959 0.9694343 4.3931885
+#> 18 8 2 -0.03648029 0.9694343 3.5224828
+#> 19 9 2 -0.44490238 0.9694343 2.7403387
+#> 20 10 2 -0.50294582 0.9694343 4.9209943
+#> 21 1 3 0.15336871 -0.1809222 2.3955324
+#> 22 2 3 -0.07546968 -0.1809222 5.0649247
+#> 23 3 3 -0.09464565 -0.1809222 3.0032075
+#> 24 4 3 0.13680669 -0.1809222 2.4135067
+#> 25 5 3 0.46710613 -0.1809222 4.5656069
+#> 26 6 3 0.71713231 -0.1809222 2.8650467
+#> 27 7 3 -0.16377959 -0.1809222 3.6126806
+#> 28 8 3 -0.03648029 -0.1809222 0.9722492
+#> 29 9 3 -0.44490238 -0.1809222 0.6125408
+#> 30 10 3 -0.50294582 -0.1809222 3.8909402
+#> 31 1 4 0.15336871 1.0979794 5.9448229
+#> 32 2 4 -0.07546968 1.0979794 3.9574235
+#> 33 3 4 -0.09464565 1.0979794 4.8079004
+#> 34 4 4 0.13680669 1.0979794 5.0826263
+#> 35 5 4 0.46710613 1.0979794 3.3817108
+#> 36 6 4 0.71713231 1.0979794 3.2445244
+#> 37 7 4 -0.16377959 1.0979794 4.2746244
+#> 38 8 4 -0.03648029 1.0979794 4.7967650
+#> 39 9 4 -0.44490238 1.0979794 4.3737837
+#> 40 10 4 -0.50294582 1.0979794 4.2923638
+#> 41 1 5 0.15336871 0.2255086 5.9170173
+#> 42 2 5 -0.07546968 0.2255086 2.7538325
+#> 43 3 5 -0.09464565 0.2255086 3.1842397
+#> 44 4 5 0.13680669 0.2255086 4.2260520
+#> 45 5 5 0.46710613 0.2255086 1.5543152
+#> 46 6 5 0.71713231 0.2255086 3.9556215
+#> 47 7 5 -0.16377959 0.2255086 3.8447343
+#> 48 8 5 -0.03648029 0.2255086 4.5385200
+#> 49 9 5 -0.44490238 0.2255086 2.6456965
+#> 50 10 5 -0.50294582 0.2255086 2.2025837
+#> 51 1 6 0.15336871 -0.5688417 3.5177725
+#> 52 2 6 -0.07546968 -0.5688417 2.9838297
+#> 53 3 6 -0.09464565 -0.5688417 3.5923231
+#> 54 4 6 0.13680669 -0.5688417 3.1022826
+#> 55 5 6 0.46710613 -0.5688417 2.7535176
+#> 56 6 6 0.71713231 -0.5688417 5.4940446
+#> 57 7 6 -0.16377959 -0.5688417 2.5234260
+#> 58 8 6 -0.03648029 -0.5688417 0.3511046
+#> 59 9 6 -0.44490238 -0.5688417 1.8498874
+#> 60 10 6 -0.50294582 -0.5688417 3.5379786
+#> 61 1 7 0.15336871 -0.1003512 4.2409599
+#> 62 2 7 -0.07546968 -0.1003512 3.5556705
+#> 63 3 7 -0.09464565 -0.1003512 2.6899611
+#> 64 4 7 0.13680669 -0.1003512 2.0439883
+#> 65 5 7 0.46710613 -0.1003512 5.0354057
+#> 66 6 7 0.71713231 -0.1003512 3.5521496
+#> 67 7 7 -0.16377959 -0.1003512 2.3525066
+#> 68 8 7 -0.03648029 -0.1003512 3.5415480
+#> 69 9 7 -0.44490238 -0.1003512 4.1344729
+#> 70 10 7 -0.50294582 -0.1003512 2.3269392
+#> 71 1 8 0.15336871 1.6989795 6.4250556
+#> 72 2 8 -0.07546968 1.6989795 5.7450023
+#> 73 3 8 -0.09464565 1.6989795 3.8872425
+#> 74 4 8 0.13680669 1.6989795 4.5973502
+#> 75 5 8 0.46710613 1.6989795 5.7349937
+#> 76 6 8 0.71713231 1.6989795 2.6852695
+#> 77 7 8 -0.16377959 1.6989795 3.7919020
+#> 78 8 8 -0.03648029 1.6989795 4.7810577
+#> 79 9 8 -0.44490238 1.6989795 5.1999969
+#> 80 10 8 -0.50294582 1.6989795 5.4375538
+#> 81 1 9 0.15336871 1.2452224 5.3180720
+#> 82 2 9 -0.07546968 1.2452224 2.7003936
+#> 83 3 9 -0.09464565 1.2452224 4.3759073
+#> 84 4 9 0.13680669 1.2452224 6.5338902
+#> 85 5 9 0.46710613 1.2452224 3.8544295
+#> 86 6 9 0.71713231 1.2452224 5.2503336
+#> 87 7 9 -0.16377959 1.2452224 4.6527757
+#> 88 8 9 -0.03648029 1.2452224 3.6883031
+#> 89 9 9 -0.44490238 1.2452224 2.8378979
+#> 90 10 9 -0.50294582 1.2452224 4.8626384
+#> 91 1 10 0.15336871 -0.2064970 4.7460439
+#> 92 2 10 -0.07546968 -0.2064970 1.8389187
+#> 93 3 10 -0.09464565 -0.2064970 1.3021962
+#> 94 4 10 0.13680669 -0.2064970 2.4226626
+#> 95 5 10 0.46710613 -0.2064970 3.0711292
+#> 96 6 10 0.71713231 -0.2064970 2.2198113
+#> 97 7 10 -0.16377959 -0.2064970 0.9575364
+#> 98 8 10 -0.03648029 -0.2064970 2.6135275
+#> 99 9 10 -0.44490238 -0.2064970 1.2924662
+#> 100 10 10 -0.50294582 -0.2064970 0.8947152
diff --git a/docs/reference/simdf_mixed.html b/docs/reference/simdf_mixed.html
index 1515559f..2dfb5c19 100644
--- a/docs/reference/simdf_mixed.html
+++ b/docs/reference/simdf_mixed.html
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@
@@ -167,107 +164,107 @@ Value
- simdf_mixed(faceratings, 10, 10, "rating", "rater_id", "face_id")#> sub_id item_id sub_i item_i dv
-#> 1 1 1 0.7171917 -0.16440417 2.7076926
-#> 2 2 1 1.5872296 -0.16440417 4.0497225
-#> 3 3 1 -0.7289360 -0.16440417 2.8124829
-#> 4 4 1 0.6003483 -0.16440417 1.6454961
-#> 5 5 1 0.5163209 -0.16440417 2.8399589
-#> 6 6 1 0.2563833 -0.16440417 3.0883100
-#> 7 7 1 -0.7781445 -0.16440417 3.0922434
-#> 8 8 1 1.1424562 -0.16440417 3.7438529
-#> 9 9 1 0.1711736 -0.16440417 1.9164980
-#> 10 10 1 1.0828005 -0.16440417 2.1094020
-#> 11 1 2 0.7171917 0.37636537 6.5942167
-#> 12 2 2 1.5872296 0.37636537 3.8486785
-#> 13 3 2 -0.7289360 0.37636537 3.4411992
-#> 14 4 2 0.6003483 0.37636537 5.3235771
-#> 15 5 2 0.5163209 0.37636537 4.2771207
-#> 16 6 2 0.2563833 0.37636537 3.3479907
-#> 17 7 2 -0.7781445 0.37636537 2.7002602
-#> 18 8 2 1.1424562 0.37636537 4.1520841
-#> 19 9 2 0.1711736 0.37636537 5.1249236
-#> 20 10 2 1.0828005 0.37636537 4.4809776
-#> 21 1 3 0.7171917 -0.82422093 3.2861012
-#> 22 2 3 1.5872296 -0.82422093 2.8786693
-#> 23 3 3 -0.7289360 -0.82422093 1.9902052
-#> 24 4 3 0.6003483 -0.82422093 2.0458923
-#> 25 5 3 0.5163209 -0.82422093 1.5216236
-#> 26 6 3 0.2563833 -0.82422093 3.3659935
-#> 27 7 3 -0.7781445 -0.82422093 2.9983831
-#> 28 8 3 1.1424562 -0.82422093 3.4864340
-#> 29 9 3 0.1711736 -0.82422093 2.7199936
-#> 30 10 3 1.0828005 -0.82422093 4.6086848
-#> 31 1 4 0.7171917 -0.91128136 1.6789966
-#> 32 2 4 1.5872296 -0.91128136 5.6968101
-#> 33 3 4 -0.7289360 -0.91128136 -1.0487718
-#> 34 4 4 0.6003483 -0.91128136 2.0597989
-#> 35 5 4 0.5163209 -0.91128136 2.3732315
-#> 36 6 4 0.2563833 -0.91128136 4.2745678
-#> 37 7 4 -0.7781445 -0.91128136 1.8469632
-#> 38 8 4 1.1424562 -0.91128136 4.1014591
-#> 39 9 4 0.1711736 -0.91128136 1.0318854
-#> 40 10 4 1.0828005 -0.91128136 4.2240532
-#> 41 1 5 0.7171917 1.66678147 5.0273318
-#> 42 2 5 1.5872296 1.66678147 3.5821303
-#> 43 3 5 -0.7289360 1.66678147 5.4538830
-#> 44 4 5 0.6003483 1.66678147 7.9807309
-#> 45 5 5 0.5163209 1.66678147 3.7473337
-#> 46 6 5 0.2563833 1.66678147 7.1439931
-#> 47 7 5 -0.7781445 1.66678147 4.8426279
-#> 48 8 5 1.1424562 1.66678147 6.6205912
-#> 49 9 5 0.1711736 1.66678147 6.7093920
-#> 50 10 5 1.0828005 1.66678147 4.3002833
-#> 51 1 6 0.7171917 -0.32253158 3.5070761
-#> 52 2 6 1.5872296 -0.32253158 4.5057448
-#> 53 3 6 -0.7289360 -0.32253158 0.9024044
-#> 54 4 6 0.6003483 -0.32253158 3.9435972
-#> 55 5 6 0.5163209 -0.32253158 4.3432880
-#> 56 6 6 0.2563833 -0.32253158 1.5616119
-#> 57 7 6 -0.7781445 -0.32253158 1.5701492
-#> 58 8 6 1.1424562 -0.32253158 1.8015241
-#> 59 9 6 0.1711736 -0.32253158 2.9668905
-#> 60 10 6 1.0828005 -0.32253158 4.5541003
-#> 61 1 7 0.7171917 0.06766548 3.6839723
-#> 62 2 7 1.5872296 0.06766548 3.5298722
-#> 63 3 7 -0.7289360 0.06766548 1.3879482
-#> 64 4 7 0.6003483 0.06766548 3.0134067
-#> 65 5 7 0.5163209 0.06766548 3.8805034
-#> 66 6 7 0.2563833 0.06766548 2.8650564
-#> 67 7 7 -0.7781445 0.06766548 3.9055132
-#> 68 8 7 1.1424562 0.06766548 5.1346467
-#> 69 9 7 0.1711736 0.06766548 2.2637057
-#> 70 10 7 1.0828005 0.06766548 3.8728360
-#> 71 1 8 0.7171917 -0.41971766 4.1334290
-#> 72 2 8 1.5872296 -0.41971766 4.1028115
-#> 73 3 8 -0.7289360 -0.41971766 2.0302724
-#> 74 4 8 0.6003483 -0.41971766 2.8500859
-#> 75 5 8 0.5163209 -0.41971766 1.2627937
-#> 76 6 8 0.2563833 -0.41971766 2.0276961
-#> 77 7 8 -0.7781445 -0.41971766 0.9953581
-#> 78 8 8 1.1424562 -0.41971766 4.0599506
-#> 79 9 8 0.1711736 -0.41971766 3.1317760
-#> 80 10 8 1.0828005 -0.41971766 3.4296845
-#> 81 1 9 0.7171917 -0.09253167 2.7561118
-#> 82 2 9 1.5872296 -0.09253167 4.7486546
-#> 83 3 9 -0.7289360 -0.09253167 0.9585535
-#> 84 4 9 0.6003483 -0.09253167 3.6791317
-#> 85 5 9 0.5163209 -0.09253167 2.7224103
-#> 86 6 9 0.2563833 -0.09253167 2.6014336
-#> 87 7 9 -0.7781445 -0.09253167 0.6113194
-#> 88 8 9 1.1424562 -0.09253167 5.3929322
-#> 89 9 9 0.1711736 -0.09253167 3.5604510
-#> 90 10 9 1.0828005 -0.09253167 3.8776255
-#> 91 1 10 0.7171917 1.38999715 5.8347359
-#> 92 2 10 1.5872296 1.38999715 6.5293892
-#> 93 3 10 -0.7289360 1.38999715 4.4470914
-#> 94 4 10 0.6003483 1.38999715 5.8856564
-#> 95 5 10 0.5163209 1.38999715 4.7294257
-#> 96 6 10 0.2563833 1.38999715 5.8323700
-#> 97 7 10 -0.7781445 1.38999715 3.5409873
-#> 98 8 10 1.1424562 1.38999715 6.7181566
-#> 99 9 10 0.1711736 1.38999715 4.5778140
-#> 100 10 10 1.0828005 1.38999715 4.5562784
+ simdf_mixed(faceratings, 10, 10, "rating", "rater_id", "face_id")#> sub_id item_id sub_i item_i dv
+#> 1 1 1 0.15336871 0.1152507 3.4263347
+#> 2 2 1 -0.07546968 0.1152507 2.6552210
+#> 3 3 1 -0.09464565 0.1152507 2.5473771
+#> 4 4 1 0.13680669 0.1152507 4.5736075
+#> 5 5 1 0.46710613 0.1152507 4.6470300
+#> 6 6 1 0.71713231 0.1152507 5.0470723
+#> 7 7 1 -0.16377959 0.1152507 3.0286129
+#> 8 8 1 -0.03648029 0.1152507 3.0203508
+#> 9 9 1 -0.44490238 0.1152507 2.4007496
+#> 10 10 1 -0.50294582 0.1152507 1.4482325
+#> 11 1 2 0.15336871 0.9694343 4.2646276
+#> 12 2 2 -0.07546968 0.9694343 3.5117228
+#> 13 3 2 -0.09464565 0.9694343 1.9205807
+#> 14 4 2 0.13680669 0.9694343 3.3332175
+#> 15 5 2 0.46710613 0.9694343 4.1037056
+#> 16 6 2 0.71713231 0.9694343 4.8340290
+#> 17 7 2 -0.16377959 0.9694343 4.3931885
+#> 18 8 2 -0.03648029 0.9694343 3.5224828
+#> 19 9 2 -0.44490238 0.9694343 2.7403387
+#> 20 10 2 -0.50294582 0.9694343 4.9209943
+#> 21 1 3 0.15336871 -0.1809222 2.3955324
+#> 22 2 3 -0.07546968 -0.1809222 5.0649247
+#> 23 3 3 -0.09464565 -0.1809222 3.0032075
+#> 24 4 3 0.13680669 -0.1809222 2.4135067
+#> 25 5 3 0.46710613 -0.1809222 4.5656069
+#> 26 6 3 0.71713231 -0.1809222 2.8650467
+#> 27 7 3 -0.16377959 -0.1809222 3.6126806
+#> 28 8 3 -0.03648029 -0.1809222 0.9722492
+#> 29 9 3 -0.44490238 -0.1809222 0.6125408
+#> 30 10 3 -0.50294582 -0.1809222 3.8909402
+#> 31 1 4 0.15336871 1.0979794 5.9448229
+#> 32 2 4 -0.07546968 1.0979794 3.9574235
+#> 33 3 4 -0.09464565 1.0979794 4.8079004
+#> 34 4 4 0.13680669 1.0979794 5.0826263
+#> 35 5 4 0.46710613 1.0979794 3.3817108
+#> 36 6 4 0.71713231 1.0979794 3.2445244
+#> 37 7 4 -0.16377959 1.0979794 4.2746244
+#> 38 8 4 -0.03648029 1.0979794 4.7967650
+#> 39 9 4 -0.44490238 1.0979794 4.3737837
+#> 40 10 4 -0.50294582 1.0979794 4.2923638
+#> 41 1 5 0.15336871 0.2255086 5.9170173
+#> 42 2 5 -0.07546968 0.2255086 2.7538325
+#> 43 3 5 -0.09464565 0.2255086 3.1842397
+#> 44 4 5 0.13680669 0.2255086 4.2260520
+#> 45 5 5 0.46710613 0.2255086 1.5543152
+#> 46 6 5 0.71713231 0.2255086 3.9556215
+#> 47 7 5 -0.16377959 0.2255086 3.8447343
+#> 48 8 5 -0.03648029 0.2255086 4.5385200
+#> 49 9 5 -0.44490238 0.2255086 2.6456965
+#> 50 10 5 -0.50294582 0.2255086 2.2025837
+#> 51 1 6 0.15336871 -0.5688417 3.5177725
+#> 52 2 6 -0.07546968 -0.5688417 2.9838297
+#> 53 3 6 -0.09464565 -0.5688417 3.5923231
+#> 54 4 6 0.13680669 -0.5688417 3.1022826
+#> 55 5 6 0.46710613 -0.5688417 2.7535176
+#> 56 6 6 0.71713231 -0.5688417 5.4940446
+#> 57 7 6 -0.16377959 -0.5688417 2.5234260
+#> 58 8 6 -0.03648029 -0.5688417 0.3511046
+#> 59 9 6 -0.44490238 -0.5688417 1.8498874
+#> 60 10 6 -0.50294582 -0.5688417 3.5379786
+#> 61 1 7 0.15336871 -0.1003512 4.2409599
+#> 62 2 7 -0.07546968 -0.1003512 3.5556705
+#> 63 3 7 -0.09464565 -0.1003512 2.6899611
+#> 64 4 7 0.13680669 -0.1003512 2.0439883
+#> 65 5 7 0.46710613 -0.1003512 5.0354057
+#> 66 6 7 0.71713231 -0.1003512 3.5521496
+#> 67 7 7 -0.16377959 -0.1003512 2.3525066
+#> 68 8 7 -0.03648029 -0.1003512 3.5415480
+#> 69 9 7 -0.44490238 -0.1003512 4.1344729
+#> 70 10 7 -0.50294582 -0.1003512 2.3269392
+#> 71 1 8 0.15336871 1.6989795 6.4250556
+#> 72 2 8 -0.07546968 1.6989795 5.7450023
+#> 73 3 8 -0.09464565 1.6989795 3.8872425
+#> 74 4 8 0.13680669 1.6989795 4.5973502
+#> 75 5 8 0.46710613 1.6989795 5.7349937
+#> 76 6 8 0.71713231 1.6989795 2.6852695
+#> 77 7 8 -0.16377959 1.6989795 3.7919020
+#> 78 8 8 -0.03648029 1.6989795 4.7810577
+#> 79 9 8 -0.44490238 1.6989795 5.1999969
+#> 80 10 8 -0.50294582 1.6989795 5.4375538
+#> 81 1 9 0.15336871 1.2452224 5.3180720
+#> 82 2 9 -0.07546968 1.2452224 2.7003936
+#> 83 3 9 -0.09464565 1.2452224 4.3759073
+#> 84 4 9 0.13680669 1.2452224 6.5338902
+#> 85 5 9 0.46710613 1.2452224 3.8544295
+#> 86 6 9 0.71713231 1.2452224 5.2503336
+#> 87 7 9 -0.16377959 1.2452224 4.6527757
+#> 88 8 9 -0.03648029 1.2452224 3.6883031
+#> 89 9 9 -0.44490238 1.2452224 2.8378979
+#> 90 10 9 -0.50294582 1.2452224 4.8626384
+#> 91 1 10 0.15336871 -0.2064970 4.7460439
+#> 92 2 10 -0.07546968 -0.2064970 1.8389187
+#> 93 3 10 -0.09464565 -0.2064970 1.3021962
+#> 94 4 10 0.13680669 -0.2064970 2.4226626
+#> 95 5 10 0.46710613 -0.2064970 3.0711292
+#> 96 6 10 0.71713231 -0.2064970 2.2198113
+#> 97 7 10 -0.16377959 -0.2064970 0.9575364
+#> 98 8 10 -0.03648029 -0.2064970 2.6135275
+#> 99 9 10 -0.44490238 -0.2064970 1.2924662
+#> 100 10 10 -0.50294582 -0.2064970 0.8947152