Implementation of a Conduit front-end in purescript. Live at
Conduit is a collection of front and back ends for a clone of the blogging website Medium.
This repository contains my own implementation of Conduit, in Purescript with Halogen.
By default, the site uses a public testing API in the back end, and most of the content is garbage. See conduit-rocket for instructions on how to use my own back-end with a clean database.
You can freely register as many accounts as you wish and play with the front-end, the email address required for registration is not checked.
- Login/logout & registration, with token based authentication. Automatic login of previously authenticated user.
- Display recent articles from the global feed/the user's feed/matching a tag
- Article creation, edition and deletion, with embedded markdown editor
- Markdown article rendering
- Following users
- Favoriting articles
- Commenting on articles/comment deletion. Comment edition does not appear to be supported by the public back end.
- Back-end selection: provides access to the official Conduit test API with options to connect to custom/local APIs. See de-passage/conduit-rocket.rust for an alternative back-end.
On top of Halogen and other Purescript libraries, the front end uses SimpleMDE and Marked for Markdown editing and rendering.