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[ImportTelegram] For Telegram exports
[ImportWhatsAppDb] For WhatsApp db import (needs decrypted db with wa-crypt-tools)
[ImportWhatsAppExports] For WhatsApp exports (default)
[SignalDecrypt] Just to decrypt Signal backup file
[SignalEncrypt] Just to encrypt Signal backup file
Path to Signal backup file
Signal 30 digit backup passphrase like 123451234512345123451234512345
Don't decrypt Signal backup, useful when importing messages from multiple sources. (false by default)
Don't encrypt Signal backup, useful when importing messages from multiple sources. (false by default)
Your Signal account phone number
Path where to create the folder TelegramExportsFolder to write the Telegram export files into.
Path to the Telegram export json file
[Prepare] Prepare the import by extracting all conversations from telegramJson into separate files to review. (default)
[Import] Imports the files from step [Prepare] into the Signal database.
Path to the WhatsApp msgstore.db file
[ImportWhatsAppDb] Path where the WhatsApp .txt file are written
[ImportWhatsAppExports] Path to the WhatsApp export .txt files
[Prepare] Prepare the import by extracting all conversations from msgstore.db into separate files to review. (default)
[Import] Imports the files from step [Prepare] into the Signal database.