first of all, i highly recommended to see the demo
and u will find out how to use this plugin
i must say, this doc is terrible, but the function is really good
node issue tip
normal tree
lazy loading
loading tip
dynamic add node
custom tree icon, use iconFont
custom icon style. color
del search function
because the chinese-to-pinyin package too large, and you can achieve u own search or filter function, so i del this useless func
loadingChild method
import { ZTree, ComboZTree, generateKey, getParentNode } from 'vue2-lazy-tree'
import ZTree from 'vue2-lazy-tree'
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification publish to npm
npm run build
npm install vue2-lazy-tree or cnpm install vue2-lazy-tree (国内)
import { ZTree } from 'vue2-lazy-tree/dist/vue2-tree.min'
import 'vue2-lazy-tree/dist/vue2-tree.min.css'
npm install & npm run dev
参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 可选值 | 默认值 |
options | 配置项 | Object | — | — |
treeData | 指定节点对象数组 | Array[Object] | — | — |
options: {
labelKey: '', { String } set the label field, default 'label'
showCheckbox: true, //是否支持多选,
halfCheckedStatus: true,//控制父框是否需要半钩状态,
lazy: true, // 是否是异步加载数据
load: this.loadingChild, // 异步加载数据方法
iconClass: { // custom icon class, Default
close: 'icon-youjiantou',
open: 'icon-xiajiantou',
add: 'icon-add'
iconStyle: { // custom icon style, sometimes u just need to set color
color: '#108ee9' // default #000
dynamicAdd: true,
// function handle display add button
// return true or false, default true
// [Function] param: { node }
dynamicAddFilter: (node) => {
if (node.type === 1 || node.type === 2) {
return true
return false
// function handle add node; the new node must have `dynamicAdd : true` property
// the tree component rely on this show editor
// param { node }
// return Promise(parent.children) must bu children Array
dynamicAddNode: [Function],
// function handle save node; when successfull saved, the new node must del `dynamicAdd` property
// the tree component rely on this save node
// param { node, $event }
// return Promise(node) must be node Object return from server
dynamicSaveNode: [Function],
// function handle leaf icon
// param { node }
// return { String } , iconfont class name, default ''
leafIcon: [Function],
// show issue tip
warning: true,
// warning config
warningConfig: {
title: (item) => 'lalal...',
iconClass: (item) => 'icon-warning1',
style: (item) => {
return { color: 'red'}
/* 节点元素 */
id: 1, // 节点标志
label: '一级节点', // 节点名称
open: true, // 是否打开节点
checked: false, // 是否被选中
parentId: null, // 父级节点Id
visible: true, // 是否可见
searched: false, // 是否是搜索值,
nodeSelectNotAll: false, // 表示父框可以半钩状态
leaf: true, // 是否是叶子节点, 如果是叶子结点, lazy=true 时,显示 leafIcon, 此节点不再异步加载数据
children: [] // 子节点,
方法名 | 说明 | 参数 |
getSelectedNodeIds | 若节点可被选择则返回目前被选中的节点Id所组成的数组 | 被选中的节点Id所组成的数组 |
getSelectedNodes | 若节点可被选择则返回目前被选中的节点组成的数组 | 被选中的节点所组成的数组 |
事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
node-click | 节点被点击时的回调 | 共1个参数,节点组件本身。 |
u can use build in iconfont class or u add it by u self iconFont
how to find the build in class:
// just go to the package folder, under node_modules/vue2-lazy-tree/
package is copy from
and when some new feature is test ok, i will pull a new request to halower
QQ group:255965810
- lily7129
- halower
add issue tip 16082017
fix getParentNode method 15082017
fix halfcheck bug del search func
02082017 -
fix search bug, and require chinesetopinyin package 02082017
fix generateKey method bug 31072017
add label key property, set the label field 28072017
add node leaf 27072017
fix key bugs, add iconfont class 25072017
fix checkbox bugs, showCheckbox & halfCheckedStatus 25072017
Add how to use it in the production env 25072017