A Drupal module which allows you get a closest zip code to another zip code. An API is provided, but no user interface.
drush dl closest_zip_code
Let's say you are at zipcode 78376, and you have three locations, 78629, 01343 and 99919, and you want know which is closest, run:
drush ev 'print_r(\Drupal\closest_zip_code\ClosestZipCode\App::instance()->closestZipCode("00720", ["00723", "00725", "00727"]))'
It is important to put your zipcodes in quotes so they are treated as strings.
You should see something like:
[errors] => Array
[zip] => 00720
[lat] => 18.217946
[lon] => -66.428076
[zips] => Array
[00727] => Array
[km] => 37.4453002632
[miles] => 23.267430784452
[lat] => 18.215308
[lon] => -66.073565
[00725] => Array
[km] => 40.738204346371
[miles] => 25.313546513168
[lat] => 18.218819
[lon] => -66.042375
[00723] => Array
[km] => 47.721027769338
[miles] => 29.652471813056
[lat] => 18.043498
[lon] => -66.015479
[duration-seconds] => 0.014860153198242
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