diff --git a/dbt/adapters/spark/impl.py b/dbt/adapters/spark/impl.py
index 7600bc4eb..233c82fc8 100644
--- a/dbt/adapters/spark/impl.py
+++ b/dbt/adapters/spark/impl.py
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ def get_relation(
         return self._set_relation_information(cached) if cached else None
     def parse_describe_extended(
-            self, relation: Relation, raw_rows: List[agate.Row]
+        self, relation: Relation, raw_rows: List[agate.Row]
     ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, any], List[SparkColumn]]:
         # Convert the Row to a dict
         dict_rows = [dict(zip(row._keys, row._values)) for row in raw_rows]
@@ -293,8 +293,7 @@ def _get_updated_relation(self, relation: BaseRelation) -> Optional[SparkRelatio
                 raise e
         # strip hudi metadata columns.
-        columns = [x for x in columns
-                   if x.name not in self.HUDI_METADATA_COLUMNS]
+        columns = [x for x in columns if x.name not in self.HUDI_METADATA_COLUMNS]
         if not metadata:
             return None
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_adapter.py b/tests/unit/test_adapter.py
index 6f0fd0727..8c3ed158b 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_adapter.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_adapter.py
@@ -534,243 +534,3 @@ def test_profile_with_cluster_and_sql_endpoint(self):
         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeException):
             config_from_parts_or_dicts(self.project_cfg, profile)
-    @pytest.mark.skip()
-    def test_parse_columns_from_information_with_table_type_and_delta_provider(self):
-        self.maxDiff = None
-        rel_type = SparkRelation.get_relation_type.Table
-        # Mimics the output of Spark in the information column
-        information = (
-            "Database: default_schema\n"
-            "Table: mytable\n"
-            "Owner: root\n"
-            "Created Time: Wed Feb 04 18:15:00 UTC 1815\n"
-            "Last Access: Wed May 20 19:25:00 UTC 1925\n"
-            "Created By: Spark 3.0.1\n"
-            "Type: MANAGED\n"
-            "Provider: delta\n"
-            "Statistics: 123456789 bytes\n"
-            "Location: /mnt/vo\n"
-            "Serde Library: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe\n"
-            "InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat\n"
-            "OutputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat\n"
-            "Partition Provider: Catalog\n"
-            "Partition Columns: [`dt`]\n"
-            "Schema: root\n"
-            " |-- col1: decimal(22,0) (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- col2: string (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- dt: date (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- struct_col: struct (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |    |-- struct_inner_col: string (nullable = true)\n"
-        )
-        relation = SparkRelation.create(
-            schema='default_schema',
-            identifier='mytable',
-            type=rel_type,
-            information=information
-        )
-        config = self._get_target_http(self.project_cfg)
-        columns = SparkAdapter(config).parse_columns_from_information(
-            relation)
-        self.assertEqual(len(columns), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(columns[0].to_column_dict(omit_none=False), {
-            'table_database': None,
-            'table_schema': relation.schema,
-            'table_name': relation.name,
-            'table_type': rel_type,
-            'table_owner': 'root',
-            'column': 'col1',
-            'column_index': 0,
-            'dtype': 'decimal(22,0)',
-            'numeric_scale': None,
-            'numeric_precision': None,
-            'char_size': None,
-            'stats:bytes:description': '',
-            'stats:bytes:include': True,
-            'stats:bytes:label': 'bytes',
-            'stats:bytes:value': 123456789,
-        })
-        self.assertEqual(columns[3].to_column_dict(omit_none=False), {
-            'table_database': None,
-            'table_schema': relation.schema,
-            'table_name': relation.name,
-            'table_type': rel_type,
-            'table_owner': 'root',
-            'column': 'struct_col',
-            'column_index': 3,
-            'dtype': 'struct',
-            'numeric_scale': None,
-            'numeric_precision': None,
-            'char_size': None,
-            'stats:bytes:description': '',
-            'stats:bytes:include': True,
-            'stats:bytes:label': 'bytes',
-            'stats:bytes:value': 123456789,
-        })
-    @pytest.mark.skip()
-    def test_parse_columns_from_information_with_view_type(self):
-        self.maxDiff = None
-        rel_type = SparkRelation.get_relation_type.View
-        information = (
-            "Database: default_schema\n"
-            "Table: myview\n"
-            "Owner: root\n"
-            "Created Time: Wed Feb 04 18:15:00 UTC 1815\n"
-            "Last Access: UNKNOWN\n"
-            "Created By: Spark 3.0.1\n"
-            "Type: VIEW\n"
-            "View Text: WITH base (\n"
-            "    SELECT * FROM source_table\n"
-            ")\n"
-            "SELECT col1, col2, dt FROM base\n"
-            "View Original Text: WITH base (\n"
-            "    SELECT * FROM source_table\n"
-            ")\n"
-            "SELECT col1, col2, dt FROM base\n"
-            "View Catalog and Namespace: spark_catalog.default\n"
-            "View Query Output Columns: [col1, col2, dt]\n"
-            "Table Properties: [view.query.out.col.1=col1, view.query.out.col.2=col2, "
-            "transient_lastDdlTime=1618324324, view.query.out.col.3=dt, "
-            "view.catalogAndNamespace.part.0=spark_catalog, "
-            "view.catalogAndNamespace.part.1=default]\n"
-            "Serde Library: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe\n"
-            "InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat\n"
-            "OutputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveSequenceFileOutputFormat\n"
-            "Storage Properties: [serialization.format=1]\n"
-            "Schema: root\n"
-            " |-- col1: decimal(22,0) (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- col2: string (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- dt: date (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- struct_col: struct (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |    |-- struct_inner_col: string (nullable = true)\n"
-        )
-        relation = SparkRelation.create(
-            schema='default_schema',
-            identifier='myview',
-            type=rel_type,
-            information=information
-        )
-        config = self._get_target_http(self.project_cfg)
-        columns = SparkAdapter(config).parse_columns_from_information(
-            relation)
-        self.assertEqual(len(columns), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(columns[1].to_column_dict(omit_none=False), {
-            'table_database': None,
-            'table_schema': relation.schema,
-            'table_name': relation.name,
-            'table_type': rel_type,
-            'table_owner': 'root',
-            'column': 'col2',
-            'column_index': 1,
-            'dtype': 'string',
-            'numeric_scale': None,
-            'numeric_precision': None,
-            'char_size': None
-        })
-        self.assertEqual(columns[3].to_column_dict(omit_none=False), {
-            'table_database': None,
-            'table_schema': relation.schema,
-            'table_name': relation.name,
-            'table_type': rel_type,
-            'table_owner': 'root',
-            'column': 'struct_col',
-            'column_index': 3,
-            'dtype': 'struct',
-            'numeric_scale': None,
-            'numeric_precision': None,
-            'char_size': None
-        })
-    @pytest.mark.skip()
-    def test_parse_columns_from_information_with_table_type_and_parquet_provider(self):
-        self.maxDiff = None
-        rel_type = SparkRelation.get_relation_type.Table
-        information = (
-            "Database: default_schema\n"
-            "Table: mytable\n"
-            "Owner: root\n"
-            "Created Time: Wed Feb 04 18:15:00 UTC 1815\n"
-            "Last Access: Wed May 20 19:25:00 UTC 1925\n"
-            "Created By: Spark 3.0.1\n"
-            "Type: MANAGED\n"
-            "Provider: parquet\n"
-            "Statistics: 1234567890 bytes, 12345678 rows\n"
-            "Location: /mnt/vo\n"
-            "Serde Library: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe\n"
-            "InputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat\n"
-            "OutputFormat: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat\n"
-            "Schema: root\n"
-            " |-- col1: decimal(22,0) (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- col2: string (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- dt: date (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |-- struct_col: struct (nullable = true)\n"
-            " |    |-- struct_inner_col: string (nullable = true)\n"
-        )
-        relation = SparkRelation.create(
-            schema='default_schema',
-            identifier='mytable',
-            type=rel_type,
-            information=information
-        )
-        config = self._get_target_http(self.project_cfg)
-        columns = SparkAdapter(config).parse_columns_from_information(
-            relation)
-        self.assertEqual(len(columns), 4)
-        self.assertEqual(columns[2].to_column_dict(omit_none=False), {
-            'table_database': None,
-            'table_schema': relation.schema,
-            'table_name': relation.name,
-            'table_type': rel_type,
-            'table_owner': 'root',
-            'column': 'dt',
-            'column_index': 2,
-            'dtype': 'date',
-            'numeric_scale': None,
-            'numeric_precision': None,
-            'char_size': None,
-            'stats:bytes:description': '',
-            'stats:bytes:include': True,
-            'stats:bytes:label': 'bytes',
-            'stats:bytes:value': 1234567890,
-            'stats:rows:description': '',
-            'stats:rows:include': True,
-            'stats:rows:label': 'rows',
-            'stats:rows:value': 12345678
-        })
-        self.assertEqual(columns[3].to_column_dict(omit_none=False), {
-            'table_database': None,
-            'table_schema': relation.schema,
-            'table_name': relation.name,
-            'table_type': rel_type,
-            'table_owner': 'root',
-            'column': 'struct_col',
-            'column_index': 3,
-            'dtype': 'struct',
-            'numeric_scale': None,
-            'numeric_precision': None,
-            'char_size': None,
-            'stats:bytes:description': '',
-            'stats:bytes:include': True,
-            'stats:bytes:label': 'bytes',
-            'stats:bytes:value': 1234567890,
-            'stats:rows:description': '',
-            'stats:rows:include': True,
-            'stats:rows:label': 'rows',
-            'stats:rows:value': 12345678
-        })