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Kasun Perera edited this page Jul 10, 2013 · 37 revisions


Type inference to extend coverage Project Proposal

Sources for type inference. The list is based on the comments by Aleksander Pohl on the project proposal

Project Updates

Warm Up period (27th May - 16th June)

  • Setup the public clone of Extraction Framework
  • Setting up extraction-framework code on IDEA IDE, Building the code ect.
  • Working on the Issue#33
  • Familiarize with Scala, git, and IDEA

Week 1 (17th June- 23rd June)

Week 2 (24th June- 30th June)

  • Identify Wikipedia leaf categories #Issue16Investigate on YAGO approach, read YAGO paper again
  • Mail discuss tread on choosing the source data for leaf category identification Link to mail tread
  • Method of leaf category identification
  1. get all parent categories
  2. get all child categories
  3. substitute "1" from "2" result is the all leaf categories.
  • Processing Wikipedia categories #issue17 Save parent-child relationship of the categories to a MySQL database in-order to address the requirement of the #issue17

  • Created tables

  • Node Table

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS node ( node_id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, category_name varchar(40) NOT NULL, is_leaf tinyint(1) NOT NULL, is_prominent tinyint(1) NOT NULL, score_interlang double DEFAULT NULL, score_edit_histo double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (node_id), UNIQUE KEY category_name (category_name) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

  • Edge Table

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS edges ( parent_id int(10) NOT NULL, child_id int(10) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (parent_id,child_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

Week 3 (1st July- 7th July) The leaf node detection, finding parent-child relationship approach mentioned in the 2nd week was abandoned due to following reasons.

  • "categories that don't have a broader category are not included in skos_categories dump"
    evidence for this claim is discussed here 1 2
  • data freshness issues- since Dbpedia dumps nearly 1 year old and unavailability of synchronized sub-dumps for data analyze

New approach using Wikipedia Category and Categorylinks SQL dumps is drafted [here] (