#New-SPOExtensbilityHandlerObject Creates a ExtensibilityHandler Object, to be used by the Get-SPOProvisioningTemplate cmdlet ##Syntax
New-SPOExtensbilityHandlerObject -Type <String> [-Configuration <String>] [-Disabled [<SwitchParameter>]] -Assembly <String>
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Assembly | String | True | The full assembly name of the handler |
Configuration | String | False | Any configuration data you want to send to the handler |
Disabled | SwitchParameter | False | If set, the handler will be disabled |
Type | String | True | The type of the handler |
##Examples |
###Example 1
PS:> $handler = New-SPOExtensibilityHandlerObject -Assembly Contoso.Core.Handlers -Type Contoso.Core.Handlers.MyExtensibilityHandler
PS:> Get-SPOProvisioningTemplate -Out NewTemplate.xml -ExtensibilityHandlers $handler
This will create a new ExtensibilityHandler object that is run during extraction of the template