Convert-SPOFolderToProvisioningTemplate [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]] -Out <String> [-Folder <String>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Folder | String | False | Folder to process. If not specified the current folder will be used. |
Force | SwitchParameter | False | Overwrites the output file if it exists. |
Out | String | True | Filename to write to, optionally including full path. |
##Examples |
###Example 1
PS:> Convert-SPOFolderToProvisioningTemplate -Out template.pnp
Creates a pnp package file of an existing template xml, and includes all files in the current folder
###Example 2
PS:> Convert-SPOFolderToProvisioningTemplate -Out template.pnp -Folder c:\temp
Creates a pnp package file of an existing template xml, and includes all files in the c:\temp folder