#Add-SPOTaxonomyField Adds a taxonomy field to a list or as a site column. ##Syntax
Add-SPOTaxonomyField [-TaxonomyItemId <GuidPipeBind>] [-List <ListPipeBind>] -DisplayName <String> -InternalName <String> [-Group <String>] [-Id <GuidPipeBind>] [-AddToDefaultView [<SwitchParameter>]] [-MultiValue [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Required [<SwitchParameter>]] [-FieldOptions <AddFieldOptions>] [-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Add-SPOTaxonomyField -TermSetPath <String> [-TermPathDelimiter <String>] [-List <ListPipeBind>] -DisplayName <String> -InternalName <String> [-Group <String>] [-Id <GuidPipeBind>] [-AddToDefaultView [<SwitchParameter>]] [-MultiValue [<SwitchParameter>]] [-Required [<SwitchParameter>]] [-FieldOptions <AddFieldOptions>] [-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
AddToDefaultView | SwitchParameter | False | |
DisplayName | String | True | |
FieldOptions | AddFieldOptions | False | |
Group | String | False | |
Id | GuidPipeBind | False | |
InternalName | String | True | |
List | ListPipeBind | False | |
MultiValue | SwitchParameter | False | |
Required | SwitchParameter | False | |
TaxonomyItemId | GuidPipeBind | False | |
TermPathDelimiter | String | False | |
TermSetPath | String | True | |
Web | WebPipeBind | False | The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web. |
##Examples |
###Example 1
PS:> Add-SPOTaxonomyField -DisplayName "Test" -InternalName "Test" -TermSetPath "TestTermGroup|TestTermSet"
Adds a new taxonomy field called "Test" that points to the TestTermSet which is located in the TestTermGroup