An overview of the evaluated algorithms can be found below. More details can be found in the paper or in the original README found in the respective library directory. Also check the corresponding web pages for author and license information. The corresponding references are given below the table.
Algorithm | Library | Executable | Implementation | License | Reference | Link |
CCS | lib_ccs |
ccs_cli |
C++ | ? | [22,23] | Web |
CIS | lib_cis |
cis_cli |
C++ | non-comm. | [10] | Web |
CRS | lib_crs |
crs_cli |
C++ | GPL3 | [13,14] | Web |
CW | lib_cw |
cw_cli |
C++ | GPL3 | [25] | Web |
DASP | lib_dasp |
dasp_cli |
C++ | BSD3 | [17] | Web |
EAMS | lib_eams |
eams_cli |
MatLab | ? | [2] | Web |
ERS | lib_ers |
ers_cli |
C++ | MIT | [15] | Web |
FH | lib_fh |
fh_cli |
C++ | GPL2 | [4] | Web |
reFH | lib_refh |
refh_cli |
C++ | BSD3 | -- | Web |
MSS | lib_mss |
mss_cli |
C++ | BSD3 | [28] | -- |
PB | lib_pb |
pb_cli |
C++ | non-comm. | [16] | Web |
preSLIC | lib_preslic |
preslic_cli |
C++ | GPL3 | [25] | Web |
SEEDS | lib_seeds |
seeds_cli |
C++ | GPL3 | [18] | Web |
reSEEDS | lib_reseeds |
reseeds_cli |
C++ | BSD3 | -- | Web |
SEAW | lib_seaw |
seaw_cli |
MatLab | ? | [34] | Web |
SLIC | lib_slic |
slic_cli |
C++ | GPL3 | [11,12] | Web |
vlSLIC | lib_vlslic |
vlslic_cli |
C++ | BSD2 | -- | Web |
TP | lib_tp |
tp_cli |
MatLab | ? | [9] | Web |
TPS | lib_tps |
tps_cli |
MatLab | ? | [19,20] | Web |
W | lib_w |
w_cli |
C++ | [1] | Web | |
WP | lib_wp |
wp_cli |
Python | ? | [29,30] | Web |
PF | lib_pf |
pf_cli |
Java | ? | [8] | Web |
LSC | lib_lsc |
lsc_cli |
C++ | ? | [32] | Web |
RW | lib_rw |
rw_cli |
MatLab | ? + GPL2 | [5, 6] | Web |
QS | lib_qs |
qs_cli |
MatLab | BSD2 | [7] | Web |
NC | lib_nc |
nc_cli |
Matlab | ? | [3] | Web |
VCCS | lib_vccs |
vccs_cli |
C++ | BSD3 | [24] | Web |
POISE | lib_poise |
poise_cli |
MatLab | ? | [33] | Web |
VC | lib_vc |
vc_cli |
C++ | non-comm. | [21] | Web |
ETPS | lib_etps |
etps_cli |
C++ | non-comm. | [31] | Web |
ERGC | lib_ergc |
ergc_cli |
C++ | ? | [26,27] | Web |
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