To agree to participate in this experiment, please provide your digital signature here:
By signing the above form, I acknowledge and agree to the following:
- I have read and understood the Participant Information Sheet.]
- I understand the purpose, scope, and potential risks of participating in this research project.
- I have had the opportunity to ask questions and receive satisfactory answers.
- I freely consent to participate in this research project and understand that I may withdraw from the project at any time without consequences.
- I will receive a copy of this Consent Form for my records.
- I understand that this research project has been approved by Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee and will be conducted in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007).
Specifically, I consent to the following:
- The recording of my participation in the group game.
- The analysis of my round-by-round scores in the group game.
- The transcription of my post-game interview and/or survey.
- The use of anonymized quotes from the game, post-game interview, and/or survey in publications.
This experiment is being conducted to study how people make decisions in a group setting. You will be asked to play a game where you will make decisions about how to allocate resources. Your responses will be recorded and used to analyze how people make decisions in a group.
Your participation is voluntary. You can choose to participate or not. You can also withdraw from the experiment at any time.
Your participation will be confidential. Your name and other identifying information will not be used in any publications or reports.
There are no known risks associated with participating in this experiment. However, if you feel uncomfortable at any time, you can withdraw from the experiment.
- Play a round-by-round game where you will make decisions about how to allocate resources.
- Answer a short survey after the game.
- Participate in a brief interview (optional).
- You will learn more about how you make decisions in a group setting.
- You will help us improve our understanding of group decision-making.
- You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts on research funding with other researchers.
- You may feel uncomfortable answering some of the questions in the game or survey.
- You may learn something about yourself that you would rather not know.
- Your participation is voluntary. You can choose to participate or not. You can also withdraw from the experiment at any time.
- Your participation will be confidential. Your name and other identifying information will not be used in any publications or reports.
If you have any questions, please contact the experiment moderator.
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