If you would like to contribute to the simulacron project, we would appreciate it! Please be aware of the following guidelines.
We follow the Google Java Style Guide. See https://github.com/google/google-java-format for IDE plugins. The rules are not configurable.
The build will fail if the code is not formatted. To format all files from the command line, run:
mvn fmt:format -Dformat.validateOnly=false
Some aspects are not covered by the formatter:
- imports: please configure your IDE to follow the guide (no wildcard imports, normal imports in ASCII sort order come first, followed by a blank line, followed by static imports in ASCII sort order).
- XML files: indent with two spaces and try to respect the column limit of 100 characters.
This project uses GitHub issues to track requests and ongoing work. If you have a request, simply create a GitHub issue. If you would like to add a feature, create an issue first, or if the issue already exists, either assign the issue to yourself or add a comment.
For any change you make, please push your branch to this repository and create a pull request. We will try to review it quickly.
There is an expectation that tests are added for any new functionality or if otherwise applicable.