8.5.0 (2024-07-31)
8.4.3 (2024-07-31)
8.4.2 (2024-07-31)
8.4.1 (2024-07-31)
- update readme (dd89752)
8.4.0 (2024-07-31)
- add conversion to v2 datamodel (DSP-1419) (#13) (f1f90bf)
- add undefined validity (5c71077)
- data-model-v2: add conversion from json to rdf for new data model (DSP-1731) (#19) (46993e2)
- datamodel-v2: change conversion according to new data model (DSP-1731) (#17) (6741397)
- exclude non-connected stuff from graph (72801d5)
- improve IRI handling (9bcb2a3)
- make RDF conversion accessible thorugh CLI entry point (#22) (aebb6ca)
- simplify JSON model (#30) (1a57de8)
- adding attribution resets textfield (e00ad39)
- bug causing the application not to start on windows (21996ef)
- copy paste error - wrong datatype for a property (5c45b18)
- correct graph for Place (19153be)
- correct object gets deleted (158ba7f)
- don't hide buttons when description is overly long (721a4ce)
- encoding issue on windows. output is not utf-8 (dad98d7)
- Error when opening help popup (dfe6c34)
- error with propertyID in URLs (c365eb5)
- failing to select stuff; Feature: add data with enter (7acbb95)
- fit help texts in help popup (023e38a)
- fix layout issue with rdf preview (6591f90)
- installation not possible with current pip version (#24) (4090007)
- installation still fails on later pip versions (#26) (0eb253a)
- issue with IRIs (91a4d7d)
- issues with RDF to json conversion (#28) (4801f95)
- layout in dataset tab (60525e1)
- Layout issues with overly long texts (dcbf6a3)
- layout problem in project tab (ac5c59b)
- make email string instead of IRI (6936b52)
- make IRIs valid (853b982)
- module not found when installing from PyPI (DSP-1731) (#20) (097bf24)
- NPE (911d99d)
- NPE; Feature: make DMP IRI unique (8a831a9)
- Null pointer exception (5812cb4)
- problem with finding person/organization by its string (b9dba23)
- remove base again (1e85bf7)
- some cosmetics in UI (2c146a5)
- some serialization problems (b9ddad6)
- some wrong cardinalities, missing serialization (b061eab)
- strip whitespace from input (DSP-1681) (#16) (132878d)
- UI: remove unused button (9d5dad2)
- update doc according to new structure (6f6a862)
- update Grants list correctly when adding/removing (738dc77)
- Validation issues (84c9cff)
- wrong cardinality (d43c19e)
- wrong function name (2ad5ba1)
- wrong validation pattern for short code (cf92762)
- adjust requirements and pump to rc3 (35381d5)
- adjust version numbering to regulart pypi versioning (6402fdb)
- attempt to fix PyPI release (#32) (d226321)
- bump to rc6 (fc5c9fb)
- bump version to 0.3.9 (94c6933)
- bump version to 1.0 (b568458)
- bump version to rc4 (a80104e)
- bump version to rc5 (174f322)
- bump version to rc7 (79fedcb)
- comment out unused code (2bda342)
- delegate initial values to refresh method (f34efd6)
- don't call refresh/update on tab1 (c413418)
- fix release please action (DSP-1530) (#7) (ba16a56)
- fix release-please setup (a86147a)
- improve PR title check (DSP-1530) (#9) (ec8cc31)
- improve relative import stuff (8b57453)
- info popup string (e44cf0e)
- move calendar to main gui file to get rid of helper file (2da8895)
- move rdf generation into specific class (24fbafb)
- move some files to correct folder (c5ead8b)
- order classes more logically (a37423d)
- prepare release 1.0.3 (#10) (a29e7f8)
- release 1.0.4 (#12) (34400ae)
- release 1.1.0 (#14) (344cd30)
- release 1.2.0 (#18) (ac3f29a)
- release 1.2.1 (#21) (28ce353)
- release 1.3.0 (#23) (cff463a)
- release 1.3.1 (#25) (61ef6c6)
- release 1.3.2 (#27) (c5d9b3f)
- release 1.3.3 (#29) (aed3254)
- release 1.4.0 (#31) (de1ae9e)
- release 1.4.1 (#33) (6ff1387)
- release 1.4.2 (#35) (4638f2f)
- remove obsolete code (e72bbc7)
- remove redundant code (9c39534)
- remove some old code; add todos (5bdae9a)
- rename some methods (a3a32bf)
- replace pipenv with poetry (#34) (17e1dd2)
- restructure file and folder structure of the repo (5191884)
- Rework how updating data and refreshing UI works (14be3f1)
- set up GitHub actions (DSP-1530) (#6) (f219a21)
- tag HEAD as 1.0.3 release (#8) (080ff47)
- tidy up some code (8c3de5c)
- tidy up some code (212b91c)
- tidy up some code (7cfb62c)
- Tidy up some code (6b6e9b7)
- tidy up some old code (f5d72cc)
- update dependencies (2acf61b)
- update makefile (e4fade6)
- update packaging (b9b09d8)
- update release-please setup (fb8853c)
- add troubleshoot section to documentation (DSP-1683) (#15) (c310b4e)
- finish API documentation (d02fc7e)
- minor improvements and typo fixes in documentation (DSP-1531) (#11) (68976b3)
1.4.2 (2024-07-31)
1.4.1 (2024-07-31)
1.4.0 (2024-07-31)
1.3.3 (2023-02-20)
1.3.2 (2023-02-14)
1.3.1 (2023-02-14)
1.3.0 (2021-10-25)
1.2.1 (2021-09-30)
1.2.0 (2021-09-28)
- data-model-v2: add conversion from json to rdf for new data model (DSP-1731) (#19) (46993e2)
- datamodel-v2: change conversion according to new data model (DSP-1731) (#17) (6741397)
1.1.0 (2021-06-02)
1.0.4 (2021-04-19)
1.0.3 (2021-04-16)
- prepare release 1.0.3
1.0.2 (2021-03-26)
- minor bugfix exported files on windows are not UTF-8
1.0.1 (2021-03-24)
- Critical bugfix Application does not start on windows.
1.0.0 (2021-03-12)
- Initial release of the metadata GUI tool.