- 3Minit battery mod
- Ability to enable/disable Settings Drawer
- Adjust brightness by sliding statusbar
- Adjust volume dialog timeout
- Aicp Extras app for customizations
- AICP Logo in Stausbar
- Allow more time steps to 'Do not disturb'
- Allow to set custom brightness for ambient display and liftToWake
- AOKP custom system animations for Power menu
- AOSP Recents Grid Style
- App Circle Sidebar
- App Exit Toast
- App sidebar
- AppOps
- Automatic speakerphone by checking Proximity (Dialer)
- Battery Bar
- Battery bar with color change & animation on charge
- Bluetooth battery level display for external devices
- Blur on Lockscreen
- Blur UI
- Brightness Icon and position settings
- Brightness slider
- Camera sound (for build-in camera app)
- Change Carrier Label
- Change device's hostname
- Change Heads-Up notifications globally for all apps
- Charging sounds: Add option to notify on charger connect only
- Charging sounds: Add option to use default charging sound
- Circle app bar
- Color Picker
- compressed Dashboard menu
- Current Charging status on Lockscreen
- Custom Carrier Label
- Custom Doze options for notifications (Pulsing, inverted notifications,...)
- Customize Night mode brightness settings
- Dialer call recording
- Dialer: Show contacts with phone numbers only
- Disable QS header tiles for Edit/Expand/Multiuser/Services
- Disabling FC notifications
- Disabling immersive mode messages
- Double tap to sleep on lockscreen
- DT2S on navbar
- DT2S on status bar
- DUI Fling (navbar with gestures)
- DUI Pulse sound EQ in the statusbar
- DUI Smartbar (on-screen navbar)
- Enhanced Changelog in AicpExtras
- Enhanced DUI Navbar QS tile (On/Off/Switch type)
- Enhanced QS tile for Hotspot (longpress for Tethering options)
- Expanded Statusbar Weather
- File persistence on "hosts" file between flashes
- Fingerprint authentication vibration
- Fingerprint on reboot (optional)
- Fingerprint scrolling
- Flip to mute call (Dialer)
- Flip to Mute/Reject Call
- Force expanded notifications (also via settings!)
- Header Date+Time position
- Header image shadow + text shadow
- Header images (via OmniStyle packages)
- Headphones icon switch
- Hide Apps from Recents
- Hide Dashboard menu
- Hide Lockscreen clock, date & alarm
- Hide Magisk Manager / SuperSU from Settings, if it is uninstalled
- Hide status bar on (secure) lockscreen
- Increasing Ring Volume
- Installed Apps: show link to Google Playstore
- Integrated OTA-Update App in Aicp Extras
- Keyguard Statusbar Clock toggle
- Kill switch for status bar notifications
- Launch music player when headset is connected
- Less Notifications Sound
- Lock Apps in Recents (SlimRecents)
- Lockscreen blur
- Lockscreen Colors
- Lockscreen Shortcuts
- Lockscreen Torch
- MediaScanner behavior on boot changeable
- Membar in recents (default and in SlimRecents)
- Navbar tile: one tap to enable/disable, long tap to choose nav type
- Navigation disabled notification
- Network traffic in status bar
- Notification counter in statusbar
- Notification Light
- Notifications transparency
- OmniJaws (QS weather & weather in statusbar)
- OmniSwitch
- OmniSwitch as launcher or for Recents
- On-the-Go mode
- One Hand mode (with DUI navbar)
- Option to hide lockscreen clock, date & alarm text
- Own battery icon "Tha battery"
- PA Pie 3.0 control
- Pixel navigation bar animation
- Power menu and dialogs transparency
- Power menu Animations
- Power menu on lock screen hide
- Power/reboot dialogs dim amount
- Pulsing animation of the solid battery
- QS footer warnings
- QS header transparency
- QS shade transparency
- QS stroke settings
- QS switchable for location (from LAOS)
- QS tile for Ambient Display
- QS tile for battery profiles
- QS tile for music playback & title display
- QS tile for Night mode
- QS tile for own app or action to pin to
- QS Tile titles visibility
- QS tile to deactivate/activate Ambient display
- QS Tiles Columns
- QS Tiles Rows
- QS Tiles- AICP Extras, IME, Volume Panel, Ring, Music, Reboot, Fling/Smartbar, Pie, Screen off, Expanded Desktop, Lockscreen, Screenrecord, Screenshot, Caffeine, Weather, etc.
- Quick Open QS, when no notification is present
- Quick open running services via QS tile or notification
- Quick QS for Bluetooth
- Quick QS for mobile data
- Quick QS tile for location
- Quick QS tile for Wifi
- Quick reboot QS tile
- Quick settings disable on lockscreen
- Recents Fullscreen
- Reset Battery Stats
- ROM Stats
- Screen Record
- Screenshot edit via own buildin (simple) app
- Screenshot sound toggle
- Screenshot type (whole or partial screen)
- Scrolling Cache
- Scrolling for Quicktoggles
- Set start/end-colour of Pulse
- Silent Mode
- Slim Recents Iconpack Support
- Slim Recents: allow to adjustment of round corners for cards
- SlimAction widgets for Restart, etc.
- SlimRecents with tweaks like App side bar display
- small QS Tiles (scrollable)
- Smartbar Button Tint
- Smartbar: Pixel Button Animatiom
- SmartBar: show arrows for next/previous track when playing audio
- Status bar temperature
- Status bar Ticker
- Statusbar 4G <-> LTE switch
- Statusbar AICP logo
- Statusbar Ticker for notifications and music title
- Substratum in Settings if installed
- Superuser indicator on status bar for lineage SU-addon
- Task Manager (Running services) in status bar
- Theme and font support, systemless, through OMS7 (Substratum)
- Three-fingers-swipe to screenshot
- Tiles animation style & speed
- Time Contexual Header (via OmniStyle)
- Toast Icons display toggle
- Toggle Dashboard layout, descriptions, summaries
- Toggle Display Music visualization on lockscreen
- Toggle to make Volume buttons change Music volume, not phone
- Torch in Powermenu
- Unlink Notification Volume
- Vibrator strength (in other sounds) on activated devices
- Volume dialog stroke settings
- Volume dialog transparency
- Volume Key Answer
- Volume Steps
- Wake display on plug into charger
- Weather in statusbar headers with icon support
- Weather settings for Lockscreen (in Aicp Extras)
- Yoga time
- Zen icon in statusbar
...and more