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231 lines (152 loc) · 6.7 KB

File metadata and controls

231 lines (152 loc) · 6.7 KB

[7.0.0] - 20 May 2023

  • Fix for Flutter 3.10 (#306)
  • Change dispose order (#299)
  • Don't check for _open when disposing (#286)

[6.2.0] - 14 October 2022

  • Fix Overlay error for once and for all
  • Improve Example Code

[6.1.0+1] - 06 October 2022

[6.1.0] - 05 October 2022

  • Add Mini Speed Dial Parameter to behave as a mini fab by @prateekmedia
  • Remove Overlay before disposing by @AndreHaueisen
  • Add ripple effect to child label by @Pourqavam
  • Support async child populating by @jamonkko
  • Null Fixes by @calvin-verticalscope

[6.0.0] - 29 April 2022

  • BREAKING - Changed animationSpeed as int to animationDuration as Duration
  • FEATURE - Added the possibility to specify a custom Curve for the children's animation
  • FIX - Fixed possible null-safety issues

[5.1.0] - 2 April 2022

  • Fixed widget dispose method, now backgroundOverlay should be disposed correctly.
  • Improved null-safety.
  • Fixed problem where labelShadow was not applied.
  • Improved documentation.

[5.0.0+1] - 11 December 2021

  • Downgrade SDK constraints to fix pub rating
  • Improve documentation

[5.0.0] - 10 December 2021

  • BREAKING - Changed the parameter type of buttonSize and childrenButtonSize from double to Size.
  • Update constraints to flutter 2.8.0 and Dart 2.15 or newer.

[4.6.6] - 30 October 2021

  • Fix web, Platform is not defined
  • Fix children buttons not aligned properly
  • Update Example

[4.6.4] - 29 October 2021

  • Fix swipe to back not working on IOS due to WillPopScope due to flutter/flutter#14203
  • Add closeDialOnPop property

[4.6.2] - 28 October 2021

  • Align childrens for button size > 56.
  • Automatically close speed dial(if open) on back press

[4.6.0] - 27 October 2021

  • Fix null check operator used on null value due to dialKey.globalPaintBounds being null.

[4.5.0] - 23 October 2021

  • Dispose overlay entry on exit

[4.4.0+2] - 5 October 2021

  • Added the RotationAngle for the Icon Animation

[4.4.0+1] - 23 September 2021

  • Update flutter sdk constraints

[4.4.0] - 21 September 2021

  • Fix lint errors
  • Rename speeed dial direction to lowercase
  • Disable tooltip if no tooltip is provided

[4.3.0] - 27 August 2021

  • Fix Animation assertion error when using more than 6 SpeedDialChild
  • Fix SystemMouseCursors is undefined (#192)
  • Fix widget state interaction after dispose (#193)

[4.2.0] - 28 July 2021

  • Fix closeManually
  • Add click cursor on desktop and web when speed dial is opened
  • Add tooltip to speed dial when overlay is on
  • Fix overlay stale context brightness #184

[4.1.0] - 10 July 2021

  • Add isOpenOnStart property
  • Fix closing animation not playing if we double click on fab
  • Add spacing property to manage space b/w children and speed dial
  • Add spaceBetweenChildren and childPadding property by @carlosfiori

[4.0.0-dev.1] - 29 May 2021

  • Update Exanple Project
  • Add visibility parameter for SpeedDialChild.
  • Fix dialRoot scaling on bigger screen devices.
  • Add isOpenOnStart Porperty to set the visiblity of childrens at init ( WIP ).
  • Refactor dialRoot to only accept (context, isOpen, toogleChildren), key and layerLink is not required

[4.0.0-dev] - 19 May 2021

  • Update Example Project
  • Revamp Whole Codebase by using Overlays instead of stacks
  • Update dialRoot and now you specify any widget other then FAB as DialRoot too
  • Add Four Directions in SpeedDialDirection parameter namely Up, Down, Left, Right
  • Add buttonSize and childrenButtonSize parameter's to set button size for main dial and its childrens
  • Use Theme Colors When no color is specified
  • Fix weird grey offset
  • Fix useRotationAnimation not working
  • Fix issues with child and activeChild
  • Fix snackbar not visible with SpeedDial
  • Fix FloatingActionButtonLocation not working with Speed Dial
  • Fix speed Dial doesn't get docked with BottomNavigationBar and BottomAppBar
  • Remove unnecessary files

By @prateekmedia and other contributers who helped me in finding the bugs and solving the issues.

[3.0.5] - 12 Mar 2021

  • Fix closing animation by @Amir-P
  • Add two new parameters activeBackgroundColor and activeForegroundColor for SpeedDial by @Amir-P

[3.0.0] - 09 Mar 2021

  • Add null safety support by @michalisioak

[2.3.5] - 06 Mar 2021

  • Fix SpeedDial Alignment with respect to its childrens @lks-nbg
  • Fix SpeedDialChild is not visible if buttonSize <=50.0 @lks-nbg
  • Don't set state if not mounted, Add listeners for openCloseDial @lks-nbg

[2.3.0] - 04 Mar 2021

  • Add Gradient Support
  • Fix unclickable FAB label error

[2.2.0] - 14 Feb 2021

  • Add child and activeChild
  • Fixed animation b/w non-active and active child's
  • Add useInkWell Property if you want to use Inkwell instead of GestureDetector
  • Add dialRoot Property to let you specify the root instead of the standard FAB button
  • Fixed formatting

[2.1.1] - 07 Feb 2021

  • README fixes

[2.1.0] - 04 Feb 2021

  • Add onLongPress support to SpeedDialChild by @m0veax
  • Add key support for both Speed Dial and Speed Dial Child

[2.0.0+1] - 31 Jan 2021

  • Fix Rotation Animation
  • Improve visibility and error related to it.
  • Add default onTap property to LabelWidget by default by @wongzq.
  • Add renderOverlay property to render overlay no matter what.

[2.0.0] - 30 Jan 2021

  • Add Label and activeLabel paramaters to SpeedDial
  • Made icon animation work
  • Add iconTheme
  • Add RTL support by @jacklebbos
  • Behave like FAB if no childrens are their by @Ionys320
  • Add openCloseDial parameter to programmatically control open and close the dial by @shizambles
  • Add option to customize orientation of the child buttons by @hinterlandsupplyco
  • Add childMarginBottom and childMarginTop option by @emavgl

[1.6.0] - 29 Jan 2021

  • Updated example project to androidX
  • Support borders other than CircularBorder by @m0veax
  • buttonSize parameter which defaults to 56 by @dwach414
  • Restrict Stack size to button size when closed by @tobilarscheid

[1.5.0] - 28 Jan 2021

  • icon and activeIcon instead of child
  • iconTransitionBuilder for custom transitions b/w icons
  • Add Dark Mode Support(@esieben1310) + Fix some issues related to it
  • Centered child by @raviganwal
  • Only Build Speed Dial if childrens are visible by @davidmartos96

[1.3.0] - 16 Sept 2020

  • Used clipBehavior instead of Overflow as This feature was deprecated after v1.22.0-12.0.pre by @irasekh3

[1.2.5] - 07 Dec 2019

  • Control Speed of Animations

[1.2.4] - 28 Oct 2019

  • Fix multiple heroes with same
  • Make label non required

[1.2.3] - 20 Oct 2019

  • Fix Label Widget

[1.2.2] - 18 Oct 2019

  • Add Label Widget

[1.2.1] - 05 June 2019

  • Huge Optimization by removing unnecessary Animation Controllers
  • Other fixes

[1.2.0] - 28 May 2019


[0.0.1] - 07 July 2018

  • Initial Release