- Add an F1 command to run
on the table or function next to the cursor (Thanks @koljonen) - Make \special commands work in the SublimeREPL (Thanks @debjan)
- Default shortcuts only override Sublime Text defaults in sql files
- Fix bug where run_current_command and autosuggestions were broken in views with multiple queries separated by more than a single whitespace character (Thanks @adnanyaqoobvirk)
- Added MIT license
- Add pgcli_run_current command to ui and linux and osx keymaps (Thanks @adnanyaqoobvirk)
- Fix bug with empty syntax_file views (Thanks @adnanyaqoobvirk)
- Fix broken repl
- Major improvements in the threading model. Sublime text no longer hangs while running queries.
- Show database name in statusbar indentifier
- Add a command to quickly switch between database connection strings
- Bugfix: Newest version of pgcli changed result structure a little bit
- Bugfix: Handle psycopg2 PGErrors without error messages
- Support running the cli directly in Sublime Text with the SublimeREPL plugin
- Print datetime when showing output in the output pane
- Minor bugfix
- Fix polling in connection thread so Sublime Text is no longer slow and unresponsive
- Can now restart PgcliSublime plugin without restarting Sublime Text
- RunAllCommand prints output in dedicated view output pane, not the main Sublime Text console
- Show connection alias in status bar
- Released on Package Control