Installation on a Beaglebone Black Wireless from Source
Download Debian Stretch IoT Image
Flash image to micro sd card with Balena Etcher and insert into beaglebone
Connect to beaglebone wifi access point (SSID: BeagleBone-XXXX, PWD: BeagleBone)
Login to beaglebone
ssh [email protected] # password: temppwd
Change the password to something more secure
passwd # default password is temppwd --> for non-secure images just use `openag12`
Expand the file system
df -h / # view current partition size
sudo /opt/scripts/tools/
sudo reboot
df -h / # View updated partition size
Copy & paste and scripts onto device
cd ~
nano # Paste in code from script (see link)
nano # Paste in code from script (see link)
chmod +x
Connect beaglebone to wifi network
sudo ./ <wifi-ssid> <wifi-password>
ping # verify network is connected
Install remote sublime for easy remote text editing
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/subl && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/subl
Update & Upgrade Software
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
# When prompted, choose to not use the robotics cape and select none for the initial boot program
Clone project repository
cd ~
git clone
Install the software in preferred runtime mode
cd ~/openag-device-software
sudo -H -u debian ./ --<runtime-mode> # either --development or --production
Verify the install
ps aux | grep autossh # for both production and development
ps aux | grep python # for production only
./ # for development only