authors | state |
Alex Wilson <[email protected]> |
predraft |
Two key components of any infrastructure that enforces security policy are authentication and authorization.
The term "authentication" refers to the establishment and proof of identity of a user or component of the system. This is normally by way of the agent presenting information that could only be known to them if they possessed the identity being authenticated, such as a password or the output of a cryptographic primitive (such as a key signature or a step in a hash chain).
We will refer to the abstract identity as a "principal", which a "user", "agent" or "client" must prove that they possess in the authentication process.
The other component, "authorization", is responsible for ascertaining what actions the principal may take once they have been authenticated. It encompasses access control lists, roles, user groups, and everything needed in order to make these decisions within a given system.
Authentication is generally a fairly well-established part of any system, and Triton is no exception. It tends to require fairly similar processes and steps across a wide variety of systems, and as a result is generally both very well studied and well practiced by engineers who care to do some reading on the topic before proceeding to implementation.
Authorization, on the other hand, is where the fundamentals of identity have to be mapped to the possible actions and resources in each individual application. This component exhibits high variability of design between systems, though certain general patterns and schools of thought have been established.
One of these general patterns is known as Role-Based Access Control, or RBAC. The notion of RBAC was formalized in the "NIST model", by Sandhu et al (2000), after being originally proposed and experimented with through the 1980s and 1990s.
The NIST model approaches authorization by assigning principals to be members
of one or more roles. Roles, then, grant permissions to access certain
resources in the system. These permissions come in the form of access control
rules -- tuples of the form (action, resource)
representing actions that will
be allowed.
If no permissions are granted via a role for a given principal to take an action, then that action is denied. This is known as a default-deny authorization model.
Originally, Triton (SDC at the time) possessed an extremely simple authorization scheme: there were accounts, and resources were always associated with exactly one account. Accounts had all possible access to their own resources and nothing else.
During the development of Manta, it became obvious that this simplistic model was not going to meet the needs of a number of major customers, and so a new system (loosely) based on NIST RBAC was devised.
- Manta users are billable principals that can own manta resources and are their own segment of the manta directory tree.
- Ownership of a resource implies full action rights over that resource.
- Sub-users are principals that are subservient to their parent user. They cannot own resources themselves and must be granted explicit rights to do anything.
- Principals can be members of a role in two ways: regular membership, where they must take up the role by supplying appropriate headers with each request; and default membership, where the role is always active.
- Roles can be associated with policies, which are lists of actions.
- Roles can be associated with resources, in the form of role tags.
Note that in order to grant any access to a principal, the full set of associated role, policy and role tag must be present.
The reason why role tags are used is essentially to bridge the gap between the NIST model of resources (a flat space of unstructured specifiers) and Manta's resource model (a UNIX-style filesystem tree). Having to specify every possible file on the filesystem that should be targetted by a policy is prohibitive for administrators, and prefix/suffix matching is insufficient for many uses.
Following the success of the Manta model with the original customers for whom it was devised, there was pressure to update the Triton authorization model in a similar fashion. To avoid duplication, it was decided to simply copy the same model used in Manta, and make the two share their data.
Unfortunately, Triton would actually have been a better fit for something closer to the stock NIST model, as it is not organised as a hierarchical filesystem. To resolve the mismatch, it was simply decided that the role tags would be applied to CloudAPI URLs (which look like a hierarchical filesystem if you squint a bit).
The action verbs used by the Manta model were also defined largely by the filesystem semantics of the storage system. For Triton, it was decided to instead use the internal names given to each CloudAPI endpoint (also in the documentation) as the action names. This creates some curious points of overlap, where the endpoint in question has to be doubly stated by the administrator: first in the action name, and then in the resource to be role-tagged.
While this adoption of the Manta model in Triton was expedient from a development perspective, it has not enjoyed broad adoption by users. The facility is generally seen as difficult to use and little documentation was ever produced to dispel that perception. The APIs used to interact with RBAC in Triton were not very discoverable: there is no way to list all of the available verbs, or to discover the correct resource URL to use in policy for a particular Triton object. The writing of effective policy under these conditions is extremely difficult.
As well as the authorization scheme, there has been some history in the development of authentication in Triton and Manta.
Originally, all information about customers was stored in CAPI (the Customer API). During the development of SDC 7, it was decided that an LDAP-based database would be a better store of this information than the existing CAPI. This, combined with a dissatisfaction with other existing LDAP databases, lead to the development of UFDS.
UFDS is an LDAP server implemented atop Moray, the key-value document store developed primarily for use in Manta. Manta is well-served by the key-value paradigm: most stored data is small in size and very close to immutable, and most values in the performance-critical data path are accessed directly by primary key. The map-reduce jobs subsystem (Marlin) uses secondary index queries, but only on a limited number of single- valued fields.
By contrast, LDAP's underlying X.509 directory structure is a strict tree, and LDAP servers generally expect to serve a lot of queries against hierarchical subsets of the storage space. The majority of the expected workload of an LDAP server being used for authentication and group membership consists of queries on secondary indices, not the primary key of objects, within particular subsets of the hierarchy. Indexes in LDAP stores are normally expected to be aware of the hierarchical structure to make such scoped queries efficient. LDAP also makes extensive use of multi-valued properties which require specialized indexing to use efficiently. Moray does not presently have such indexing methods available, and difficult technical issues stand in the way of their implementation.
There is thus a very high impedance mismatch between the paradigm and capabilities that Moray provides, and the LDAP interface that UFDS exposes to consumers. This has been a source of many performance problems as well as problems of correctness, and attempting to solve them has lead the UFDS code to become complex and difficult to maintain.
LDAP could have had some interesting advantages for Triton, such as being able to integrate with PAM and the operating system authentication and authorization model. Unfortunately, the LDAP schema that was selected for Triton's use with UFDS precluded this, and UFDS grew into an LDAP store that was really only ever used as yet another internal database, a job at which it has never proved especially adept.
In RFD 13, it was proposed to make a number of changes to the Triton-specific parts of the existing RBAC scheme, particularly:
- Some notion of "projects" and "organizations" as entities for grouping Triton resources
- An overhaul of the RBAC actions/verbs used for Triton
- Applying RBAC to Docker as well as CloudAPI
This previous work will be largely subsumed into the proposals in this document, which can be considered a way to implement the changes proposed in RFD 13.
The most fundamental aspect of the AUTHAPI proposal is to replace UFDS. The new AUTHAPI will provide extensive backwards compatibility with UFDS to aide in the transition, but this LDAP compatibility interface will not expose any new features and will be deprecated from inception.
There will be no internal LDAP server within the Triton stack going forwards. AUTHAPI will be used over HTTP. It will also support the changefeed interface (from RFD 5).
AUTHAPI will also take over the authorization responsibilities that are currently splintered and re-implemented separately in CloudAPI, Muskie and the Mahi client. All parsing and processing of RBAC rules and entities to make an authorization decision will take place in AUTHAPI and not in any of its clients.
This means that AUTHAPI will primarily answer questions at the level of "Can user X take action Y on resource Z?" and not "What roles does user X have? What rules do they contain?"
One of the core goals of the AUTHAPI service will be to aggressively make use of caching and scale-out techniques in order to make sure that Mahi is unnecessary going forwards. Manta must be able to query AUTHAPI directly and have AUTHAPI able to handle the scale and load.
Along with the implementation changes, the AUTHAPI proposal also includes some changes to the RBAC model. These subsume the proposals made in RFD 13. The new model, to whit:
- Accounts are billable entities capable of owning resources. They are also principals that can be authenticated.
- Ownership of a resource implies full action rights over that resource.
- Sub-users are principals that are subservient to their parent account. They cannot own resources themselves and must be granted explicit rights to do anything.
- Projects and Services are containers for instances within an account. For RBAC purposes, they are nothing more than a way to refer to a group of instances as one unit for policy purposes. A given instance can only be listed in exactly one Service, which may be part of exactly one Project. An instance may also be listed directly in one Project without an intermediary Service.
- Foreign principals are principals whose identity cannot be verified by Triton or Manta itself, but who have been authenticated by a trusted external means (further information below).
- Principals (either accounts, sub-users, or foreign principals) can be members of roles or groups, which exist within the context of an account.
- Both roles and groups have members, and a collection of access rules. Roles must be "taken up" in order for their rules to apply to a member. Groups have their rules automatically applied at all times.
- Access rules are a pair of a verb (or action) and a target. The target may be a specific resource (like an instance), a group of instances (such as a project), or an owning entity (like an account).
- Roles may imply other roles. If role A implies role B, it means that when role A is taken up by a principal, role B is necessarily taken up as well, without being explicitly specified.
- Groups may be a member of a role, meaning that all members of the group are permitted to take up that role if they explicitly do so. It does not cause the role to be automatically taken up by all group members.
- Groups may be a member of another group, which is equivalent in behaviour to all the members of one group being members of the other as well.
- Organization accounts are a sub-class of accounts that are not principals for authentication. They are otherwise identical to an account. They must at all times have at least one other account as a member of a role or group that grants full administration rights over the organization account.
Key differences/deprecations versus the current model:
- The distinction between policy and role has been removed. Roles contain access rules directly.
- Roles and groups will be able to list any principal, including other accounts, sub-users of other accounts etc, as members.
- Role tags will not be used for Triton RBAC at all. Instead, rules placed
in a role's access rule list will be able to accept explicit targets, or
will have implied targets (e.g. for
). - For Manta, role tags will remain as they are. All Manta verbs used in access rules have an implied target of all objects tagged with the matching role tag.
As in the RFD 13 proposal, a new set of verbs will be used, namespaced separately for actions that relate to each major part of the system. Initially there will be two major namespaces, one for Manta and one for the Triton compute services (CloudAPI and Docker), and one smaller namespace for RBAC meta-actions.
Extending the previous proposal, namespaces will also be used for the targets of
rules, normally denoting the type of entity being targetted. This may seem
redundant, in the case of a rule such as CAN triton:GetInstance instance:uuid
but this is important to distinguish it from
CAN triton:GetInstance account:uuid
, which applies to all instances owned by
the named account.
The notion of applying a verb relating to one type of noun to a noun of a different type that serves as a container for it (e.g. applying an instance verb to an account) is referred to as making use of the "target hierarchy".
The most common target hierarchy relationship is between entities and their containing Accounts. In general most verbs can target an entire Account in order to refer to all of the targets owned by that Account.
For instances, however, a further relationship may exist with Projects and Services. Instance-related verbs may target a Project or Service to refer to all instances within that group.
Many other hosted web services such as GitHub offer a very simple authorization scheme based on pre-made roles. The roles are associated with a given object, such as a repository, and include broad-sweeping rights in the style of "read", "write" and "admin". Many users have reported that they find this style of authorization sufficient for their purposes and vastly simpler to administer than fully-fledged RBAC.
As a result, it is desirable that the new RBAC interface can present such a simplified view to users who desire it, without sacrificing the flexibility needed for more advanced use.
The proposed means of implementing this comes in the form of role and group "templates". A role template is created by the developers of the system, and exists centrally. It has a name, is associated with a target type (e.g. Accounts), and contains a set of access rules targetting an entity of that type. A user may instantiate a template role, making a concrete role associated with a particular entity. The concrete role continues to refer to its template for access rules and name after instantiation.
In this way, the Triton system as a whole can have a role template for an "Account reader", which includes read-only access to all the different types of entities owned by that Account. Users can simply instantiate the "Account reader" template role for their account and add principals to it, and if the Triton software is updated and some new type of entity is added, the necessary "read" RBAC verbs for it can be added to the template and automatically be present in the account's local instantitation.
In general most entity types will have 4 template roles associated with them:
- Readers have read-only access to resources;
- Modifiers can modify existing resources and operate them (e.g. for an Instance, they can log in administratively, stop and start etc);
- Creators can create and destroy resources; and
- Administrators can manage membership in the other template roles and alter security metadata.
These are additive: a member of an administrator template role would have the powers of a reader, modifier and creator as well.
To avoid dealing with unfortunate levels of recursion, templated RBAC roles and groups will not have template roles or groups associated with them. However, manually created roles or groups will have a reader and modifier template role.
Any template role may be instantiated as a group instead of a role. It is generally expected that most users using this feature will in fact primarily instantiate them as groups.
One source of difficulty in building upon the existing RBAC scheme in Triton has been the lack of any mechanism to discover or introspect verbs and targets, and a very limited and terse API surface. We propose to improve this situation by providing a much richer public API for RBAC-related queries and operations.
A rough draft of the API itself is pending, but the key points are:
endpoints for all of the RBAC concepts outlined here. In particular, filterable List endpoints for RBAC verbs, target types, roles, groups, etc.Audit
endpoints, which allow the user to find the effective access rights of a particular principal, or the list of principals with certain effective rights to a given entity. For example, the user will be able to list all principals that can create a VM under their account (whether those rights are targetting a Project or Service or the entire Account).- A
endpoint to evaluate whether a particular operation would be allowed without having to attempt the operation itself. - Endpoints for listing the template roles/groups available under a given entity and instantiating them.
- Simplified endpoints for managing group and role membership without requiring read-modify-write cycles.
Commandline tools such as node-triton
will make use of these endpoints to
provide facilities like tab-completion for RBAC commands, as well as detailed
help text.
As replacing UFDS is one of the fundamental aspects of this proposal, this necessitates the capacity both to migrate seamlessly from UFDS to AUTHAPI, and to retain compatibility for some time after such a migration.
It also implies providing much of the important functionality required by the system which UFDS currently provides. In particular, inter-data-center replication is a major point of development focus (as it has been the source of many operational issues with UFDS).
The upgrade process from UFDS to AUTHAPI for a single datacenter follows the following general outline:
- Start AUTHAPI in its default mode, acting as a UFDS-compatible replication client, replicating all changes from the existing UFDS. AUTHAPI remains read-only.
- As part of AUTHAPI installation, "DC-local" data is copied from the existing UFDS into AUTHAPI. The UFDS protocol does not include support for replicating changes to this data. This can be synced up periodically using an administrative tool while the DC in this state.
- AUTHAPI provides a UFDS-compatible interface (LDAP), which services immediately begin to use for read-only operations.
- Updated service images (as they are updated) will start to use the new AUTHAPI interfaces for reading data and authentication/authorization decisions that don't require any writes.
- Rollback is possible at this stage.
- At some point, the decision is made to switch off UFDS. The administrator runs a single authapi administrative command which drains, then shuts down UFDS, re-syncs DC local data and makes AUTHAPI writable.
- Schema upgrades begin in the background to enable the new RBAC features. At this point rollback is no longer possible.
For multi-datacenter deployments, the situation is slightly more complex:
- Start one AUTHAPI in its default mode, acting as a UFDS replication client, only in the UFDS "master" DC.
- AUTHAPI instances in other DCs use the "master" DC's AUTHAPI as their replication source, not their local UFDS.
- At the time of cutover, non-"master" DCs have their local UFDS drained and shut down first, before the "master".
The time between first starting an AUTHAPI instance and switching off UFDS can be arbitrarily long. Service images will be required to continue being able to operate in both a UFDS-only or AUTHAPI-only world (or a mixed environment) for at least the year or two following general availability of AUTHAPI.
AUTHAPI will support multi-instance operation from day 1 of general availability. Multiple AUTHAPI instances can be run in any datacenter. Some components of its operation (particularly cross-data-center replication) require one instance to take a special role in the cluster. A ZooKeeper leader election protocol will be used to nominate a single AUTHAPI in the DC to undertake each special role at a time.
As well as changing the external public API of the Triton stack, AUTHAPI brings some changes to internal Triton services. In particular:
- CloudAPI will no longer be responsible for authorization decisions. Instead
it will handle authentication (with AUTHAPI's assistance), and then provide
the user and list of active roles to internal APIs in the form of an HTTP
header. - Internal APIs (especially VMAPI, NAPI etc) will be responsible for
authorizing user actions by querying AUTHAPI. In the case that they receive a
request with no authentication details (ie, no
header), they proceed assuming the request is on behalf of theadmin
user. For bootstrapping purposes, requests on behalf ofadmin
may be carried out even when no AUTHAPI can be reached. - Internal APIs will also be required to register and manage aspects of their data schema with AUTHAPI. For example, VMAPI will publish to AUTHAPI a specification of the objects that it deals with that need authorization (instances, projects etc) and the verbs and template roles that may be associated.
- For internal APIs that require authorization on objects that participate in a
target schema relationship, they must also give AUTHAPI a "callback"
endpoint that lets AUTHAPI find the "parents" of a given individual object.
This is to enable the
functionality in the public API.
This transition will be managed by versioning internal APIs (using both
DNS-mediated versioning and Accept-Version
HTTP headers). CloudAPI will have
to continue to carry out authorization checks until all backend services are
upgraded, and be prepared to return to that role if any roll back. Eventually at
some point in the future (possibly in 2-3 years) CloudAPI will simply refuse to
answer requests in an environment where services are not capable of performing
authorization checks.
The finer details of this arrangement and the transition to it are the primary topic of RFD 49.
The initial work for RBACv2 and AUTHAPI described here does not include the actual support for foreign principals and single sign-on. However, it is important to note that the API designs will take these mechanisms into account.
In particular, authentication will no longer be assumed to be exclusively key-based. AUTHAPI will accept standardized descriptions of the points of proof that an external-facing API has been given (e.g. proof that the principal they are communicating with holds some private key) and convert these into the authentication tokens that are used for authorization (as described in the "Internal relationships" section, previously).
In future, it is expected that AUTHAPI will also accept OAuth and SAML tokens as possibly means by which to prove identity for foreign principals. Somewhat like sub-users, these foreign principals will not be capable of owning any resources themselves, but can act in limited ways upon some already-existing account (as defined by the access rules of roles they may take up, or groups of which they are a member).
The interaction with other Triton components requires DNS-assisted versioning in
order to cross the boundary between the current world and the Accept-Version
enforcing one. For this and HA-mode operation to be possible, the cueball and
libregistrar projects need to be completed.
A full endpoint-by-endpoint specification of the AUTHAPI internal-facing API, as well as the public portions to be exposed via CloudAPI.
Review of the current UFDS workload and data is necessary in order to inform the design of the UFDS LDAP compatibility interface, to see what forms of queries it needs to support.
A full set of queries that the UFDS compatibility must be able to handle and expected results, to be made into a suite of test cases.
Design of the core data model (for users, roles, groups etc) down to Postgres tables and structure. Extensive design and testing of the concepts around schema upgrades and migration.
Ability to ingest the entire JPC UFDS changelog and store it correctly.
Basic APIs which can be used to help test #5. Workflows such as authenticating using a public key, and authorizing basic actions without hierarchy support.
Support for the target hierarchy and changefeeds.
A working LDAP compatibility interface that can pass all of the specification tests developed in #3. Can function as a full read-only UFDS in the JPC without issue.
The native replication scheme for AUTHAPI, including full authentication and TLS support.
CloudAPI uses AUTHAPI for authentication workflows only.
VMAPI uses AUTHAPI for authorization when given an appropriate request header. CloudAPI uses DNS-mediated versioning to detect the new VMAPI and delegate authorization decisions about CloudAPI actions to it. CloudAPI still performs authorization on other entities itself (e.g. networks).
Support for AUTHAPI authorization in all internal Triton APIs. AUTHAPI ready for sole operation and the shutdown of UFDS.