This is a Python wrapper for the astronomical image-fitting program Imfit.
Online documentation:
The following assumes an interactive Python session (such as an iPython session or Jupyter notebook):
from import fits
import pyimfit
imageFile = "<path-to-FITS-file-directory>/ic3478rss_256.fits"
imfitConfigFile = "<path-to-config-file-directory>/config_exponential_ic3478_256.dat"
# read in image data, convert to proper double-precisions, little-endian format
image_data = fits.getdata(imageFile)
# construct model from config file; construct new Imfit fitter based on model,;
model_desc = pyimfit.ModelDescription.load(configFile)
# create an Imfit object, using the previously loaded model configuration
imfit_fitter = pyimfit.Imfit(model_desc)
# load the image data and image characteristics and do a standard fit
# (using default chi^2 statistics and Levenberg-Marquardt solver)
result =, gain=4.725, read_noise=4.3, original_sky=130.14)
# check the fit and print the resulting best-fit parameter values
if result.fitConverged is True:
print("Fit converged: chi^2 = {0}, reduced chi^2 = {1}".format(imfit_fitter.fitStatistic,
bestfit_params = result.params
print("Best-fit parameter values:", bestfit_params)