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132 lines (108 loc) · 5.4 KB

###HTML5 monkey patched support for django.

Monkeys are not evil! Think of monkeypatching as a way to do advanced settings for your Django project. Based on that assumption this App is an experiment and proof of concept. It provides HTML5 django support by default and without having to update your existing code, for example you might have did this in the past:


	class HTML5DateTimeInput(django.forms.widgets.DateTimeInput):
	    """Subclass TextInput since there's no direct way to override its 'type' attribute"""
	    if settings.USE_TZ:
			input_type = 'datetime'
			input_type = 'datetime-local'
	class MyModelForm(ModelForm):
	    class Meta:
	        model = MyModel
	        widgets = {
	            'thedatetimefield': HTML5DateTimeInput(attrs={'required':'required'})
	            # our Model's DateTimeField is set 'blank=False'


	class MyModelForm(ModelForm):
	    class Meta:
	        model = MyModel

That's right: by including this app in your settings all your current DateTimeFields (native or aware) on your Forms or Model forms will render now as html5 <input type="datetime" ...>' or '<inpyt type="datetime-local" ... >' widgets.


  1. automatic django built in form field mapping to corresponding HTML5 input types (widgets):
    • 'django.forms.fields.EmailField' maps to '<input type="email" ...>'
    • 'django.forms.fields.URLField' maps to '<input type="url" ...>'
    • 'django.forms.fields.IntegerField' maps to '<input type="number" min="<field.min_value>" max="<field.max_value>" ...>
    • 'django.forms.fields.DecimalField' maps to '<input type="number" min="<field.min_value>" max="<field.max_value>" step="<field.decimal_places converted to step value or 0.1 if None>
  2. HTML5 form, model form, and widget input support for:
    • color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, month, number, range, search, tel, time, url, week
  3. HTML5 automatic mapping attribute support for followinng:
    • New attributes for <form>:
      • TODO: autocomplete
      • TODO: novalidate
    • New attributes for <input>:
      • placeholder
      • required - maps from all form fields from Field.required
      • step - maps from DecimalField.decimal_places
      • min and max - maps from field has .min_value, or .max_value
      • TODO: autocomplete,
      • TODO: autofocus
      • TODO: form
      • TODO: formaction
      • TODO: formenctype
      • TODO: formmethod
      • TODO: formnovalidate
      • TODO: formtarget
      • TODO: height and width
      • TODO: list
      • TODO: multiple
      • TODO: pattern (regexp)
  4. no JS fallback pollution - let the browser support handle it or you may sprinkle JS yourself (might change this)
  5. help_text is no longer rendered outside of input tag (patched BaseForm._html_output)
  6. help_text is mapped onto placeholder input attribute: '<input type="text" placeholder="<help_text" ...>' but only for elements that it make sense to do so otherwise help_text is rendered with the field as in original.


You are encouraged to hack this into your project rather then use it as a stand alone app - in my experience it's cleaner to hack code directly rather then sublcass.

git clone --origin danielsokolowski git://

Include this application somewhat at the top of your files, so that the patch is applied early during Django start initialization:


# Stand alone APPS - see any app specific settings at bottom of this file

Well behaved Monkeypatch Example

IMHO below is an example of a well behaved patch, verbose and obvious is good, this evolved over a few iterations and your comments are welcomed on this approach:

import hashlib
import logging
import inspect
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# be nice and tell you are patching"Patching 'Field.widget_attrs = widget_attrs_monkeypatched': Adds new html5 input attributes support by "
            " automatically mapping from the Field instance")

# be nicer and confirm signature of code we are patching and warn if it has changed
# raise Exception(hashlib.md5(inspect.getsource(Field.widget_attrs)).hexdigest()) # uncommet to find latest hash
if not 'fdd8b32e3c5d782f7af69b29bf1b933b' == \
    logger.warn("md5 signature of 'Field.widget_attrs' does not match Django 1.5. There is a slight chance patch "
                    "might be broken so please compare and update this monkeypatch.")

Field.widget_attrs_premonkeypatch = Field.widget_attrs 
def widget_attrs_monkeypatched(self, widget):
    MONKEYPATCHED: Adds new html5 input attributes support by automatically mapping from the Field instance:
    < do patchy things > ...
    return attrs
widget_attrs_monkeypatched.__doc__ += Field.widget_attrs.__doc__  # be still super nice and update the docstring

# do the actual patch
Field.widget_attrs = widget_attrs_monkeypatched
del widget_attrs_monkeypatched  # clean up namespace


Inspired by github: rhec / django-html5 but completely different.