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Releases: danielaparker/jsoncons


24 Jul 02:24
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  • json_type_traits supports std::pair (convert to/from json array of size 2)

  • parse_stream renamed to parse (backwards compatible)

  • kvp_type renamed to key_value_pair_type (backwards compatible)

  • The _json and _ojson literal operators have been moved to the namespace jsoncons::literals.
    Access to these literals now requires

    using namespace jsoncons::literals;    

Rationale: avoid name clashes with other json libraries

  • The name owjson has been deprecated (still works) and changed to wojson. Rationale: naming consistency

  • Added json array functions emplace_back and emplace, and json object functions try_emplace
    and insert_or_assign, which are analagous to the standard library vector and map functions.


21 Feb 14:50
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Bug fix

  • A bug was introduced in 0.99.7 causing the values of existing object members to not be changed with set or assignment operations. This has been fixed.


  • jsoncons_ext/binary changed to jsoncons_ext/msgpack
  • namespace jsoncons::binary changed to jsoncons::msgpack


24 Jan 05:15
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  • Workarounds in unicode_traits and jsonpath to maintain support for vs2013
  • Added mapping_type::n_rows, mapping_type::n_objects, and mapping_type::m_columns options for csv to json


Bug fixes

  • Issues with precedence in JsonPath filter evaluations have been fixed
  • An issue with (a - expression) in JsonPath filter evaluations has been fixed

New feature

  • The new binary extension supports encoding to and decoding from the MessagePack binary serialization format.
  • An extension to JsonPath to allow filter expressions over a single object.
  • Added support for * and / operators to jsonpath filter
  • literal operators _json and _ojson have been introduced

Non-breaking changes

  • The json write functions have been renamed to dump. The old names have been deprecated but still work.
  • Support for stateful allocators
  • json function object_range() now returns a pair of RandomAccessIterator (previously BidirectionalIterator)
  • json operator [size_t i] applied to a json object now returns the ith object (previously threw)

Breaking change (if you've implemented your own input and output handlers)

In basic_json_input_handler, the virtual functions

virtual void do_name(const CharT* value, size_t length, 
                     const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context)

virtual void do_string_value(const CharT* value, size_t length, 
                             const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context)

have been changed to

virtual void do_name(string_view_type val, 
                     const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context) 

virtual void do_string_value(string_view_type val, 
                             const basic_parsing_context<CharT>& context) 

In basic_json_output_handler, the virtual functions

virtual void do_name(const CharT* value, size_t length) 

virtual void do_string_value(const CharT* value, size_t length) 

have been changed to

virtual void do_name(string_view_type val)

virtual void do_string_value(string_view_type val)

Removed features:

  • The jsonx extension has been removed

Release 0.99.5

17 Nov 02:08
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  • Validations added to utf8 and utf16 string parsing to pass all JSONTestSuite tests
  • The name json_encoder introduced in 0.99.4 has been changed to json_decoder. Rationale: consistencty with common usage (encoding and serialization, decoding and deserialization)

Release 0.99.3a

30 Sep 13:21
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The json initializer-list constructor has been removed, it gives inconsistent results when an initializer has zero elements, or one element of the type being initialized (json). Please replace

json j = {1,2,3} with json j = json::array{1,2,3}, and

json j = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}} with json j = json::array{json::array{1,2,3},json::array{4,5,6}}

  • Initializer-list constructors are now supported in json::object as well as json::array, e.g.
json j = json::object{{"first",1},{"second",json::array{1,2,3}}};
  • json::any has been deprecated and will be removed in the future
  • The json method to_stream has been renamed to write, the old name is still supported.
  • output_format object_array_block_option, array_array_block_option functions have been deprecated and replaced by
    object_array_split_lines, array_array_split_lines functions.


  • A new method get_with_default, with return type that of the default, has been added to json
  • A new template parameter, JsonTraits, has been added to the basic_json class template.
  • New instantiations of basic_json, ojson and wojson, have been added for users who wish to preserve the alphabetical sort of parsed json text and to insert new members in arbitrary name order.
  • Added support for json is<T>, as<T>, constructor, and assignment operator for any sequence container (std::array, std::vector, std::deque, std::forward_list, std::list) whose values are assignable to JSON types (e.g., ints, doubles, bools, strings, STL containers of same) and for associative containers (std::set, std::multiset, std::unordered_set, std::unordered_multiset.)
  • Added static method null() to json class to return null value
  • A new extension jsonx that supports serializing JSON values to JSONx (XML)
  • json parser will skip bom in input if present


  • Fixes to the jsonpath extension, including the union operator and applying index operations to string values
  • Fixes to remove warnings and issues reported by VS2015 with 4-th warnings level, PVS-Studio static analyzer tool, and UBSAN.

Release 0.99.2

05 Jul 17:16
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  • Included workaround for a C++11 issue in GCC 4.8, contributed by Alex Merry

  • Fixed operator== so that json() == json(json::object())

  • Fixed issue with json assignment to initializer list

  • Fixed issue with assignment to empty json object with multiple keys, e.g.

    json val;
    val["key1"]["key2"] = 1;

Release 0.99.1

09 May 16:34
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  • Fix to json_filter class
  • Fix to readme_examples

Release 0.99

27 Apr 18:53
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  • Fixes to deprecated json parse functions (deprecated, but still supposed to work)
  • The Visual C++ specific implementation for reading floating point numbers should have freed a _locale_t object, fixed
  • Added json_type_traits specialization to support assignment from non-const strings
  • When parsing fractional numbers in text, floating point number precision is retained, and made available to serialization to preserve round-trip. The default output precision has been changed from 15 to 16.
  • Added json std::initializer_list constructor for constructing arrays
  • The deprecated json member constants null, an_object, and an_array have been removed
  • Microsoft VC++ versions earlier than 2013 are no longer supported


25 Feb 00:33
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Includes fixes contributed by massimomorara for g++ "4.9.2"


25 Jan 15:08
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Fixes an issue with object key comparisons introduced in 0.98.3.


New features

Supports Stefan Goessner's JsonPath. See example below and documentation.
json member function find added
json member function count added
json array range accessor elements() added, which supports range-based for loops over json arrays, and replaces begin_elements and end_elements
json object range accessor members() added, which supports range-based for loops over json objects, and replaces begin_members and end_members
New version of json add member function that takes a parameter array_iterator
json member function shrink_to_fit added
API Changes

The json internal representation of signed and unsigned integers has been changed from long long and unsigned long long to int64_t and uint64_t. This should not impact you unless you've implemented your own json_input_handler or json_output_handler, in which case you'll need to change your json_input_handler function signatures

void do_longlong_value(long long value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override
void do_ulonglong_integer_value(unsigned long long value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override


void do_integer_value(int64_t value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override
void do_uinteger_value(uint64_t value, const basic_parsing_context& context) override
and your json_output_handler function signatures from

void do_longlong_value(long long value) override
void do_ulonglong_integer_value(unsigned long long value) override

void do_integer_value(int64_t value) override
void do_uinteger_value(uint64_t value) override
output_format drops support for floatfield property
Non-beaking API Changes

remove_range has been deprecated, use erase(array_iterator first, array_iterator last) instead
remove has been deprecated, use erase(const std::string& name ) instead
json::parse_string has been renamed to json::parse, parse_string is deprecated but still works
json member functionis_emptyhas been renamed toempty,is_empty` is deprecated but still works. Rationale: consistency with C++ containers
json member functions begin_elements and end_elements have been deprecated, instead use elements().begin() and elements.end()
json member functions begin_members and end_members have been deprecated, instead use members().begin() and members.end()
json member function has_member has been deprecated, instead use count. Rationale: consistency with C++ containers
json member function remove_member has been deprecated, instead use remove. Rationale: only member function left with _element or _member suffix
json_parse_exception renamed to parse_exception, json_parse_exception typedef to parse_exception
json::parse(std::istream& is) renamed to json::parse_stream. json::parse(std::istream is) is deprecated but still works.