The aim of this script is to create a all in one package to be deployed on every Linux machine.
The package embeds compiled Perl for the related OS, OCS Agent perl package, and all required perl mudules.
Thus toik can be found on our download section on our website.
- packageOCSAgent.config: packager configuration
- PROXY_HOST if you have direct Internet connection
- OCS_INSTALL_DIR: OCS Agent installation directory
- PERL_VERSION: Perl version you want to compile and embed in OCS package
- PERL_DL_LINK: Perl download link
- OCSAGENT_DL_LINK: OCS Agent download link
- NMAP_DL_LINK: Nmap download link
Create script to add crontab on system - OCS_AGENT_CRONTAB_HOUR: How many hour between each crontab call
Activate lazy mode on Agent - OCS_AGENT_TAG: Set default tag
- OCS_SERVER_URL: Set server URL
Enable SSL check - OCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_FULL_PATH: Path to the certificate
Enable file logging feature - OCS_LOG_FILE_PATH: Set the log path file
- PerlModulesDownloadList.txt: download URL for all Perl modules dependencies
- packager script
As root user
Output is a tar/gz archive: ocsinventory-agent_LinuxDistribution_MajorVersion.tar.gz
- Bypass current limitations
- nmap command line path is not referenced in Perl module, thus, IP Discovery function does not work