Created a working prototype of a website using HTML, CSS, NodeJS and MongoDB in an effort to make tracking daily calorie intake easier. User signs up/logs in and enter his/her personal details and goals. The home page displays the food items and their calories consumed so far. User can add a consumed food item either by typing it manually or by clicking a photo. It uses Clarifai API which detects the fooditem from the image, using a model pre-trained by us. Aim was to learn and implement new frameworks like Bootstrap and expressJS
Front End: HTML, Bootstrap, Handlebars, JavaScript
Backend: NodeJS(ExpressJS)
NPM Packages: Multer, Mongoose, MongoDB, Hbs, Express, Clarifai
Add your goal:
Add your personal details:
This generates the optimal calorie count for the user. We add the image of the meal to detect calorie count of the meal.
The clarifai API will automatically predict the food item in your picture.