fan <- readRDS("misc/FAN.rds")
good_sess <- fan %>%
group_by(SessionID, Test) %>%
summarise(N = n()) %>%
spread(Test, N) %>% %>%
filter(!`2`)) %>%
ungroup() %>% select(SessionID)
fan_dat <- fan %>% inner_join(good_sess) %>%
mutate(RT = click_ms - sync_ms) %>%
select(SessionID, ItemID, Day = Test, Cond, RT, Accuracy) %>% %>%
- simple vs main effects in factorial designs
\(B_1\) | \(B_2\) | |||
\(A_1\) | \(\bar{Y}_{11}\) | \(\bar{Y}_{12}\) | \(\bar{Y}_{1.}\) | |
\(A_2\) | \(\bar{Y}_{21}\) | \(\bar{Y}_{22}\) | \(\bar{Y}_{2.}\) | |
\(\bar{Y}_{.1}\) | \(\bar{Y}_{.2}\) | |||
test of simple effect of \(B\) at \(A_1\) | \(H_0 : \(\bar{Y}_{11} = \bar{Y}_{12}\) | |||
test of main effect of \(B\) | \(H_0 : \(\bar{Y}_{.1} = \bar{Y}_{.2}\) |
If you have a single IV, the choice of coding scheme doesn’t really matter.
In factorial designs, coding schemes impact:
- the intercept
- all except the highest-order effects and interactions
- random effects (see
Scheme | \(A\) | V |
Dummy$^*$ | A1 | 0 |
A2 | 1 | |
Sum | A1 | -1 |
A3 | 1 | |
Deviation | A1 | -.5 |
A2 | .5 |
Scheme | \(A\) | V1 | V2 |
Dummy$^*$ | A1 | 0 | 0 |
A2 | 1 | 0 | |
A3 | 0 | 1 | |
Sum | A1 | -1 | -1 |
A2 | 1 | 0 | |
A3 | 0 | 1 | |
Deviation | A1 | \(-1/3\) | \(-1/3\) |
A2 | \(2/3\) | \(-1/3\) | |
A3 | \(-1/3\) | \(2/3\) |
NB: deviation codes = centered contrast codes
In a design with three two-level factors \(A\), \(B\), and \(C\):
- If all factors are deviation or sum coded, all main effects and interactions have their “canonical” ANOVA interpretation.
- If \(A\) is dummy coded, then the coefficient of \(BC\) corresponds to the \(BC\) interaction at the level where \(A = 0\); \(B\) is the simple effect of \(B\) where \(A = 0\); etc.
- If \(B\) and \(C\) are dummy coded, then \(A\) is the effect of \(A\) where \(B = 0\) and \(C = 0\).
Best practice for ANOVA-style interpretation: deviation coding; use dummy coding in follow-up tests.
If \(A\) is a continuous variable (e.g., age) and \(B\) is a categorical design factor, then:
- The \(B\) coefficient is the effect of \(B\) where \(A\) is zero
- This is a problem when \(A = 0\) lies outside of the observed data (e.g., “age” where the observed age range is 20–50 years old)
- Usually best to center continuous predictors when they interact, unless zero is meaningful
- 20 participants learned proper names for pictures of 96 target people
- each name heard consistently in one of four voices during training (2M, 2F)
- two test phases on two consecutive days (Day: 1 or 2)
- on each day, pictures/names presented in one of three conditions (Cond):
- same voice
- different voice, same gender
- different voice, different gender
- we measured RT and accuracy
fan <- readRDS("FAN.rds")
# have a look at the design
xtabs(~Day + Cond + SessionID + ItemID, fan)
xtabs(~Day + Cond + SessionID, fan)
xtabs(~Day + Cond + ItemID, fan)
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
with(fan, hist(RT))
with(fan, hist(log(RT)))
cutoff <- with(fan, quantile(RT, .975))
fan$RTt <- with(fan, ifelse(RT > cutoff, cutoff, RT))
interaction.plot(factor(Day), factor(Cond), RTt))
fan$T <- with(fan, Day - mean(Day))
fan$V1 <- with(fan,
(Cond == "same voice") - mean(Cond == "same voice"))
fan$V2 <- with(fan,
(Cond == "same gender, different voice") -
mean(Cond == "same gender, different voice"))
## doesn't converge
mod <- lmer(RTt ~ T * (V1 + V2) +
(T * (V1 + V2) | SessionID) +
(T * (V1 + V2) | ItemID) +
(1 | SessionID:ItemID),
fan, REML = FALSE)
- Misspecification of random effects
- unidentifiable parameters in the model
- Using old/unstable version of
(<1.1-7) - Using suboptimal optimizer for
- use argument \texttt{glmerControl(optimizer=’bobyqa’)}
- Uncentered predictors
- Too few subjects/items
- Distributional assumptions unsatisfied
- Null effects
- Make sure effects are identifiable
- Increase iterations
- \texttt{control=lmerControl(maxfit = 20000)} (or
- \texttt{control=lmerControl(maxfit = 20000)} (or
- Check distributional assumptions
- Start removing random effects
- constrain covariances to zero (“diagonal” model)
## increase iterations from 10000 (default) to 20000
mod_ii <- lmer(RTt ~ T * (V1 + V2) +
(T * (V1 + V2) | SessionID) +
(T * (V1 + V2) | ItemID) +
(1 | SessionID:ItemID),
fan, REML = FALSE,
control = lmerControl(maxfun = 20000))
- “diagonal model”
## fit a "diagonal" model
## (constraint covariances to zero)
mod_diag <- lmer(RTt ~ T * (V1 + V2) +
(T * (V1 + V2) || SessionID) +
(T * (V1 + V2) || ItemID) +
(1 | SessionID:ItemID),
fan, REML = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['lmerMod'] Formula: RTt ~ T * (V1 + V2) + ((1 | SessionID) + (0 + T | SessionID) + (0 + V1 | SessionID) + (0 + V2 | SessionID) + (0 + T:V1 | SessionID) + (0 + T:V2 | SessionID)) + ((1 | ItemID) + (0 + T | ItemID) + (0 + V1 | ItemID) + (0 + V2 | ItemID) + (0 + T:V1 | ItemID) + (0 + T:V2 | ItemID)) + (1 | SessionID:ItemID) Data: fan AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid 187510.1 187657.1 -93735.0 187470.1 11500 Scaled residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.8900 -0.6175 -0.1114 0.4791 4.4215 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. SessionID.ItemID (Intercept) 110838 332.92 ItemID T:V2 0 0.00 ItemID.1 T:V1 0 0.00 ItemID.2 V2 13313 115.38 ItemID.3 V1 21559 146.83 ItemID.4 T 0 0.00 ItemID.5 (Intercept) 47686 218.37 SessionID T:V2 0 0.00 SessionID.1 T:V1 2430 49.29 SessionID.2 V2 0 0.00 SessionID.3 V1 0 0.00 SessionID.4 T 50682 225.13 SessionID.5 (Intercept) 332480 576.61 Residual 580290 761.77 Number of obs: 11520, groups: SessionID:ItemID, 1920; ItemID, 96; SessionID, 20 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 2439.20 131.26 18.583 T -249.28 52.30 -4.766 V1 -14.25 22.95 -0.621 V2 12.60 21.00 0.600 T:V1 62.94 36.47 1.725 T:V2 28.77 34.77 0.827 Correlation of Fixed Effects: (Intr) T V1 V2 T:V1 T 0.000 V1 0.000 0.000 V2 0.000 0.000 0.314 T:V1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 T:V2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.477
mod_diag2 <- lmer(RTt ~ T * (V1 + V2) +
(1 | SessionID) +
(0 + T | SessionID) +
(0 + T:V1 | SessionID) +
(1 | ItemID) +
(0 + V1 | ItemID) +
(0 + V2 | ItemID) +
(1 | SessionID:ItemID),
fan, REML = FALSE)
## test 2x3 interaction
mod_diag2_no_ix <- update(mod_diag2, . ~ . - T:V1 - T:V2)
## test main effect of voice
mod_diag2_no_voice <- update(mod_diag2, . ~ . - V1 - V2)
## test main effect of day
mod_diag2_no_day <- update(mod_diag2, . ~ . -T)
anova(mod_diag2, mod_diag2_no_ix)
anova(mod_diag2, mod_diag2_no_voice)
anova(mod_diag2, mod_diag2_no_day)
Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq) mod_diag2_no_ix 12 187497 187585 -93736 187473 mod_diag2 14 187498 187601 -93735 187470 2.8551 2 0.2399 Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq) mod_diag2_no_voice 12 187495 187583 -93736 187471 mod_diag2 14 187498 187601 -93735 187470 1.0804 2 0.5826 Df AIC BIC logLik deviance Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq) mod_diag2_no_day 13 187511 187607 -93743 187485 mod_diag2 14 187498 187601 -93735 187470 15.176 1 9.792e-05 ***