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Advanced mixed-models workshop: Session 2



Prepare the data

dat <- read.csv("misc/LecXX-Datasets/KeysarEtAl2000.csv")
saveRDS(dat, "kbbb.rds")

Single factor design

Determining Maximal Random Effects

  • Random intercept is needed whenever there are multiple observations per unit
  • Any within-unit factor gets a random slope, unless there is only one observation per level per unit
  • Between-unit factors do not get a random slope
  • For each interaction, include a slope for the highest order combination of within-subject factors subsumed by the interaction
  • For time-series data, include random slopes for time predictors if you have more than one time series per unit

Keysar, Barr, Balin, & Brauner (2000)

Keysar, B., Barr, D. J., Balin, J. A., & Brauner, J. S. (2000). Taking perspective in conversation: The role of mutual knowledge in comprehension. Psychological Science, 11, 32–38.

  • When interpreting expressions e.g. the small candle, do listeners experience interference?


Keysar, Barr, Balin, & Brauner (2000)

  • 20 subjects, 12 items for each subject (N=240)
  • one factor: condition (competitor vs. noncompetitor)
  • data recorded using a 60 Hz eyetracker
  • DV: latency to fixate the target object, measured from onset of the critical word
SubjIDSubject identifier (N=20)
condCondition (E=competitor, C=noncompetitor)
critMoment of onset of critical word (frames)
targfixMoment the hand touched the target (frames)
objectName of the experimental item

Keysar, Barr, Balin, & Brauner (2000)

  1. load the data from KeysarEtAl2000.rds into dataframe dat
  2. calculate tfix, the latency for touching the target in milliseconds, store this in the dataframe dat
  3. make histogram of tfix
  4. create “truncated” versions of tfix, tfixTrunc, truncating values higher than the 97.5th percentile
  5. calculate means in each condition

Linear mixed-model analysis

  1. Now do the analysis using model comparison in a linear mixed effects model, with maximal random effects
    • tip: use deviation coding for condition
  2. Derive \(p\)-values using:
    • Wald \(z\) statistic (“t-as-z”)
    • Likelihood ratio tests
  3. Would you say that subjects or items introduce more overall variation in grand mean target latencies?
  4. Do subjects or items vary more in terms of the effect of condition (competitor)?
  5. Look at the BLUPS.
    • Which items show the effect most strongly?
    • Which subjects?
    • Do all subjects show the effect?
    • Do all items show the effect?

Load and preprocess

dat <- readRDS("kbbb.rds")
# calculate latencies
dat$tfix <- 1000*((dat$targfix - dat$crit) / 60)


Clean up the latency data

# truncate outliers at 97.5th percentile of distribution
cutoff.tfix <- quantile(dat$tfix, probs=.975, na.rm=TRUE)
dat$tfixTrunc <- ifelse(dat$tfix>cutoff.tfix, cutoff.tfix, dat$tfix)


Descriptive stats

# aggregate
aggregate(tfixTrunc ~ cond, dat, mean)

Run t-test (aggregating first by subject)

# re-create data: t-test
dat.subj <- aggregate(tfixTrunc ~ SubjID + cond, dat, mean)
dat.subj <- dat.subj[order(dat.subj$SubjID, dat.subj$cond), ]

dat.t <- t.test(subset(dat.subj, cond=="C")$tfixTrunc,
                subset(dat.subj, cond=="E")$tfixTrunc, paired=TRUE)

Run linear mixed model

# linear mixed model
# create deviation-coded predictor
dat$D <- dat$cond == "E"
dat$C2 <- dat$D - mean(dat$D)

mod1 <- lmer(tfixTrunc ~ C2 +
                 (1 + C2 | SubjID) + 
                 (1 + C2 | object),
             subset = complete.cases(dat),

View results

Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood  ['lmerMod']
Formula: tfixTrunc ~ C2 + (1 + C2 | SubjID) + (1 + C2 | object)
   Data: dat
 Subset: complete.cases(dat)

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
  4421.9   4453.0  -2201.9   4403.9      226 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 SubjID   (Intercept)  417282   645.97      
          C2           758341   870.83  1.00
 object   (Intercept)  616982   785.48      
          C2             6765    82.25  1.00
 Residual             7236631  2690.10      
Number of obs: 235, groups:  SubjID, 20; object, 12

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)   3306.4      321.1  10.296
C2            1439.6      402.2   3.579

Wald \(z\) statistics

paramest <- fixef(mod1)
stderrs <- sqrt(diag(vcov(mod1)))
tstats <- paramest / stderrs
pvals <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(tstats)))

data.frame(b = paramest, se = stderrs, t = tstats, p = pvals)

Likelihood ratio tests

mod2 <- update(mod1, . ~ . -C2)

anova(mod1, mod2)

chi2 <- deviance(mod2) - deviance(mod1)
pchi <- pchisq(chi2, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

c(chisq = chi2, p = pchi)


blups <- ranef(mod1)
blups$SubjID$C2 + fixef(mod1)[2] # every subject shows effect
blups$object$C2 + fixef(mod1)[2] # every item shows effect

Additional stats


mod_kr <- KRmodcomp(mod1, mod2)



F-test with Kenward-Roger approximation; computing time: 1.14 sec.
large : tfixTrunc ~ C2 + (1 + C2 | SubjID) + (1 + C2 | object)
small : tfixTrunc ~ (1 + C2 | SubjID) + (1 + C2 | object)
          stat     ndf     ddf F.scaling  p.value   
Ftest  12.4550  1.0000  8.9771         1 0.006448 **
FtestU 12.4550  1.0000  8.9771           0.006448 **
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Parametric bootstrap

mod_pb <- PBmodcomp(mod1, mod2)



There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
Parametric bootstrap test; time: 156.28 sec; samples: 1000 extremes: 0;
Requested samples: 1000 Used samples: 996 Extremes: 0
large : tfixTrunc ~ C2 + (1 + C2 | SubjID) + (1 + C2 | object)
small : tfixTrunc ~ (1 + C2 | SubjID) + (1 + C2 | object)
           stat     df     ddf   p.value    
PBtest   10.539                0.0010030 ** 
Gamma    10.539                0.0005716 ***
Bartlett 11.161  1.000         0.0008356 ***
F        10.539  1.000 -33.912              
LRT      10.539  1.000         0.0011689 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Warning message:
In pf(Fobs, df1 = ndf, df2 = ddf) : NaNs produced