Start | End | Activity | |
1 | 09:00 | 10:30 | Review / Overview |
2 | 11:00 | 12:30 | Dataset 1 (one factor) |
3 | 13:30 | 15:00 | Dataset 2 (multifactor) |
4 | 15:30 | 17:00 | Slack time / Q&A / BYOD\(^*\) |
Start | End | Activity | |
1 | 09:00 | 10:30 | Dataset 3 (GLMM) |
2 | 11:00 | 12:30 | Dataset 4 (multifactor GLMM) |
3 | 13:00 | 15:00 | Slack time / Q&A / BYOD\(^*\) |
\(^*\) Bring Your Own Data
If you have git installed, use:
git clone
or download full archive from:
- Baayen (2008), Analyzing Linguistic Data
- Baayen, Davidson, & Bates (2008), JML
- Barr, Levy, Scheepers, Tily (2013), JML
- Barr (2013), Frontiers in Psychology (interactions)
- Bates et al. (technical)
- Bolker et al. (2009), Trends in Ecology & Evolution
- Westfall, Kenny, and Judd (2014), JEP: General (power)
- see also
mailing lists r-sig-mixed-models
FAQ add-on packages
- single-factor within subject / between items
- IV: type of word, DV = lexical decision times
\(Y_{si} = β_0 + S_{0s} + I_{0i} + (β_1 + S_{1s})X_{i} + e_{si}\)
\(<S_{0i},S_{1i}> ∼ N(<0,0>, Σ)\)
\(Σ = \left(\begin{array}{cc}{τ_{00}}^2 & ρ_{I}τ_{00}τ_{11}
ρ_{I}τ_{00}τ_{11} & {τ_{11}}^2 \
\end{array}\right) \)
\(I_{0i} ∼ N(0, ω_{00}^2)\)
library("MASS") # needed for mvrnorm
nsubj <- 100
nitem <- 50 # must be an even number
## create the data structures
subj <- data.frame(subject_id = 1:nsubj)
item <- data.frame(item_id = 1:nitem,
cond = rep(1:2, each = nitem / 2))
trial <- expand.grid(subject_id = 1:nsubj,
item_id = 1:nitem)
## define parameters for data generation
## first, fixed effects
mu <- 800 # grand mean
eff <- 80 # 80 ms difference
effc <- c(-.5, .5) # deviation codes
res_sd <- 200 # residual (standard deviation)
iri <- 80 # by-item random intercept sd
sri <- 100 # by-subject random intercept sd
srs <- 40 # by-subject random slope sd
rcor <- .2 # correlation between intercept and slope
## define item random effects variance
## and sample items
item$iri <- rnorm(nitem, mean = 0, sd = iri)
## view the expected mean for each item
## for a typical subject (random effs = 0)
head(cbind(mu, effc[item$cond] * eff, item$iri,
mu + effc[item$cond] * eff + item$iri), 3)
## define subject random effects variance
## variance co-variance matrix
svcov <- matrix(c(sri^2,
rcor * sri * srs,
rcor * sri * srs,
srs^2), nrow = 2)
## sample subjects
srfx <- mvrnorm(nsubj, mu = c(0, 0), Sigma = svcov)
subj$sri <- srfx[, 1]
subj$srs <- srfx[, 2]
head(subj, 3)
dat <- merge(merge(subj, trial), item)
dat <- dat[order(dat$subject_id, dat$item_id), ] # sort
dat$err <- rnorm(nrow(dat), sd = res_sd) # trial-level noise
dat$Y <- with(dat,
mu + sri + iri + (eff + srs) * effc[cond] + err)
\(Y_{si} = β_0 + S_{0s} + I_{0i} + (β_1 + S_{1s})X_{i} + e_{si}\)
Source: local data frame [64 x 11] Groups: sid, c sid iid c Y mu sri iri eff srs x err 1 1 1 1 866.6973 800 -127.33939 51.14385 80 -15.07568 -0.5 175.35504 2 1 2 1 520.0347 800 -127.33939 -87.15511 80 -15.07568 -0.5 -33.00861 3 1 13 2 921.6896 800 -127.33939 -104.37196 80 -15.07568 0.5 320.93881 4 1 14 2 711.8382 800 -127.33939 -124.47164 80 -15.07568 0.5 131.18702 5 2 1 1 700.6971 800 38.40241 51.14385 80 -20.38240 -0.5 -159.04036 6 2 2 1 560.1265 800 38.40241 -87.15511 80 -20.38240 -0.5 -161.31203 7 2 13 2 280.5352 800 38.40241 -104.37196 80 -20.38240 0.5 -483.30409 8 2 14 2 479.3219 800 38.40241 -124.47164 80 -20.38240 0.5 -264.41768 9 3 1 1 695.3036 800 -12.51718 51.14385 80 14.50942 -0.5 -96.06837 10 3 2 1 773.5395 800 -12.51718 -87.15511 80 14.50942 -0.5 120.46647 .. ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
dat$c <- dat$cond - mean(dat$cond)
mod <- lmer(Y ~ c + (1 + c | subject_id) + (1 | item_id),
dat, REML = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood ['lmerMod'] Formula: Y ~ c + (1 + c | subject_id) + (1 | item_id) Data: dat AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid 5179.5 5207.2 -2582.8 5165.5 377 Scaled residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -2.7280 -0.5511 -0.0343 0.6103 3.3860 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr item_id (Intercept) 8792.4 93.768 subject_id (Intercept) 11434.8 106.934 c 95.5 9.772 -1.00 Residual 33590.6 183.278 Number of obs: 384, groups: item_id, 24; subject_id, 16 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error t value (Intercept) 779.44 34.18 22.802 c 46.36 42.68 1.086 Correlation of Fixed Effects: (Intr) c -0.045