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Generating Wikipedia by summarizing long

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42 lines (36 loc) · 2.8 KB

Key ideas

  • Generating Wikipedia can be approached as multi-document summarization of source documents


  • Sequence to sequence has success in NLP tasks such as seq. transduction tasks like machine translation.
  • Prior work allows to summarize news articles using input from the 1st sentence of a text to the whole article
  • This requires a significant number of parallel text to summary pairs as understanding is key to generate accurate summaries.
  • Input: wikipedia topic, and a collection of non-Wikipedia reference documents
  • Output: wikipedia article text
  • Only decoder instead of encoder-decoder: it performs better on longer sequences

Related works

  • Other datasets: Gigaword corpus used to construct news articles from a number of publishers
    • Task is more akin to paraphrasing than summarization
    • Only the 1st sentence is used to predict the headline: RNN-based encoder with attention (seq2seq) works well
  • Other similar tasks: abstractive summarization by checking question & answering dataset
  • Sauper & Barzilay(2009) has a similar task of summarizing articles but these are generated extractively from articles found by querying in search engines using the Wikipedia topic

English Wikipedia as multi-document summarization dataset

  • Only articles with 1 crawlable citation at least are extracted
    1. Cited sources: any Wikipedia article that conforms to style guidelines should contain citations in the References section. All text without markup is imported from those citations
    1. Web Search results: collect the top 10 result pages from Google, using the article titles as queries. Removing clones and the Wikipedia article itself.

Methods and models

  • Because of the huge amount of text, training is infeasible due to HW constraints, so we only choose a subset of it.
  • In the 2nd step, we generate an abstract model based on the highlights
  • Extractive stage, for each article create a ranked list of paragraphs, from which we select the first L tokens:
    • Identity: baseline, choose the first L tokens
    • tf-idf: rank paragraphs using their tf-idf for the query (title of article) with respect to the document
    • TextRank: weighted graph where text units are nodes and edges are defined by similarity between word overlap
    • SumBasic: frequencies of words in text are used to get a score per word, and thus a score per paragraph. After selecting the best scoring sentence, words in it have their scores reduced, repeat until you get the desired summary length
  • Abstractive stage:
  • Baseline model: seq2seq-att
  • Transformer decoder:
  • Transformer decoder with attention: