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Linux command line

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Command Description
Up Down view command history
date display the current time and date
cal display a calendar of the current month
df see the current amount of free space on your disk drives
free display the amount of free memory
exit end a terminal session
Ctrl-Alt-[F1-F6] open virtual terminals
Alt-F7 return to the graphical desktop
printenv Print part or all of the environment
set Set shell options
export Export environment to subsequently executed programs

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2.File system

Command Description
pwd Print name of current working directory
ls List directory contents
cd Change directory(-Last directory ~Home directory)
file determine a file’s type
less view text files
cp Copy files and directories
mv Move/rename files and directories
mkdir Create directories
rm Remove files and directories
ln Create hard and symbolic links
du -h --max-depth=1 Show directory size under current directory
  • Common ls Options
Option Long Option Description
-a --all List all files, including hidden files
-d --directory list the contents of the directory, not the directory itself
-F --classify append an indicator character to the end of each listed name. For example, a '/' if the name is a directory.
-h --human-readable display file sizes in human readable format rather than in bytes
-l Display results in long format
-r --reverse Display the results in reverse order. Normally, ls display its results in ascending alphabetical order
-S Sort results by file size
-t Sort by modification time
  • Wildcards
Wildcard Meaning
* Matches any characters
? Matches any single character
[characters] Matches any character that is a member of the set characters
[!characters] Matches any character that is not a member of the set characters
[[:class:]] Matches any character that is a member of the specified class
  • Commonly Used Character Classes
Character Class Meaning
[:alnum:] Matches any alphanumeric character
[:alpha:] Matches any alphabetic character
[:digit:] Matches any numeral
[:lower:] Matches any lowercase letter
[:upper:] Matches any uppercase letter
  • cp Options
Option Meaning
-a, --archive Copy the files and directories and all of their attributes, including ownerships and permissions
-i, --interactive Before overwriting an existing file, prompt the user for confirmation
-r, --recursive Recursively copy directories and their contents
-u, --update only copy files that either don't exist, or are newer than the existing corresponding files, in the destination directory
-v, --verbose Display informative messages as the copy is performed
  • mv Option includes [-i,-u,-v];rm Option includes [-i,-r,-v,-f];its meaning is similar to that in cp

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3.Help command

Command Description
type Indicate how a command name is interpreted
which Display which executable program will be executed
man Display a command’s manual page
apropos Display a list of appropriate commands
info Display a command’s info entry
whatis Display a very brief description of a command
alias Create an alias for a command

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4.I/O redirection

Command Description
> redirect standard output to another file (cover)
>> redirect standard output to another file(append)
2> redirect standard errors to another file,standard input/output/errors are representated by file descriptor number 0/1/2 respectively
2>&1 or &> redirect standard output and errors to another file
tee print to standard output(terminal) and file simultaneously
cat copies file to standard output
sort Sort lines of text
unique Report or omit repeated lines
wc Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
grep Print lines matching a pattern,option -i ignore lowercase/capitalization
head Output the first part of a file,option -n to appoint line numbers
tail Output the last part of a file,option -n to appoint line numbers

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  • Cursor Movement
Key Action
Ctrl-a Move cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-e Move cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl-f Move cursor forward one character;same as the right arrow key
Ctrl-b Move cursor backward one character;same as the left arrow key
Alt-f Move cursor forward one word
Alt-b Move cursor backward one word
Ctrl-l Clear the screen and move the cursor to the top left corner. The clear command does the same thing
  • Text Editing
Key Action
Ctrl-d Delete the character at the cursor location
Ctrl-t Transpose(exchange)the character at the cursor location with the one preceding it
Alt-t Transpose the word at the cursor location with the one preceding it
Alt-l Convert the characters from the cursor location to the end of the word to lowercase
Alt-u Convert the characters from the cursor location to the end of the word to uppercase
  • Cut And Paste
Key Action
Ctrl-k Kill text from the cursor location to the end of line
Ctrl-u Kill text from the cursor location to the beginning of the line
Alt-d Kill text from the cursor location to the end of the current word
Alt-Backspace Kill text from the cursor location to the beginning of the word. If the cursor is at the beginning of a word, kill the previous word
Ctrl-y Yank text from the kill-ring and insert it at the cursor location
  • Auto-completion
Key Action
Alt-? Display list of possible completions,equals pressing the tab key a second time
Alt-* Insert all possible completions
  • History
Key Action
Ctrl-p Move to the previous history entry. Same action as the up arrow
Ctrl-n Move to the next history entry. Same action as the down arrow
Alt-< Move to the beginning (top) of the history list
Alt-> Move to the end (bottom) of the history list, i.e., the current command line
Ctrl-r Reverse incremental search. Searches incrementally from the current command line up the history list
Alt-p Reverse search, non-incremental. With this key, type in the search string and press enter before the search is performed
Alt-n Forward search, non-incremental
Ctrl-o Execute the current item in the history list and advance to the next one

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Command Description
ps Report a snapshot of current processes
top Display tasks
jobs List active jobs
bg Place a job in the background
fg Place a job in the foreground
kill Send a signal to a process
killall Kill processes by name
shutdown Shutdown or reboot the system

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For more detail information, please click Vim Totorial

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8.Packaging system

  • Major Packaging System Families
Packaging System Distributions (Partial Listing)
Debian Style (.deb) Debian, Ubuntu, Xandros, Linspire
Red Hat Style (.rpm) Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, OpenSUSE, Mandriva, PCLinuxOS
  • Packaging System Tools
Distributions Low-Level Tools High-Level Tools
Debian-Style dpkg apt-get, aptitude
Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS rpm yum
  • Package Search Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian apt-get update; apt-cache search search_string
Red Hat yum search search_string
  • Package Installation Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian apt-get update; apt-get install package_name
Red Hat yum install package_name
  • Low-Level Package Installation Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian dpkg --install package_file
Red Hat rpm -i package_file
  • Package Removal Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian apt-get remove package_name
Red Hat yum erase package_name
  • Package Update Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
Red Hat yum update
  • Low-Level Package Upgrade Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian dpkg --install package_file
Red Hat rpm -U package_file
  • Package Listing Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian dpkg --list
Red Hat rpm -qa
  • Package Status Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian dpkg --status package_name
Red Hat rpm -q package_name
  • Package Information Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian apt-cache show package_name
Red Hat yum info package_name
  • Package File Identification Commands
Style Command(s)
Debian dpkg --search file_name
Red Hat rpm -qf file_name

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9.Find files

Command Description
locate Find files by name
updatedb update database
  • find file types
File Type Description
b Block special device file
c Character special device file
d Directory
f Regular file
l Symbolic link
  • find size units
Character Unit
b 512 byte blocks. This is the default if no unit is specified
c Bytes
w Two byte words
k Kilobytes (Units of 1024 bytes)
M Megabytes (Units of 1048576 bytes)
G Gigabytes (Units of 1073741824 bytes)
  • find tests
Test Description
-cnewer file Match files or directories whose contents or attributes were last modified more recently than those of file
-ctime n Match files or directories whose contents or attributes were last modified n*24 hours ago
-empty Match empty files and directories
-iname pattern Like the -name test but case insensitive
-mmin n Match files or directories whose contents were modified n minutes ago
-mtime n Match files or directories whose contents were modified n*24 hours ago
-name pattern Match files and directories with the specified wild card pattern
-newer file Match files and directories whose contents were modified more recently than the specified file
-size (+/-) n Match files (larger/smaller) than size n
-type c Match files of type c
  • find logical operators
Operator Description
-and Match if the tests on both sides of the operator are true. May be shortened to -a. Note that when no operator is present, -and is implied by default
-or Match if a test on either side of the operator is true. May be shortened to -o
-not Match if the test following the operator is false. May be abbreviated with an exclamation point (!)
() Groups tests and operators together to form larger expressions. This is used to control the precedence of the logical evaluations。
  • Predefined find Actions
Action Description
-delete Delete the currently matching file
-ls Perform the equivalent of ls -dils on the matching file. Output is sent to standard output
-print Output the full pathname of the matching file to standard output. Default action
-quit Quit once a match has been made
  • for example
Command Description
find ~ -type d | wc -l search directories in Home and count lines
find ~ -type f -name "*.JPG" -size +1M | wc -l look for all the regular files that match the wild card pattern “*.JPG” and are larger than one megabyte
find ~ -type f -name '*.BAK' -delete delete files that have the file extension “.BAK”

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10.Compress files

  • gzip: compress/uncompress one or more files. It will replace the original file

    • gzip Options
    Option Description
    -c Write output to standard output and keep original files. May also be specified with --stdout and --to-stdout
    -d Decompress. This causes gzip to act like gunzip. May also be specified with --decompress or --uncompress
    -f Force compression even if compressed version of the original file already exists. May also be specified with --force
    -h Display usage information. May also be specified with --help
    -l List compression statistics for each file compressed. May also be specified with --list
    -r If one or more arguments on the command line are directories, recursively compress files contained within them. May also be specified with --recursive
    -t Test the integrity of a compressed file. May also be specified with --test
    -v Display verbose messages while compressing. May also be specified with --verbose
    -number Set amount of compression. number is an integer in the range of 1 (fastest, least compression) to 9 (slowest, most compression). The values 1 and 9 may also be expressed as --fast and --best, respectively. The default value is 6
  • bzip2: similar to gzip, achieves higher levels of compression at the cost of compression speed,extension .bz2

  • zip: common compression tool for windows,extension .zip

    • zip examples
    Command Description
    zip -r ./* Compress all the files and directories under the current directory to
    zip -d smart.txt Delete smart.txt from
    zip -m ./rpm_info.txt Add rpm_info.txt to
    unzip -o -d /home/sunny Uncompress to /home/sunny/,-o means override file without warning, -d specifies uncompress path
  • tar: Archiving,short for tape archive,gathering up many files and bundling them together into a single large file, with extension .tar

    • tar Modes
    Mode Description
    -c Create a new archive
    -x Extract an archive
    -r Append specified pathnames to the end of an archive
    -t List the contents of an archive,can choose 1 from these 4 mode
    -v Report file informations during processing
    -f Specify archive name,must be set as the last option
    • Examples
    Command Description
    tar -cf all.tar *.jpg Compress *.jpg to an archive named all.tar
    tar -rf all.tar *.gif Add *.gif to all.tar
    tar -tf all.tar List all files in all.tar
    tar -xf all.tar Uncompress all files in all.tar
  • Conclusion

    Command Description
    tar –xvf file.tar Uncompress file.tar
    tar -xzvf file.tar.gz Uncompress tar.gz
    tar -xjvf file.tar.bz2 Uncompress tar.bz2
    tar –xZvf file.tar.Z Uncompress tar.Z
    unrar e file.rar Uncompress file.rar
    unzip Uncompress
    tar –cvf jpg.tar *.jpg Archive *.jpg to jpg.tar
    tar –czf jpg.tar.gz *.jpg Archive *.jpg to jpg.tar,then compress it to jpg.tar.gz using gzip
    tar –cjf jpg.tar.bz2 *.jpg Archive *.jpg to jpg.tar,then compress it to jpg.tar.bz2 using bzip2
    tar –cZf jpg.tar.Z *.jpg Archive *.jpg to jpg.tar,then compress it to jpg.tar.Z using compress
    rar a jpg.rar *.jpg Compress *.jpg to jpg.rar
    zip *.jpg Compress *.jpg to

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11.Regular Expression

  • grep: global regular expression print

    Option Description
    -i Ignore case, may also be specified by --ignore-case
    -v Invert match, may also be specified by --invert-match
    -c Print the number of matches (or non-matches if the -v option is also specified), may also be specified by --count
    -l Print the name of each file that contains a match instead of the lines themselves, may also be specified by --files-with-matches
    -L Like the -l option, but print only the names of files that do not contain matches, may also be specified by --files-without-matches
    -n Prefix each matching line with the number of the line within the file, may also be specified by --line-number
    -h For multi-file searches, suppress the output of filenames, may also be specified by --no-filename
  • Metacharacter

    Character Description
    . Match any character in that character position
    ^ Matching at the beginning of the line
    $ Matching at the end of the line
    [] Match a single character from a specified set of characters
    • metacharacters lose their special meaning when placed within brackets except the following two:

      Character Description
      - Indicate a character range
      ^ Indicate negation if it is the first character within a bracket expression
  • Extended Regular Expressions (ERE): egrep or grep -Eadd following metacharacters:

    Character Description
    | Alternation, allows a match to occur from among a set of expressions
    () Separate the alternation
    ? Limitation, indicate that they are to be matched zero or one time
    * Limitation, indicate that they are to be matched zero or any times
    + Limitation, indicate that they are to be matched one or more times
    {} Limitation, express minimum and maximum numbers of required matches
    • Specifying The Number Of Matches
    Specifier Meaning
    {n} Match the preceding element if it occurs exactly n times
    {n,m} Match the preceding element if it occurs at least n times, but no more than m times
    {n,} Match the preceding element if it occurs n or more times
    {,m} Match the preceding element if it occurs no more than m times
  • Examples

    Command Description
    grep bzip dirlist*.txt Searche all of the listed files for the string bzip
    grep -h '.zip' dirlist*.txt Searche for any line in our files that matches the regular expression .zip
    grep -h '^$' dirlist*.txt Match empty line
    grep -i '^..j.r$' /usr/share/dict/words Search a five letter word whose third letter is ‘j’ and last letter is ‘r’
    grep -h '[bg]zip' dirlist*.txt Match any line contains 'bzip' or 'gzip'
    grep -h '[^bg]zip' dirlist*.txt Match any line contains 'bzip' or 'gzip', and the preceding letter of 'zip' is neither 'b' nor 'g'
    grep -h '^[A-Za-z0-9]' dirlist*.txt Matches all filenames starting with letters and numbers
    grep -h '[-AZ]' dirlist*.txt Match every filename containing a dash, or a upper case 'A' or an uppercase 'Z'
    grep -Eh '^(bz|gz|zip)' dirlist*.txt Match the filenames in our lists that start with either 'bz', 'gz', or 'zip'
    grep -Eh '^bz|gz|zip' dirlist*.txt Match any filename that begins with 'bz' or contains 'gz' or contains 'zip'
    ^\(?[0-9]\)? [0-9]-[0-9]$ Match n n-n or (n) n-n, n is a number

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12.Manipulating text

  • sort: Sort lines of text files

    • Common sort Options
    Option Long Option Description
    -b --ignore-leading-blanks Ignore leading spaces in lines and calculates sorting based on the first non-whitespace character on the line
    -f --ignore-case Makes sorting case insensitive
    -n --numeric-sort Performs sorting based on the numeric evaluation of a string
    -r --reverse Sort in reverse order
    -k --key=field1[,field2] Sort based on a key field located from field1 to field2 rather than the entire line
    -m --merge Merge multiple files into a single sorted result without performing any additional sorting
    -o --output=file Send sorted output to file rather than standard output
    -t --field-separator=char Define the field separator character. By default fields are separated by spaces or tabs
  • uniq: Removes duplicate lines which are adjacent to each other

    • Common uniq Options

      Option Description
      -c Output a list of duplicate lines preceded by the number of times the line occurs
      -d Only output repeated lines, rather than unique lines
      -f n Ignore n leading fields in each line, and fields are separated by whitespace
      -i Ignore case during the line comparisons
      -s n Ignore the leading n characters of each line
      -u Only output unique lines. This is the default
  • tr: Transliterate characters

    • echo "lowercase letters" | tr a-z A-Z outputs LOWERCASE LETTERS
    • echo "lowercase letters" | tr [:lower:] A outputs AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA
    • tr -d '\r' < dos_file > unix_file converts MS-DOS text files to Unix style text
  • sed: stream editor

    • sed Address Notation
    Address Description
    n A line number where n is a positive integer
    $ The last line
    /regexp/ Lines matching a POSIX basic regular expression
    addr1,addr2 A range of lines from addr1 to addr2, inclusive. Addresses may be any of the single address forms above
    first~step Match the line represented by the number first, then each subsequent line at step intervals
    addr1,+n Match addr1 and the following n lines
    addr! Match all lines except addr, which may be any of the forms above
    • sed Basic Editing Commands

      Command Description
      = Output current line number
      a Append text after the current line
      d Delete the current line
      i Insert text in front of the current line
      p Print the current line
      q Exit sed without processing any more lines. If the -n option is not specified, output the current line.
      Q Exit sed without processing any more lines
      s/regexp/replacement/ Substitute the contents of replacement wherever regexp is found, after the trailing slash following replacement, an optional flag may be specified to modify the s command’s behavior
    • Examples

    Command Description
    echo "front" | sed 's/front/back/' Replace front with back
    echo "front" | sed '2s/front/back/' Replace front with back in the second line, so output is still front
    sed -n '1,5p' distros.txt Print a range of lines, starting with line one and continuing to line five
    /etc/passwd | sed '/root/p' Search lines contain root in /etc/passwd
    /etc/passwd | sed '/root/d' Delete lines contain root in /etc/passwd and print other lines
    sed -i 's/\.$/\!/g' regular_express.txt Replace the last . of a line with ! in regular_express.txt
    sed -i '$a # This is a test' regular_express.txt Add # This is a test to the last line of regular_express.txt

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