- New Emacs editing mode
- Editor and IDE keyboard shortcuts can now be customized
- Support for multiple source windows (tear editor tabs off main window)
- New global and per-project options for line feed conversion
- Snippets: pass parameters to snippet generating R functions
- Split into lines command for multiple cursors (Ctrl+Alt+A)
- New keyboard shortcuts to expand/contract current selection
- Cmd+Alt+Shift+{Up/Down} OS X
- Ctrl+Shift+{Up/Down} otherwise
- Enhanced display of sections in R scope navigator
- Added document outline display to R and C++ documents
- New Close All Except Current command
- Rename variable in scope (Cmd+Shift+Alt+M)
- More context-sensitive highlighting of R keywords
- Option to enable highlighting of R function calls
- F2 now navigates into files (e.g. within calls to source)
- Yank before/after (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U) now use system clipboard on RStudio Desktop
- Yank after cursor (Ctrl+K) no longer eats end of line character
- Added option controlling 'surround on text insertion' behavior
- New run chunk and options buttons overlaid at the top right of chunks
- New shortcut for run current chunk (Cmd+Shift+Enter)
- Outline view for quick navigation between sections/code chunks
- Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown navigate between sections within Rmd, Rpres
- Enabled comment/uncomment (Cmd+Shift+C) for Markdown documents
- Knit with Parameters command for previewing with varying parameters
- Run All now executes chunks in console (rather than calling e.g. knitr::purl)
- Reorganize toolbar commands/menu for improved discoverability
- Added Run Setup Chunk command
- RStudio Addins
- Register R functions as addins that can interact with the IDE using the rstudioapi package.
- Accessible from the Addins menu and can be bound to custom keyboard shortcuts
- Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E now move cursor to beginning, end of line in console on all platforms
- New Session command (create new R session with same project or working directory)
- Open project in a new window from the projects recently used menu
- New Shiny App command for quick creation of Shiny applications
- Data Viewer: Filter factor columns by text or level
- Raise limit on shinyapps uploads to 1GB from 100MB
- 'Edit -> Replace and Find' opens Find toolbar if not already open (e.g. with Cmd+Shift+J)
- Improve performance of console for large and/or rapidly updating output
- Roxygen quick reference available from the Help menu
- Links to RStudio cheat sheets available on the Help menu
- Scan for Rtools in both HKCU and HKLM (for non-Admin installs of Rtools)
- Run app command and shortcut now works for running single file Shiny applications
- Move running Shiny apps between IDE panes and windows without restarting the app
- Add support for single-file, standalone Shiny applications
- Parse TeX magic comments that start with "%%" (ESS compatibility).
- Change default Rpres template to specify autosize: true
- Automatically create ~/.ssh directory if necessary on Windows
- Added Makefile mode (used for Makefile, Makevars)
- Always use LF for line endings in Unix Makefiles in R packages
- Return environment variables as completions within Sys.getenv(), Sys.setenv() calls
- Add 'R Scripts' preset filter to Find in Files dialog
- OS X: Support for executing commands via AppleScript via 'cmd' verb
- OS X: Enable WebKit WebGL by default
- OS X: Enable WebKit DeveloperExtras by default
- OS X: Enable creation of directories in folder picker dialog
- Windows: Update to SumatraPDF 3.1.1
- Added ability to zoom panes (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+1 to zoom source pane)
- Add Console on Left/Right commands for quick relocation of Console
- Add product and version metadata to Windows installer
- Improved detection of Msysgit installation location on Windows
- Include active project in document title (caption of browser tab)
- Quit session command now accessible from global toolbar
- Added option to control how many days users stay signed in for
- Allow specification of multiple groups in auth-required-user-group option
- Suspend and resume running R sessions when server is restarted
- Add kill-session and kill-all admin commands
- Use SHA256 for signing cookies (previously used SHA1)
- Use more resilient file locking mechanism for compatibility with NFS volumes
- Attempt to close application window when quitting
- Track installed client version using git commit hash rather than timestamp
- Server Pro: Shared Projects (including concurrent multi-user editing)
- Server Pro: Support for multiple concurrent R sessions per-user
- Server Pro: Support for running against multiple versions of R
- Server Pro: Ability to record user console history for audit purposes
- Server Pro: Don't close PAM sessions by default (configurable via an option)
- Server Pro: Remove Google OpenID auth (deprecated by Google in favor of OAuth)
- Server Pro: Add option to specify client-id for Graphite metrics back end
- Server Pro: Supported SSL protocols is now configurable
- Server Pro: Add option to rewrite user header in proxied authentication
- Diagnostics: Avoid linting symbols in R formulas
- Diagnostics: Resolve functions in correct namespace
- Diagnostics: Fix invalid diagnostics within formulas
- Diagnostics: Respect // [[Rcpp::export]] functions used in R code
- Fix grid metrics issues (e.g. text too small) by using res of 96 rather than 72
- Rcpp: Parse attributes when generating diagnostics for header files
- Enable outdenting in Rhtml documents
- Find all now respects active search/replace options
- Fix issue with cursor disappearing in Rmd chunks for ambiance theme
- Publish button shows in the editor and viewer at the appropriate times
- Avoid spurious R warnings when autocompletions requested
- Allow completions in statements following infix operators
- Completions in Install Packages are now correct for the case of multiple active repositories
- Vim mode: prevent paste operation from entering visual mode via Ctrl+V cross-talk
- Fixed chunk highlighter issues that occurred when editing chunk label
- Correctly handle call to edit() with no arguments
- Fix inability to start up on OS X when multiple conflicting R versions are on the library search path
- Prevent crash when canceling out of q() prompt on Windows
- OS X: Fix crash which could occur when focusing text boxes with placeholders
- OS X: Viewer now correctly recognizes session temp dir even when prefixed by /private
- Fix issue with rstudioapi previewRd function when path included spaces
- R 3.3: Don't call setInternet2 or use --internet2 flag for child R processes
- Linux, Windows: ensure native printer used (don't default to PDF printing)
- Prevent spurious navigation when user cancels from the file upload dialog
- Don't include H3 (and higher) headers when creating presentation slide preview navigation menu
- Don't allow long file paths to overflow in message dialogs