Interactive Science - 2013
Pearson Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-320936-5
ISBN-10: 0-13-320936-9
Introduction to Matter
The Big Question: How is matter described?
- Describing Matter
- Classifying Matter
- Measuring Matter
- Changes in Matter
Solids, Liquids, and Gases
The Big Question: Why does a substance change states?
- States of Matter
- Changes of State
- Gas Behavior
Elements and the Periodic Table
The Big Question: How is the periodic table organized?
- Introduction to Atoms
- Organizing the Elements
- Metals
- Nonmetals and Metalloids
- Radioactive Elements
Atoms and Bonding
The Big Question: How can bonding determine the properties of a substance?
- Atoms, Bonding, and the Periodic Table
- Ionic Bonds
- Covalent Bonds
- Bonding in Metals
Chemical Reactions
The Big Question: How is matter conserved in a chemical reaction?
- Observing Chemical Change
- Describing Chemical Reactions
- Controlling Chemical Reactions
Acids, Bases, and Solutions
The Big Question: What determines the properties of a solution?
- Understanding Solutions
- Concentration and Solubility
- Describing Acids and Bases
- Acids and Bases in Solution
The Big Question: How do you describe the motion of an object?
- Describing Motion
- Speed and Velocity
- Acceleration
The Big Question: How do objects react to forces?
- The Nature of Force
- Friction and Gravity
- Newton's Laws of Motion
- Momentum
- Free Fall and Circular Motion
- Sinking and Floating
Work and Machines
The Big Question: How do machines make it easier to do work
- Work and Power
- Understanding Machines
- Inclined Planes and Levers
- Putting Machines Together
The Big Question: How is energy conserved in a transformation?
- What is Energy?
- Forms of Energy
- Energy Transformations and Conservation
Thermal Energy and Heat
The Big Question: How does heat flow from one object to another?
- Temperature, Thermal Energy, and Heat
- The Transfer of Heat
- Thermal Properties
Characteristics of Waves
The Big Question: What are the properties of waves?
- What are Waves?
- Properties of Waves
- Interactions of Waves Diffraction grating Standing Wavesvideo StandingWavediagram_harmonics
The Big Question: What determines the pitch and loudness of sound?
- The Nature of Sound
- Properties of Sound
- Music
- Hearing Sound
- Uning Sound
Electromagnetic Waves
The Big Question: What kinds of waves make up the electromagnetic spectrum?
- The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves
- Waves of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Wireless Communication
The Big Question: How does light interact with matter?
- Light and Color
- Reflection and Mirros
- Refaction and Lenses
- Seeing Light
- Using Light
The Big Question: How does an electric circuit work?
- Electric Charge and Static Electricity
- Electric Current
- Electric Circuits
- Electric Power and Safety
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
The Big Question: How are electricity and magnetism related?
- What is Magnetism?
- Magnetic Fields
- Electromagnetic Force
- Electricity, Magnetism, and Motion
- Electricity From Magnetism